Chapter 37

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Emerald had regained consciousness and lay blinking her lids to clear the mist that seemed to cloud her vision, but to no avail. It was difficult to tell how much time had elapsed since her last lucid memory. Through her haze, she could make out that she was then in a poorly lit room. Voices drifted to her ears, but she couldn't determine who they belonged to, or where they were coming from. She set her mind to recollecting what had gone before. She had heard a commotion outside her door and gone out to investigate the source. Taking her by surprise, Agent Gonzales had pushed her back inside her room, then subdued her and injected her in the neck with some kind of needle.

A voice spoke near her. "How long do you think the woman will remain asleep?"

"I don't know. She should have been awake by now," said another.

Emerald tried to speak. Only a hoarse moan escaped her lips, but it was enough to gain the attention of the speakers.

"Did you hear that, Demelza?"


Emerald found herself attended by two female figures. Her vision seemed to have cleared well enough, as she could distinguish their features of ivory skin and long hair.

"She looks so pale," commented one. "Almost like those wretched Bethmooran elves."

"She needs sustenance, Sister. Go fetch food and water. I will stay to keep an eye on her."

"But Demelza, we were to take her to Maya the minute she woke up."

"Fine. Get her some bread and water, while I take her to Maya."

One woman came forward and pulled Emerald up by a hold on her elbow. Though the woman had first appeared to be tall but slender, her grip was surprisingly strong. Stumbling slightly, she allowed herself to be pulled along. Once through the door, her exposure to full light was almost blinding. Shielding her eyes, she blinked furiously to adjust. The next sight greeting her caused her to nearly gasp aloud in amazement.

She was made to stand before a wide fountain with a tall golden statue of a fierce looking horse creature placed at its centre, gushing streams of water from its mouth and nostrils. Yet this was not what had most surprised her. Seated around the rim of the fountain were mermaids, nonchalantly chatting together, and lazily swishing their tails in the pool. Emerald looked at her escort, whose hair was a shade of dull green, similar to the mermaids' colouring; then instantly dropped her gaze to the woman's feet.

"Yes, I have legs," the woman answered to her show of curiosity.

Next, Emerald's attention went to the source of the green-tinged glow reflecting off the surface of the golden statue. To her astonishment, she saw that the light radiated from outside, and shone through the glass walls and domed ceiling of the building itself. Schools of fishes swam past those walls, and Emerald had to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn't just dreaming of being inside a glass castle under the sea. It only hurt and marked her pale skin with a red spot.

"Are you them?" asked Emerald.

"Am I a siren? Yes."

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

Demelza rubbed her temple. "I can't answer your questions. I am simply to take you to Maya."

"Who's Maya?"

"Our mother."

"Do all sirens reside in such glass houses?"

"No. This establishment has been arranged for the benefit of our clients. Not all can withstand to breathe under the sea."

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