Ex boyfriend

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Maybell passed me walking to the kitchen, "Table 5, dear." She said and I nodded and made my way over there, it was just a single person. As I got closer, I noticed the blonde hair. Could it be? As I got to the table, my insides busted with excitement! "Taylor!" I say and she looks to her left and her jaw drops. 

"DaKota!" She beams and she stands up and we hug it out. I've missed her so much, she's my best friend. We've been friends since diapers, seriously, our moms are best friends, too. 

Taylor was a gorgeous girl, inside and out. She had blue eyes that sparkled all the time, she had perfect blonde hair, a bubbly personality, and a great smile. We had everything in common. We're basically sisters. 

"Here come to the counter so we can talk." I say and take her menu for her and place it on a spot with a stool under it. 

"I just came here to see if the rumors were true." She smiled at me. 

"So you're not going to order?" I joke with her and rolls her eyes at me. 

"I'll have a water because I have a lot to tell you about." She gives me a devil's grin and I smirk too, gossip time. 

"Okay, I'll just take my break now, since I wasn't really signed up to work." I said to her and walked away to go get her a glass of water. 

When I came back she was looking at her phone and texting, but she was smiling like an idiot. Could it be a boyfriend? "Who ya texting?" I ask her as I go across the counter from her on the other side. 

She looked up at me and blushed a little bit, "Beau." She sheepishly said and my jaw dropped.

"Are you guys dating?" I ask her, please say yes! Everyone knew Beau had a crush on Tay since we were in Elementary school. Tay just denied it because she thought it was crazy the most popular boy in school liked her. Beau is the star football and basketball player here, and he also does some rodeo. He also had a lot of good looks, and he was really nice. Overall, he was perfect for Taylor. I considered him more of my friend, because I knew of his crush with Tay. 

"Yeah." Really, that's all she gives me? I raise my eyebrows at her and she giggles. "Since last August." The thought of them together warms my heart. 

"I want details." I rest my elbows on the counter and place my head in my hands, and wait for her to begin what has happened these past two years. 


Tay was finally done spilling everything, man I missed a lot. A lot of party drama, rodeo drama, and relationship drama. I didn't like to be evolved in drama, but I sure did like hearing about it. Most of it was about Avery and her little group. 

Avery Johnson and I have never gotten along, and I would like to keep it like that. Avery is a spoiled little girl who has never worked a day for anything she "owns", and she acts like she's the biggest deal around. Not saying that I am, but seriously.

Avery jumps horses, and she bashes anyone who owns or lives on a ranch. I always try to be nice to her, but once she starts something, I'll try to match her. I usually win an argument because I am way smarter than her, and more witty and sarcastic. At the end of an argument she crosses her arms and stomps her foot and walks away. 

Two years ago she really hated my guts, because I was dating Mason Bishop. Mason wasn't a cowboy, but he tried to be one. That was only the really bad thing about Mason, he was sometimes fake around people. But when it was just us two, he was a really good guy. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the bells on the doors. I looked up from Taylor talking, and saw that it was the boy I met yesterday, Cooper Blackwood. I looked away before he could see me staring at him. Today he was wearing light blue jeans and a fitted black tee. His arms were very toned and very tan, and the t-shirt wasn't the only thing that fitted him in the right places. He went over to a table and started talking to Mr. Daniels. 

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