[14] O.O.C IS A NO

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Do not ever write a character OOC

If you're wondering what OOC is, that means Out Of Character

You can't do that. It's wrong

It's like writing that Klaus abuses the people he compels. He was abused as a child and knows what it's like.

Don't write Damon as a completely perfect boyfriend and a softy. Damon isn't like that. He's rude, cocky, and arrogant. Damon isn't just gonna drop all of that because he's with your OC. That isn't how it works.

Bonnie isn't just gonna fall in love with your vampire OC within a second. You have to remember that there was a time where she hated all vampires. Think about her past and everything that has affected her and why she hated all vampires.

You gotta think this through.


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