BONUS - Big game (part 1)

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Errm, okay what the fuck just happened?? I can't thank you guys enough xxxxxxxx

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Errm, okay what the fuck just happened?? I can't thank you guys enough xxxxxxxx

1 week earlier

After checking the mail, my face lightens up ten times more than it already has. I just got my report card and not to brag, I did fucking amazing. Without hesitation, I go straight down to Melanie's wanting to shove it into her face. I open the door without knocking, going straight to the kitchen where I see Melanie making herself a sandwich, her mom watering her plants and her dad at the table reading magazines, eating chocolate muffin's with what I assume is a hot chocolate because he usually does have a hot chocolate somewhere around.

I look at the table and see more muffin's, cookies and some waffles on his white plate, he really does like his sweet stuff.

"Morning Mr. Rivers" I loudly greet him as soon as I get closer to the kitchen counter, "Mrs. Rivers" I send her a light nod, getting a smile in return.

"Guess what I got in the mail?" I proudly ask her, a smirk playing at the corners of my mouth.

"Report card, I know Dylan. It might be a shock to you but everyone got them" she says in one of her matter-of-fact voices that I hate. Like I know she's clever, but she doesn't need to rub it in my face.

"You're so funny Melanie, I almost got a heart attack from laughing" I over exaggerate a very loud laugh, putting my hand on my chest just to be a sarcastic jerk.

She snaps the paper out of my hand, her eyes scanning it, when suddenly her eyes widen in surprise, "I know, I got a B in both Science and Maths-" I cock both of my eyebrows at her, but I get interrupted by her, "You got an A* in physical education?" she shouts her statement out, her mouth falling to the ground.

"That's why you're so surprised? I just got a fucking - I mean, awesome - B in Maths and you're looking at my p.e. grade?" I correct my language when Melanie's dad looks at me. I can't believe that I not only passed but managed to get a B in maths, wow.

"Yeah because I only got a B. I didn't get a B since third grade" she complains and I mouth a wow to myself which she catches, "I knoooooow" she whines.

"I meant wow as in, wow you're not even proud of me for passing" I clear out, "Well done Dylan, I see these lessons of Melanie's really paid off" her mother compliments me.

"Thank you. At least someone's proud of me" I nonchalantly say.

"I am proud of you Dylan, very." she walks around the counter, coming closer to me while standing on the tip of her toes, to reach my level and pecks my lips a smirk automatically forming on my face.

"Hey, you take that outside!" her dad catches her kissing me and decides to yell at me, "It wasn't me Mr. Rivers" I put my hands up in surrender then pointing at Melanie as a smirk forms on her face. Now that is something that very rarely happens.

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