The Picture

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"HAPPY TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY!!!" I heard every member of my family's voice as they barged into my room, while I was still asleep. I rolled over and sat up with a grateful and happy smile. My mom as carrying a tray in her hands, an annual birthday breakfast in bed. When it was someone's birthday, we all helped out to make their breakfast and then bring it to their bedroom. 

"Thanks you guys." I say with a small yawn because I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, thanks to another night terror. I couldn't believe I was already 20 years old, man life is crazy. It just feels like yesterday that I came back from Bismarck, and I wish it was. 

My mom sat at edge of my messy bed and smiled at me, "I know you said not to throw you a party, but we decided to anyways." My mom says to me and I knew by the tone of her voice that it wasn't up for debate. 

"Well thank you, what time is it?" I ask as I take a bite out of my perfectly golden toast. I hated if my toast was burnt, even a little bit of deep brown I still wouldn't eat it. So I'm glad they made it perfectly. 

"Its at seven at the diner, I invited everyone to come." 

"Okay, thanks again for this." I say and look at my beautiful family members. 

"Little sis, I have somewhere to take you after you get ready." Oh man that made me worried, where in the world could be taking me? 

Caleb and I have been driving around for about twenty minuets and he hasn't told me a word about what we are currently doing. We aren't in the city or in another. We're just driving around in the country. Right now I'm just trying to respond to these happy birthday texts and messages on Facebook. 

"Caleb what are we doing?" I finally asked him, getting tired of the unknown.

"Oh settle it down, we're here now." He said as he took a right turn and down a little road. I looked at where we was looking. It was an flat and open piece of land. Caleb got out and I followed him. As I looked more, I looked how long it went on. Further from the piece of land, I could see there was river covered by a couple miles of trees and then some mountainous areas behind that. 

"Is this where you plan to hide a dead body? Don't tell me Edward Andrews' body is in the box of your pickup." I groan because it's very possible there could be. Edward Andrews was Caleb's arch rival since high school. I really have no idea why, but they have always had it out for each other. 

"No there's not a dead body in there!" He rolls his eyes at me, "But what do you think of it." He says and then tips his head towards the land. 

"It's very beautiful and secluded." I say looking at the great view. 

"Good enough to raise a family?" 

I snapped my head towards him, was he thinking about living here with his little family? "Are you thinking about buying it?!" 

"I already made an offer, but Ash doesn't know, so you can't tell her. But can't you see it little sis? I'll put the house over here, a two story barn right there, an arena right next to it, a couple of quonsets further back, and a few horses roaming around?" 

I could see how passionate it was about it, and I could see those things he mentioned. I looked at my brother proudly and smiled, "Ashley's going to love it."

Caleb came over to me and wrapped me in a tight bear hug and lifted me off the ground, "I'm so excited lil' sis! I can't wait to surprise her! Thanks for your help sis, and happy birthday, your gift's in the back." 

I ran back to his pickup and opened the back door and grabbed the gift bag, filled with wrapping paper. I pulled the tissue paper out the of the bag and dug inside for my gift, once I felt it I recognized it as some type of metal. Once I lifted it out of the bag my jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful piece of jewelry, a natural turquoise sterling silver arm cuff. "Oh my Caleb, thank you so much." 

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