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I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas, now all that's left is a wonderful new years eve, so good luck with that ;) Thank yo so much for 3K reads, I appreciate it so much, like honestly whaaaaat??? why do people even read this book? Thanks so much for your support, for voting and commenting. I love every single one of you to the moon and back... and sorry for not updating lately, I'll try my best to update as much as I can after new year, anyway hope you like this short chapter <3 <3 xxoxox

I arrive home and from the corner of my eyes I see my dad curled up on our sofa with my mum next to him, probably watching something on the tv. I don't understand how they could have moved on so quickly, especially after what he's done. She acted as if she never wants to see him again and as soon as he called her she was out of her mind and welcomed him right back.

Without wanting to look at them any longer, I quickly take my shoes off with my feet and throw them into the corner as I make my way up the stairs. "Honey are you home?" I hear my mum from the living room, I stop halfway on the stairs and sigh whilst rolling my eyes, "Mhm" is all I manage to say. "Dylan sweety, can we talk to you for a minute?" my mum asks so nicely and politely, that even with anger rushing in my veins I can't say no.

I start walking down the stairs again and enter the living room, meeting eye to eye with my dad. My mom motions for me to sit down next to her, so I do, at least I'm not sitting next to him. As I sit down I see worry in her eyes, making me tense up and prepare myself to listen carefully because somehow I feel like this is going to be very serious. She takes a deep breath in and my dad squeezes her hand tighter, she turns around to me and blinks a couple of times.

"Mom, what is it? You're actually scaring me" I say with a shaky voice, only realising it it afterwards. A small smile finds a way to her face, only making me more tense because I want her to just blurt out whatever it is that she wants to say, so I fake a small smile as well wanting her to carry on as fast as possible. I'm a very impatient person and hate serious moments like this, by any time now I'd usually laugh because I can't stay serious in serious moments like this one, but this time I'm just really scared and she hasn't even hinted what's going on yet.

"You sure you want to tell me?" I try and encourage her to start talking but only if she's comfortable with telling me, I have no idea what this is about but she's certainly acting very weird. "Just tell him already Liz" my dad speaks up this time, both of them have big wide smiles plastered on their faces, "Tell me what?" I blurt out being impatient.

"Okay... I'm pregnant" she squeals out. "That's right, you're going to have a baby sister... or brother, we don't really know yet" she then carries on, probably because she saw my face which is in utter shock. Usually I'd have at least a million things running in my mind right now, but in reality I can't even process what has just been said to me.

"Wow, erm... that's great mum, congratulations... to both of you" I hope that didn't sound as fake as I meant it. I'm just really shocked about this news, I was ready for 'dad is moving back' or something like that, not 'I'm pregnant'. "Are you okay, Dylan?" she asks, she's my mother she knows when something's up.

"Erm yeah, no I'm fine. It's uh just a lot to process, that's all. But I'm still very happy for you mom... and for you dad, you both deserve to be happy" I say, this time actually meaning it, but still choking on my words. "We all deserve to be happy" dad corrects me and I just nod my head, not knowing what else to say.

"I understand if all of this is quick for you" she puts her hand on my knee showing sympathy and then continues to speak "but I just didn't want to keep it a secret from you, better tell you sooner than later" I just nod, giving her a kiss on the cheek, starting to make my way to my bedroom. I absolutely understand where she's coming from and I'm glad she told me now, because I've had enough of people doing stuff behind my back.


"Welcome back Dylan, you're getting back into the game" Mrs. Green mentioned when she looked into my textbook over my shoulder, "Yeah, well I've got a good tutor that's keeping me on track" I respond. I've been meeting Melanie at hers again, you know going back to studying because it's spring already and exams, prom and summer is almost here. Which remind me, I haven't asked Melanie to come to prom with me yet.

I know I should be confident in asking her out because if she somehow says no, I've got girls lined up waiting for me to ask them but, it's the fact that I don't want to go with anyone else other than her. Oh how much has changed over the past 6 months or so, I would have never thought that I'd get over Tasha, never thought I'll start hanging out with the nerd squad, never thought that I'd like Melanie one day, never thought that Michael would someday have a crush on Melanie's cousin and even Josh likes Alicia, one of the biggest nerds in this school. Plus I'm so close to getting a scholarship and all thanks to Melanie and her study lessons, I'm even better at playing football, my tactics changed so much and that's all thanks to the boys and wanting to practise.

When suddenly the school bell starts ringing, everyone starts packing their desks up. Heading into the canteen, I spot a very familiar guy that I've been thinking about a lot lately. "Hey, you!" I point at the guy in a thick leather jacket and start walking up to him, picking my pace up. While his other three friends start running off, I lunge forwards and grab him by his collars of his jacket while backing him up against the cold wall, adding pressure to his neck when I let go of his collars and decide to grab him by his neck instead.

He's a really big guy, I must admit, so doing this I can get myself probably killed but I need to know what his problem is. "Last time I saw you, you told me to stay away from Melanie, why?" I ask being inches away from his face making sure no one else around us is listening, when suddenly I see people ganging around us, creating a small circle while chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I'm defo being murdered right now. "Look it wasn't personal!" he shouts into my face taking me back by surprise when he grabs me by my neck as well and backs me into the wall. We just switched positions completely, "Then why did you tell me to stay away from Melanie?!" I shout back, "I'm telling you, it was nothing personal! I only did it for the cash" what cash? "Who paid you?" I ask him more calmly this time, because a few people who are suspicious pop up in my head.

He lets go of his grip and out of nowhere I hear the people sadly moan, wanting us to carry on fighting to entertain them. After a few seconds pass the corridor clears away, leaving only us two alone. "I don't know, some blonde girl, claims she went out with you and this other posh dude" he calmly replies. "The dude, was he wearing bow ties?" I ask knowing exactly who he's talking about. I should have known. He just nods his head and without me noticing he leaves the corridor making me run my hands through my hair in annoyance.

Tasha and Tom. I should have known.


Dani xoox

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