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Dylans's POV

I asked Michael to give me a lift to the hospital, so arriving I had no idea what was going on until I saw my dad in the waiting room.

"What's going on dad? Where's mom?" I asked in such hurry because I was panicking so much that my whole body was shaking.

He took a deep breath in and said, "Calm down, relax it's not that bad, me and your mom had a little argument and... she uh fainted".

I gasp, "what?! She fainted because of your stupid arguments and you're telling me it's not that bad, to fucking relax?!" I started to raise my voice at him because my heart was racing and I could barely hear myself.

The doctor came out of her room with the results in his hand, "Are you the Cooper family?" He queried and we just nodded along waiting for him to speak, "Mrs Cooper had a mild heart attack, she's doing great now, she just needs to relax"

I run my hands through my hair in annoyance and exhale a deep breath out, "Can I see her?" I ask in hope that he'll say yes.

The doctor nods and lets me inside her room. She's still sleeping. Loads of wires are being attached to her. It's not the most pleasant thing to see, seeing your mom suffer makes you suffer inside even more.

After an hour of just sitting there watching her sleep, I decide to walk home, since she's not waking up and I need to get some rest after all as well, I'll come and see her in the morning tomorrow. But there's no way I'm stepping into his car.

After I get home, I flop onto my bed and get a text. It's Michael, asking what happened and if everything is alright. I'm not in the mood for explanations so I just lock my phone and set it on my little night stand besides me.

* * *

I wake up at 8am, surprisingly I was able to able to fall asleep yesterday. Time to go to the hospital and visit mom. As I was leaving the hospital yesterday, the doctor mentioned that she should be okay to go home in the morning, so it should be fine.

"You know, you can still go to school sweety" she tells me not to worry about her. I still do though.

"I know, I just don't want to. I'd rather stay with you today" I admit making her feel better.

"Okay whatever you say Dylan, but you're going to school tomorrow and no excuses. I don't need supervision" she lets me off this time.

"Alright, I promise" I reply as I'm pushing the wheel chair towards the cab that I called.

I spent an entire day cooking and even cleaning because I didn't want mom touching anything in this house. She had to relax as the doctor said, so what am I here for?


I walked towards my locker to put my books away and from the corner of my eye I see Melanie walking towards me, "hey, what happened yesterday? You didn't show up" she asks me with a smile on her face again and a baby blue headband in her long chocolate brown hair.

"Family things. I'll be there tonight" I smile back.

She looks at me as if she thinks I'm lying, "wanna bet?" I smirk

"Oh I believe you" she giggles a bit, "hope you're excited to learn the whole periodic table" she adds on as she's walking away from me, making me close my eyes and sigh from just thinking about that topic.

"Delighted" I sarcastically say and shoot a grin.

The boys then see me so they come join me at my locker. "Coming to play some football?" One of the twins asks me.

Nerdy Girl Is Not So Nerdy [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now