The Speech

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Three of us were smooched together on Taylor's queen sized bed, and the other three were on an air mattress we managed to blow up last night. Oh boy last night.. We had Taylor's bachelorette party last night, and I can't say that we didn't have any fun, because we did. And if there were such a thing of having too much fun, we achieved it.  

First we started by getting nails and toenails done, and then we went on a way too competitive scavenger hunt around the town. The scavenger hunt was based mostly about who knew Beau and Taylor the most. My team obviously won, because I am Taylor's best friend and we tell each other everything. The thing about the scavenger hunt is that when you found another clue, you had to chug a glass of champagne to find out the next one. 

When we won, we got to choose what bar we wanted to go. My team obviously chose Reza's so we could dance and act as crazy as we wanted to. We walked into the bar, already buzzed from the champagne. To say the least, we were the life of the party at the bar. We were loud, carefree, and buzzed on beer and life. We ruled the dance floor, and danced with random strangers, having the time of our lives. 

Then someone recognized me as the "hottie that danced on the bar" and then we had to hold up my new reputation. All six of us got up on the bar and danced for hours. It was a real life Coyote Ugly scene. We stayed there until 3:30 in the morning, it was the funnest thing I did in a while. I felt alive and I forgot about everything going on in my life. It was just me and my best friends, and I felt unstoppable. 

It was fun and games, but I now have a minor hangover. I looked at Taylor's room and it was trashed with our clothes and our party slashes and party favors. I groaned as I realized that I should probably pick it up before we have to leave. I slowly rolled out of bed, careful not to wake up Taylor and Ashley. I smiled to myself as I saw that Taylor still had on her diamond encrusted crown for being the bride-to-be. 

Grabbing my phone I walked out of the room to find a garbage bag to clean up the mess. I looked at the time and it was 11 o'clock, I haven't slept in that long since I was 13, it felt amazing. Excluding my headache from last night. 

"Oh my God." Taylor frustratingly breathed out as she was looking down at her phone, "You have got to be shitting me." She slapped her hand on her forehead and then fell back on her freshly made bed. 

"What happened?" Jessica asks, as we all gather around the bed waiting for Taylor to explain the crisis. 

"Alex said he has the flu and says he can't make it." Alex is one of the groomsmen, he was suppose to walk with Bailey. 

"So what does that mean?" Molly asks as she sits on the edge of the bed. 

"That means that Beau has to find whoever has a tux and who is available today." She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. 

"Taylor don't worry about it, he'll find someone. And if not, a lucky groomsmen gets to walk the aisle with a girl on each hand." I try to cheer her up, but I know she'll be stressing over it until she knows it is actually okay. I would ask Ryder to fill in, but I don't think him and Beau are that close to be in their wedding. Speaking of Ryder, I should see if he would be kind enough to bring us coffee, I think we could all use it considering last night. 

"Yeah, everything will work out. Now don't stress, we don't your flawless skin to suddenly break out." Molly says, making us laugh. 


"Here you ladies go." He says as he hands out the cups of coffee to the correct girl. He reaches me and hands me mine, "And a venti iced caramel macchiato, with extra caramel." He said and winked at me, remembering that I liked extra caramel in my drink. 

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