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I watched as Taylor pulled the shifter up and put the pickup into park and she unbuckled. However I didn't unbuckle, I was too busy thinking. I can trust her, I know I can trust her with my biggest secret, she is my best friend. "Tay wait.." I said as she put her hand on the door handle. 

"What is it?" She asked, noticing my facial expression. I turned my body towards her more and take a deep breath. 

"You can not tell anyone else this.. You got it? And so help me God if you do.." I warn her and she rolls her eyes. 

"Who am I going to tell?" She questions me. 

"Just pinky promise." I say and hold out my pinky. She wraps her pinky around mine and we both say, "Pow pow." What we've always said when we've made promises with each other. 

"Okay, spill." 

"I've been going out with Cooper Blackwood, and no one knows except for you, Cooper, and his mom." I say quickly and her jaw dropped but then she squealed with excitement and leaned over the center counsel and hugged me. 

"Oh my gosh!! You guys are perfect for each other! But why keep it a secret?" She asks me as she pulls back, relief coming off my shoulders. 

"Because my dad doesn't like him. Cooper even asked him permission to take me on a date, and my dad said no! Oh my gosh Tay I wish you were there, it was so romantic. Every cowgirl's dream." 

"Hell I'd do the same thing if I was you, that's too bad that your dad don't like him though. Is he a good kisser?" She asks me, getting off on the details of my secret relationship. 

"The best." I smile, remembering the way his lips felt on mine. "He's got this bad-boy reputation to him, but he's such a sweet and romantic guy. It's like he does everything right, he never stops amazing me. When I'm with him, I feel.. free.. He makes me feel like I'm on top of the world." I realize my rambling, but it feels good to have someone to talk to about this, not just my journal. 

"I'm happy for you, Kota. I'm glad you told me!" She said and we nodded at each other and then she slipped out of the truck. Before I did the same, I texted Cooper to let him know that Taylor knows, and then I slipped out of the pickup and followed Taylor to the market. 

Inspecting the vegetables, I was deciding if they were ripe enough to put in my basket. Taylor and I were the youngest people in the market, much older people surrounding us and helping us out. Normally, I would just go to my garden to get vegetables and my fruits, but the market has what we don't grow. 

I grabbed the ripest watermelons and placed them in my basket, full of other fruit and vegies for my mother. I looked at Taylor as her phone started to ring, and she looked at it and looked confused, "Don't know who it is." She said and then answered it, moving away to get some privacy from other ears. 

I looked down at my color-filled basket and decided I had everything I needed, so I went to the check out line. "That'll be $15.93." She smiled sweetly at me and then I handed her a 20 dollar bill, and then she returned me the four dollars and seven cents. By the time I had my groceries, Tay was returning from her phone call. 

She came up to me and grabbed me by the forearm and started to drag me back towards her pickup. "Where are we going? Don't you need yours?" I asked her, looking back at her basket, which others were already taking from. 

"No time for that, I've just been ordered to get you ready for a date." She said as we got into her pickup and closed our doors. A date? I didn't know I had a date with Cooper tonight, especially one that Taylor needed to help me prepare. 

"What kind of date is this?" I asked her, suddenly getting nervous as she starts driving. 

"I can not share that information, but I will tell you that it'll be the best night of your life." She smirked, okay, now I am really worried. 

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