BONUS - Prom (pt 2)

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Thank god he saved me because that would have not ended well, she really knows how to piss someone off. "What happened to cotton candy?" Eve asks me, swaying with me from side to side.

"Just talked about Alex... and Melanie. And me. And her." I sigh.

"You gotta show her who's the boss, dude!" she slaps my shoulder making me slightly scared, this girl is crazy. "Erm, I think the question here is how?" I ask in response.

"You have the prettiest girlfriend in this building, I think that speaks for everything." she says in a duh tone and I automatically smirk knowing exactly what she's thinking about.

"Wait. So do I just kiss her in front of Tasha to show her I don't give a shit anymore? because that sounds too easy" I want to clarify for myself but she shakes her head instead and now I don't understand anything.

"No. Because knowing Tasha and the type of girl she is, she's just gonna assume you're trying to make her jealous, so I suggest, you don't even look at her a single time, always look at Melanie, laugh with her and then take her home, which I hope you were gonna do anyway"

"Oh, so basically stuff that I'd do even if Tasha wasn't here." I say.

"Yeah exactly. The point here is not to act but to be normal. Or..." she starts off but pauses really longingly making me desperate for an answer, "Or what?"

"Or you can tell Melanie to talk to her. Trust me she will when we both tell her to, especially if I tell her" she says with a smirk plastered on her face. The song finishes and everyone starts clapping, "But do whatever you want to, I'm not really the one to tell you what to do" she laughs as Michael takes her by her hand and leads her out of the building, "Sorry dude, we gots to go" he says smirking at me.

"Why outside?" I smile, knowing the answer already but I want to be a jerk and embarrass her. As soon as I ask the question Michael turns around to me, miming french kissing and when Eve catches him, she slaps his shoulder almost instantly, "Jerk!" she laughs.

I make my way towards the table and sitting down besides Melanie again, "Who knew I'd date the prom king?" she rhetorically asks making me smile. I take the crown off of my head and place it on hers, "Who knew I'd be dating a prom queen?" I cheesily ask making her roll her eyes.

I slip my hand into hers under the table, I smile at her and drag her away from the table and everyone else. The rest of the table carrying on with their conversations, laughing and enjoying the moment. "Where we going?" she asks as she follows close by.

"Surprise." I tell her and she sighs, "Oh not another one" I laugh to her statement. We walk to the back of the museum, walking into a long corridor "Are you sure we can be here?" she asks again. "I'm pretty sure we're not but where would the fun in that be if we were?" she shakes her head but smiles, once we reach the end of the long corridor, we see big spiral stairs so I grab Mel's hand, leading her up.

"Do you even know where you're going?" she asks a little afraid we might get caught. I don't even know where I'm going to be honest, "Nope." I answer. "Great so we're going on a prom treasure hunt adventure to neverland, ready to get caught by a security guard like last time, except this time I'm probably gonna hit you with my purse and say it was your idea." she adds on making me laugh.

"It's not funny Dylan, we might not find a way back!" she raises her voice but only a little because there's still a hint of fear in her voice. "We're only going forwards, I think we'll manage to find that back. Stop being a lame ass and just follow me" I say extending her a hand out as we continue on the spiral stairs.

"Stop being a dickhead and lets go back-" she comebacks in a louder voice as I swiftly grab her by the wrist and press her against the wall, my hand on her mouth for her to not speak. "What was that for?" she whispers this time, I just point at the security guard walking on the top floor where we're about to go on.

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