Chapter 23

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Romeran's quarters,

The Troll Market, New York City.

"Prince Nuada! Welcome," Romeran greeted, bowing.

"I wish to see Kalidren. Can you fetch him for me?"

"Of course, Your Highness. Let me show you to a seat in the guest parlour, and I'll bring him."

"That won't be necessary. Go to him at once."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

Prince Nuada proceeded to the parlour and upon his entry, he found Blinky the brownie busy at the task of polishing a collection of lamps. The soft tread of his boots on the carpet alerted her to his presence and she turned around. Her eyes widened in terror at the approach of the prince. The mop slid out of her hands and she fell to her knees at Nuada's feet.

"Your Highness, y-you have come punish Blinky," she stammered in a high pitched voice, her limbs visibly shaking.

It took a moment for Nuada to understand her odd behaviour. He had not really given much thought to the little brownie who had been hoodwinked by Emerald during her escapade.

"Blinky, dear little one," he replied gently. The brownie looked up, surprised at his manner. "I do not blame you for what happened. I am not here to punish you. It is your master and his friend that I came to seek."

"The prince is too kind!" she cried, a spill of tears rolling down her furry cheeks. "Master is kind too! Blinky is a blessed brownie!"

Prince Nuada smiled one of his rare smiles and that was all it took for the brownie to crack her face into a wide grin in turn. "I shall serve His Highness some elderflower wine," she proposed as she bustled about, picking up her mop. "Please have a seat, Your Highness." She set out a chair for Nuada, and disappeared.

"Your Highness," Romeran then addressed from the doorway. Kalidren appeared beside him. Nuada gestured for them to enter.

"I have wanted to hold an audience with you too, Your Highness," Kalidren broached.


"I may have seen the human female you described. I am not entirely sure, but I thought you ought to know."

The prince's eyes betrayed a flicker of anxiety, which he quickly disguised behind his cold mask once more.

"Where? How do you even think it was she?"

"I attended to speak at a fae gathering last night," Kalidren began. "Within the crowd, I saw a human disguised as a nymph. I did not know at once as she had hidden her face, but as I ended the delivery of my tale, she was too engrossed to have noticed that her hood had fallen away. She was clearly of human appearance, but I was struck by her eyes, glowing green in the gloom. She reminded me at once of the description of the woman you had with you. I do not know whether it was she, or one of her kind. She took flight at the instant she realised that I had taken particular note of her. She moved uneasily, as though suffering pain. Before I could speak to her, she had disappeared."

"Where was this gathering?" Nuada contained his rising excitement.

"In the northern part of Central Park, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Kalidren. Yours is the only useful bit of news regarding her whereabouts that I have received since the day she went missing. I believe she is under some form of fae protection. The wartcap residing at her abode informed me that another of his kind had come to pick up his mistress's clothing. It is highly possible that she was at the gathering in company. It's no surprise to learn that she had been at a bard's fireside. That woman is far too curious for her own good," he finished decidedly.

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