Cat's Out of The Bag

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"So is this your Cabin?" I speak up after watching Cooper for a couple minuets. Cooper's head whips towards me and then he stands up to speak. 

"Uh yeah, my mom and I bought it when we first got here. We've only used it a couple of times though. I guess it was a good investment though." He says and then we both awkwardly laugh in the situation. "You call your parents?" He says, breaking the awkwardness. 


"How'd they feel about you staying the night with me?" He sadly snickers and it makes me feel blue inside. He returned his gaze on the crackling fire, he definitely looked conflicted about something.  

"Cooper don't be like that." I say in a pleading voice and he shakes his head. 

"There's a shower in that bedroom over there." He changed the subject and then walked away from the fire and then in front of me a few feet. "I think my cousin might of left some clothes here, but I'll show you to the master room." He said and then turned and walked down the hallway with me following him. Man, did I hate wet jeans, but on Cooper, they shaped him so well. 

Cooper walked into a room and I was pleased with it. It had a king sized bed, it's own bathroom, and a small see-through-door to outside that had a view of the barn and more, it was perfect. "I'll be right back with the clothes." He said and then left me alone in the room. 

While he was gone I busied myself with looking at the rustic decorations. Mustang drawings on the wall, along with other nature pictures. I found myself staring at the pictures of the lone wolf peaking behind a tree, it reminded me a lot of Luca. Luca was one of the wolf pups in the den of the night when I first became the Wolf Girl. Luca was a wolf you wouldn't forget. He was a black wolf with a very unique dark marking. The markings were like claw marks down his face, but they weren't battle scars, he had them ever since he was a pup. "These should fit you." Cooper's voice startled me and I looked at the clothes he had in his hands. 

"Thanks Cooper." I say sincerely and he just nods. 

"Everything you need should be in there. If you need anything when you're done I'll probably be in the living room. It's an one room cabin, so yeah." He says and then leaves, and I actually giggle at him, he was being shy, it was funny. 


I stepped out of the bathroom and felt very refreshed. Thankfully during my shower, my bra and underwear had dried above the heated vent. The clothes that Cooper gave me where a baggy white gray shirt, and some running shorts, they were a little loose, but it was comfortable after being in drenched clothes. 

I walked into the living room, where Cooper sat on the couch looking into the fire. "Um, where should I put my clothes?" I ask him and again he stands up right away and walks over to me. 

"I'll take them, I just put my clothes in the washer." He said and then I looked him up and down. He was wearing baggy gray sweats and a navy blue shirt that the sleeves were cut off, and his hair was still wet from his shower. 

"You do laundry?" I chuckle at him and he blushes a bit as he nods and takes my clothes from me. "My brother doesn't even do laundry, he has one thing coming for him living with Ashley."

"Single mom I guess." He says again being shy, why was he acting so weird tonight? 

I shrugged it off and decided to go sit in front of the fire, Cooper did a good job starting it and keeping it alive. The fire felt great against my skin, and it smelt great too. I brought my knees to my chest and turned my head to the left and took a deep breath as I heard the thunder from the storm. Storms always gave me bad flashbacks from the most frighting night of my life. 

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