Chapter 38

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In a menacing mood, Hellboy paced beside the fireplace of the BPRD library. The rest of the agents present, including Director Tom Manning, had huddled by the door, keeping their distance from the angry demon-man. Liz and Abraham, seated at a small table away from the group, would every now and then break out in a fit of hisses. Their whispered arguments grated on Hellboy's nerves until he finally exploded.

"Will you two stop that?!"

Liz ignored him and held a chilly stare on Abraham.

"Sorry, Red," Abraham apologised.

"Are you sure the royal pricks will be coming here to meet us?" Hellboy fumed.

"Yes!" Abe's exasperation peaked. "The little wartcap gave me the message. It's almost time for their arrival."

Hellboy resumed pacing, but quit when he heard a sudden collective gasp of surprise. Turning to the sound, he saw that the royal elf siblings were back. He cursed silently before proceeding to meet them. He noted how Nuala was keeping a firm grip on her brother's arm. Nuada's rage was roiling off him in waves, unnerving the agent team.

"Director Manning," she began, "we are all in grave peril."

Before Manning could reply, Hellboy cut in, "All thanks to Prince Butthead."

"You will address me with respect, Demon," Nuada growled.

Tom Manning asserted himself. "What were you saying, Princess Nuala?"

"Sreng stole the first two crown pieces from my brother, as soon as he had been brought to your headquarters. He stole the third piece from me while I lay unconscious. He replaced it with a useless replica, and I became aware of this only when Mage Kalidren requested me to show it to him. Sreng now holds all three pieces."

"Wait, so you mean to say that this imposter...this Sreng character, can now activate the Golden Army?"

"Yes," Nuala confirmed.

"But-but- I thought you wanted to use the Golden Army," Manning stammered at the prince.

Nuada's glower darkened; his answer precise and cutting. "The Army was mine – until your interference."

"And what about the real Agent Gonzales?" asked one of the assembled agents. "Where is he?"

"Sadly, he's dead," "Nuala replied. "A troll merchant admitted to having found his corpse behind his shop. We suspect that Sreng used Gonzales' image to camouflage himself, to mingle with your people sent to spy at the Troll Market."

"Can we get back his body?" the man continued. "Forensics can analyze what happened."

"Your agent was cooked and eaten by the said troll," Nuada coolly informed.

Horrified looks flew between the team members.

"And what about Emerald? Did anyone see her at the Troll Market?" asked Liz.

"No one has seen her," Nuada said, his frown deepening.

Suddenly, Liz gasped out, clutching her abdomen.

"What's the matter, Babe?" Hellboy rushed to her side.

Moaning, she buried her face in Hellboy's chest. He easily lifted her in his arms and stared down at her anxiously.

"Your woman is with child. Why do you insist she keep fighting in her condition?" spat Nuada.


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