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I hate that I haven't figured out earlier that Tasha was working with Tom on separating me and Melanie from each other this whole time. It makes me feel like an utter idiot now. God, I should have known she's trouble, I should have known she was crazy the first time I tried leaving her.

Of course she would have done something stupid like that, if it meant I'd be all hers, even if it meant beating my ass up by three or four guys because you know, why should she care about my feelings and my physical pain when she's my 'only true love'.

I don't even know if me and Melanie are gonna last, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it last for as long as possible. With her I have something I never had before, I'm really happy for once and I don't really care about others, like my mum being with dad for instance, back then I would have had her on my mind the whole time, but now I really don't care. As cruel as that sounds, it's true. Not that I don't care, but it's just the fact that I know she's happy with him and I for once care about my happiness now.

Around her, I can truly be myself, I don't need to hide anything and it feels absolutely normal, now she made me realise I can do whatever I want and it's not up to anyone else to decide for me, that if my friends don't like my decision they can fuck off.

She makes me feel like no-one ever did before, she made me change a lot. Before knowing her, I was all trouble, all this and that, too full of myself, but I realised that's not the way to go, criticising all the different people, all the 'nerds' as I used to call them. When in reality they're just like me, if anything, I'm more of a nerd than they are. They're just smart people with high targets and goals.

All this time with Melanie I've realised one thing; everyone has an inner nerd. Everyone is a nerd in my opinion, everyone is just a nerd at different things, me for example: I'm a nerd for football... and Melanie... Awkwaaard... and cheesy.

Melanie is a nerd for her DC and Marvel stuff, which is cool and I love her for it because we have that in common. Other people like Johnny are nerds for comedy films, Josh is a nerd for technology... and then there's people like Tasha who are nerds for sleeping with people, but that's okay, we won't judge. Jk, we're soooo judging her right now.

See everyone has their inner nerd, whether it's an obsession for reading, cars, technology, make-up or some Harry Potter shit I don't know, but we all have one.

With anger rushing in my veins, I take off to the canteen finding Tasha with her best friend Gigi sitting next to Alex. I stop before them and bang my hands on the table that Tasha is sitting on, while from the corner of my eyes I see all heads turn towards the drama.

"What the fuck are you playing at Tasha, hm!" I shout in her face, my heart banging against my chest, when suddenly someone pulls me away making me stumble backwards. I turn around to see Alex, "Calm down man" he says, "Tell her to calm to fuck down! She's the one who got me angry in the first place!" I shout once more, pointing my finger at Tasha who has a smile on her face and she seems unusually calm for some strange reason.

"I don't know what he's talking about" she innocently says as she dashes her white teeth at me, "Stop playing innocent and just own up to your shit!" I spit back turning away from Alex and escaping his grip.

"What shit? I don't know what you're talking about!" she shouts back this time making more heads turn our way. 

"Stop acting like you don't know anything. I know it was you who told those guys to beat me up because you didn't want to see me with Melanie. You were so desperate to have me back that you had to set up an attack" I say in a calmer voice but rage is still building up inside me.

"I wouldn't have done any of those things if you could just be with me" she confessed while standing up to come eye to eye with me.

"Don't you get it? I'll never be with you, EVER!" I roar back at her letting all the anger out.

Nerdy Girl Is Not So Nerdy [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now