Chapter 41

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Emerald had given a good deal of time to Maya, in narrating her misadventures. The old siren had not felt this alive to a tale in a long time, and enjoyed listening to Emerald speak of the elusive Prince Nuada. Even though she wasn't sure how far she could trust Maya, she suspected that Sreng knew more about what was going on, than she. It really didn't matter whether Maya heard it from her, or the crazy faoladh. It had taken some hours for her to relate it all and by the time she was finished, she felt exhausted again.

"Go and bathe. You will feel better," advised Maya. "I will send Demelza with some clothes and food for you."

"Thanks, I could do with a shower."


Maya was about to leave when she suddenly let out shriek, making Emerald jump and exclaim in panic.

"What is it?!"

"It's one of those pests from the sewers. Shoo!"

Looking at the floor, Emerald realised that two wartcaps had appeared in the room. The two pair of heads were looking up at Maya's glare, and cowering with fear.

"It's fine. I don't mind them," said Emerald, scooping them up in her hands.

Maya's face was stricken with disgust. "How can you hold them like they're a pair of clownfish!"

"I was startled by them at first, but then Nuada showed me that there's nothing to fear from them. I find them kind of cute."

"Keep them away from me." She left in a hurry.

"You guys should stay here with me so that you don't get in trouble, okay?"

The heads gave her a nod, jumped off her hand and scuttled towards the bed.

"I'll be back soon."


Emerald walked towards a narrow hall adjoining the bedchambers. Each room had its own fountain, and at the centre of this one, sat a small silver fountain with a lily-shaped spout. No water was then flowing from it. She inspected the outer walls of the pool and her hand brushed over a set of knobs. As she turned one on, a thick stream of blue bubbles emanated from the spout. A giggle escaped Emerald at the sight. She turned off the knob and tried others, until hot clear water gushed out at her third attempt.


While waiting for the pool to fill up, she looked over the myriad of crystal bottles kept inside a glass case beside the fountain. Each of them smelled delicious but in the end, she chose a red soapy liquid that smelled strongly of rose and raspberry. The strange bathroom reminded her of the time when she was in Nuada's cave and had been given tubs of beautifully scented potions for her bath. Her current prison was certainly more glamorous, but she yearned for the familiarity and safety of the prince's dark lair.


Emerald lowered herself into the bath water, reveling in its feel as it soothed her aches away. She stayed a long time before deciding to leave the pool's warmth. From a stack of fluffy lavender shaded towels on a reed table near the pool, she chose the largest to wrap around herself, and lingered to rinse out her clothing in her chosen scented soap. Having figured out the knobs' functions, she was able to shut off the water and drain it away.


On her return to the main room, she found a set of bottle green clothing placed neatly on the bed. She had also been provided with a large porcelain bowl filled with fruit, and a round wooden platter of bread and cheese. The sight of food made her stomach rumble. Without bothering to dress, she began to eat. The wartcaps came up beside her and pointedly chattered at the food.

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