✘ magdalena jasek

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name: magdalena jasek

age: 24

hair: red

eyes: green/gray

nationality: polish

zodiac: sagittarius

trivia: she's a proud redhead, and said that a designer asked her to cut it and she refused saying her self-confidence was important to her and that she wouldn't feel comfortable with it short. she said that if she could meet anyone in the world it would be her great-grandmother because " she was also a redhead, and when i was born, she hated herself because i was a redhead. she was like, redheaded people are always unhappy. that's what the old people thought. and before i became a model, she died. i wish she knew that, thanks to my hair, i am a model."

quote: "i was 14. i sent in my pictures to a polish magazine, because i thought, i want to see myself on the cover of a magazine. and there was no answer. after a few months, i sent in exactly the same pictures to the same magazine, and then they answered me, like; let's go for a shooting, let's do something. and after the shoot, the photographer had connections with an agency, and he sent in my pictures, and they got back to me and i signed a contract. maybe a month later, somebody stopped me in the supermarket asking, "do you want to be a model?" so, if i wouldn't have done it myself, it would have happened that way."

personal opinion: she is like a freaking queen in all of her photoshoots. her tag on tumblr is spectacular! and even without makeup she's great! honestly, i could see myself using her in the future. 


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