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This didn't happen recently, but I was reminded of it today.

As you know, I've lived in several apartments and a few houses.

This particular house was build for us by my mom's friend. It was located in the woods and was more so a cabin kind of thing. It was basically in the middle of nowhere, secluded except for my mom's friend, who lived way further down the path. And we had to get our water from a well.

Further on the path, there was a creek. Anytime it rained, the creek would overflow and it's a nightmare to even get the mail. For us this was basically just a vacation cabin, as we only stayed less than a month.

Now here's the experience.

Often times, my sister and I would throw our dolls into the creek (they were the bigger dolls, not the small Barbie dolls), then we'd grab them before they float too far. Well, one time my doll went too far.

It disappeared and a few days later, my half-brother somehow managed to find it (which doesn't make sense to me because it was in the creek and likely traveled far).

That night, apparently my sister (we shared a room) saw my doll from the creek being thrown at me from an unseen force.

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