Chapter 24

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When she looked into his topaz eyes, their surprising shade of worry held her stare. She expected him to reprimand her any moment now; but he said nothing, and then extended his hand toward her. She took a cautious step back.

"Please...come here."The quiet note of regret in his soft voice completely baffled her.

Biting her lip, she willed herself to do as he'd asked, but kept an arm's length away. Might he be baiting her, and about to sword slash her for being too near? Instead, he covered the distance between them. He raised his hand and placed his palm to rest against her cheek. She felt the warmth of his fingers seeping into her skin, heating her face into a light blush. His fingers slid down to her chin and with a gentle pressure, he lifted her face to have her lookup at him. He inclined his head down closer, until she could feel his long silver hair brushing about her neck and shoulders and then, his lips claimed hers!

Dr. Emerald Bruttenholm woke up with a start, her heart beating frantically. It took her some seconds to realise where she was, and that her phone was ringing its piercing shrill tone. Muttering choice swear words learnt from the museum handymen, she kicked away her blanket and reached for her mobile.

"Hello?" she asked, wondering who it could be. All she heard was someone crying on the other end. "Hello? Who is this?" she tried again, unnerved. She had contacted only Carol Evans from this number. When she got no response other than the continuing sobs, she ventured, "Carol? Is that you?"

"I'm sorry Emerald," whimpered Carol's voice.

"It's all right. Don't cry about it."

A strange voice intruded, followed by the noise of a squabble.

"So it's you, who put the forest god to sleep?" inquired a soft, accented male voice.

Emerald gasped. "Who're you? And why's Carol crying?"

"My darling little sapling has spilled all the beans concerning you."

Emerald froze. "Who the hell are you?! Don't you dare hurt her!" she cried.

A soft amused laugh was her answer. "It is pitiful, how humans believe their threats effective through this contraption of communication."

"You don't know who you're dealing with."

"Aye. It's lovely to chat with you, but I prefer the company of ladies, face to face. Come to the sapling's cottage within the next three hours. Don't have the red demon come along. Or his bizarre blue mate. I wish to entertain only one guest at a time."

"And why would I do that?!" she challenged with fury. "Why shouldn't I bring my mates to get your ass kicked?!"

"Don't be daft, darling. Come alone, or bid farewell to the sapling. I know you owe her for saving your life."

"I'm so, so sorry, Emerald," Carol tearfully choked. "I didn't mean to give you away...he tricked me. He poisoned me."

"Are you doing this for Prince Nuada?"

"Prince?" The stranger's voice turned scornful. "How might an elf without a kingdom be called a 'prince'?"

"But then, who?"

"Come, and I'll tell you. Patience isn't my virtue. If you don't hasten, I'll be forced to pass the time by clipping short the sapling's say...fingers...or some of her wee toes..."

"Stop it! I'll come...just don't hurt her...please!"

"Now, there's a darling!"

The line went silent.

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