Chapter 3

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Prince Nuada Silverlance, his white blond hair blowing in the wind looked over the twinkling New York city. Tonight, his thoughts were focussed on his first step towards his life's mission of commanding the Golden Army.

Wink had procured two chests full of hungry tooth-faeries. Tomorrow, he would launch his first attack on the humans and initiate the war he had planned for over a thousand years. He would finally hold his piece of the golden crown that was given by his father to the marauding horde of human pests.

He was suddenly broken from his thoughts by the screams of a woman and shouts and jeers of half a dozen men. It took him no more than a few moments to realise what this meant. It was almost a common occurrence in this filth-ridden city of the humans. He jumped down the lower roofs of the buildings towards the commotion. He always relished opportunities to engage with these pitiful and empty humans and reduce them to bits and pieces with swipes of his spear.

As he perched from the roof of a burger house, he noticed that someone had reached the scene before him. It looked like a woman in a long coat speaking to the five men in the alley. Two of the men were holding a struggling young woman who looked about sixteen in human years. She looked badly beaten and there were several cuts and scrapes over her face and arms.

"Let that girl go right now!" screamed the woman in the coat.

It was a rare sight for the prince to see one of those empty-hearted humans standing up for one of their kind. He decided to watch the outcome. Entertainment was rare in exile when the only company one had was a troll.

"Wanna play with us honey?" one of the drunken men jeered at her.

"Wait your turn sweetheart!"another laughed.

The girl in their hold cried and pleaded to be helped. One of the men holding her slapped her hard and shouted, "Shut up already, bitch!"

Nuada saw the woman approach the men and for a moment she stood directly under the street light. He saw that she was young herself, no more than 25 in human years. She was tall and had long, dark, wavy hair. There was nothing special about her, yet he felt himself looking on the scene.

She kept walking towards the men and three of them came up to meet her. She dropped her satchel and pulled her scarf out. Before, the drunk men realised what she was about to do, she had hurled herself at them and quickly took them out. It wasn't too hard as the men were too drunk to stand after she kicked them hard in the gut. The remaining two men threw the girl away and stepped towards the woman in the coat. One of them took out a knife and attacked her. She was fast enough to block the attack and twisted his hands and made him drop the knife. She hit him hard behind his neck and he dropped, unconscious. The last remaining man took one long look at her. There was something about the way her hard jewel-like eyes glowed as she glared at him. In his drunken haze, he thought he was looking at glowing emeralds. He tripped backwards and ran away.

The woman took out a device and spoke into it. It was one of those gadgets that Nuada had seen the humans speak into. After a few minutes of speaking into it, she flicked the device and put it back in her coat pocket. She slowly made her way to the girl who sat on the ground, shaking and crying. She put her arm around the girl and spoke to her in a soothing voice. The girl trembled and tears kept pouring silently. "It's going to be ok. You are safe now".

Nuada was about to turn away and leave the scene. He had missed out on finishing those scoundrels and there was no point in lingering on the scene anymore. He did not really care to see if the human female survived her ordeal. He suddenly stopped dead and listened closely. The woman was rubbing the girl's back and softly singing to her. In Elvish! The tune was very familiar. Nuada stared in disbelief. A second later, the woman got up and walked towards the shadows and knelt on the ground. Nuada could not see what she was doing. After a minute or two, the woman returned with a small dandelion blossom and put it in the young girl's hand.

"How did she spot a small blossom in the darkness? And why is a summer flower still in bloom in the middle of January?" Nuada thought.

She spoke again and this time the girl calmed down and looked at the blossom in her hand and then towards her saviour's face. There was a look of gentleness on her face that calmed the girl. The strangely large green eyes held warmth and the young girl found herself leaning and holding on to her and buried her face in the woman's shoulder.

Nuada was about to jump on the pavement and take a closer look at the strange woman. She had seemed human but no human, in this day and age could sing Elvish nursery songs. At the same time, two cop cars came screeching towards the women bathing them in light. Nuada retreated up on the higher roof tops. He watched an ambulance come up next. Blue uniformed men came out and took the young girl away. He could not hear but it seemed the woman was explaining to the two human policemen about what had happened. Nuada waited for the humans to leave so that he could take a closer look at the woman. However, one of the blue uniformed men came up to her and led her away to the ambulance. After half an hour, one of the policemen guided her to one of their cars. Nuada watched the car drive away into the distance.

Nuada was deep in thought. At one point, he even considered pursuing the police vehicle. But he stopped himself. He would not allow himself to be distracted by a human woman who could seemingly speak Elvish. He had to focus on his plans for tomorrow of attaining the third crown piece. With one final look at the car speeding away in the distance, Nuada made his way to his underground sanctuary.


Author's note:

In my story, I will be using ancient Gaelic and Elvish interchangeably. They mean one and the same in this context.

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