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Dylan's POV

I'll see you on Monday? 

Yeah, for sure. Goodnight Melanie.

This last conversation keeps echoing inside my head.

It's been a week since I last saw Melanie. I thought I'd give the whole studying thing a break for a bit and focus on my football skills and the boys again. I sometimes see her in school just passing by the locker corridor, sometimes alone and sometimes with her friend, sometimes with Tom. Can't stand that guy. Makes me cringe just trying to get his name out and he pisses me off even more when he's around her.

But I can't exactly go up to him and say 'Yo Tom back off, I don't like you hanging around Mel' can I? He'd be like 'What's that up to you? You're not her father'. I mentally puke. And as a matter of fact, he's right, who am I to tell her who to be or not be friends with, she clearly pointed out that she's just my study tutor and nothing more. I just don't know why it bothers me so much seeing them together.

I mean, sure, we text like all the time, but it's still not the same as talking to her in person. I told her about wanting a bit of a break and as soon as I'm up to date with the boys, I can get back to studying with her. I can't believe how okay she was with it. 

I must admit I miss her already. I miss her weirdness and insults, her brutal honesty and bluntness.

I get into Michael's car to get a lift home like always. It's the end of the school day and I'm tired as can be so am pretty happy to just go home and take a nap. Our car journey is really silent since the other boys decided to go out for a drink, it's Friday so no surprise.


My phone buzzes in my hand and a smile automatically makes its way onto my face as I start replying.

Me: oh yea? What? and why are you screaming? haha           

Mel: Umm idk I guess I just like to scream

Me: Good to know. Is that like always or only at night time when you're thinking of me?        


Me: Is that what you scream when you're about to climax?


Me: Your just digging yourself deeper and deeper hahahah        

Mel: You're* 

Me: Okay no need to correct me lol        

Me: I'll stop, I promise lol ;) what was the thing that reminded you of me then?         

Mel: Well I don't want to tell you any more

I like this little inside joke we have going on. I've been teasing her non-stop since the moment she told me she's never had a boyfriend before and she's still a virgin. God she's so innocent, it's so funny to just watch her cheeks redden.

As we were texting I kinda forgot where I am and that I'm in the car with Michael, he saw me smiling at my phone and he's now shaking his head, "It's that girl again, right?" he proceeds to say.

I know I should have probably just came out clean to him and said, I'm failing my subjects and they're banning me from playing football if I don't turn my grades 180 degrees, but I don't know, for some reason I couldn't. I just kept thinking, he's going to think I'm an imbecile and I don't want to come across like that to him.

"What? What girl?" I try to hide my smile.

"The nerd you went to the cinema w-"

"Hey, she has a name alright?!" I snapped.

He put his arms up in surrender letting the steering wheel free, "Okay sorry, I didn't know she meant so much to you," he says in a softer voice which is even more annoying because I know he's being sarcastic.

"She doesn't-"

"Then why the fuck are you wasting your time with her? Did you get bored of Tasha, so you moved on to wanting to fuck nerds instead? Is that it?" His words ad tone surprise me and I tense up.

"Stop the car." I sternly command. He doesn't. "Stop the fucking car, Michael! I don't need your pity ride home or the judgemental looks you're giving me." 

The car stops and I see his head fall back, hitting the cushion behind him, probably regretting the way he spoke to me.

"Next time watch how you speak to me if you still want to be my friend." I huff as soon as I got out of his car, then slammed the door shut, not letting him buzz in another word.

I get inside my house and hear my mom singing in the kitchen so I leave her to it without greeting her and head straight upstairs to my bedroom. I take my shirt off, throw in on the floor and flop onto my bed. Nap time.

I've have enough shit to deal with as it is. Now Michael just wants to add to that by acting like a dick.

My father has a lot of shit to say about me studying with Mel, he has a lot of shit to say regardless of what I do, doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, sometimes I just feel like he hates me for being born.

I remember one time he told me he fucked his life by having me.

And I understood exactly what he meant.

My mom and him were high school sweethearts, they went to college together, then had me accidentally. By having me she didn't graduate from college. He did but as soon as he did, they moved here. It was my mother's wish to come back to the city they fell in love with, but I know he hates it here.

He's been trying to move elsewhere since I can remember, but my mom doesn't want to do that, she loves it here, so instead, he takes it out all on me. I'm the reason for making his life sad and miserable.

Thank God they're getting a divorce.

Just as I'm about to close my eyes my phone starts ringing, so I look over to my side at a white night stand where my phone lies and I see an incoming call from Melanie, I decide to ignore it and let it ring until it stops. I'm way too tired for talking to anyone at the moment.

I get a text after the phone stops ringing, I look above the night stand to read the message. It's Michael apologising. 

Michael: I was a dick earlier. I shouldn't have spoke to you like that. I'm sorry. We good?

Come and say it to my face, prick.

Nerdy Girl Is Not So Nerdy [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now