Chapter 15

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Note 1: Dialogues written in Italics are conversations being held in the elvish tongue.

Note 2: Romeran is the woody-looking creature from the movie that helps out Princess Nuala by giving her the cylinder containing the location of the Golden Army.

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Emerald had often found herself on the receiving end of snide and unkind remarks regarding her 'creepy' appearance. She had, however, never been treated like something of a beast; or something foul like the sticky mould growing in someone's leather boots. All her life, she had tried to be kind and helpful and did not deserve to be abused by a murdering crazed elf and the so-called faerie folk. Hadn't she saved one of them just a few days ago? If it weren't for her, the prince would have lost his so-called vassal to a garbage-grinder.

Emerald could feel the trickle of warm blood flowing down her arm as she swayed limply from her position on Nuada's shoulder. All sights were hidden by her curtain of hair which hung in a tangled mess around her face. She refused to feel anything but hatred for the elf prince pounding through her. It didn't matter anymore, where he took her. As long as she could breathe and move, she would find a way to get out of his clutches. She was a human and might have holes and bloody craters in her heart, but she also had a brain and a bloody IQ of 140! Emerald continued to seethe as her vision alternately blurred and cleared.

After a short while, she heard the faint tinkle of a bell and a door's creaking hinges. The ground surface had changed to a well-polished wooden floor, and Nuada stood waiting.

"Prince Nuada! Welcome to my master's quarters, Your Highness!" a shrill voice called out from somewhere down on the floor.

"What is that you is carrying, Your Highness?" the same shrill voice asked.

"A human. She is injured and I need you to revive her and look after her, while I speak to Romeran," Nuada replied.

"Revive a human?!"

Nuada drew in a sharp breath. "Do as I say, Blinky!"

"Yes, Your Highness! Please come this way into the parlour."

Nuada complied, and Emerald saw his feet approach a richly carpeted floor. She felt herself being laid down gently on a soft plush bench, and thought it best to keep her eyes closed.

"Blinky will get Master Romeran. Please have a seat, Your Highness."

Emerald felt Nuada's fingers move lightly over the wound on her arm. She allowed this, hiding the fact that she was conscious. Next, she became aware of him lifting away the thick strands of hair from her face, and did her best to remain stoic; not to flinch as she felt his close, warm breath.

Hurried footsteps were soon heard coming their way.

"Prince Nuada! It is truly you!" said a deep voice in Elvish.

"Romeran, I am glad you lingered here, unlike the rest of the court," Nuada acknowledged.

"I had certain duties left to fulfil before I could follow my own will."

"You mean, how you aided my sister in escaping from me with the location of the Golden Army and the third crown piece?"


"I am not here to punish you for following my father's orders. You have been loyal to my father all these years, and you have my respect. However..." Nuada stopped and spoke his next words with a steely edge. "You will aid me in my quest. I have much to discuss with you regarding this human and her powers."

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