Chapter 44

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The BPRD team members from New Jersey were huddled in a fluorescent lit meeting room, discussing their mission's next course of action. A parchment lay wide open on the table, the corners held taut by paperweights. Director Gallagher of the Scottish division sat in a swivel chair, deep in thought.

"Can you repeat the message one more time, Princess Nuala?" requested Director Manning. "Maybe a different meaning will surface."

"There's no different meaning, Manning," said Hellboy. "The bastard wants us to acknowledge him as our superior ruler."

"Who do you speak of, Demon?" Prince Nuada entered the room, with Emerald at his side.

"Good, you're here, Dr. Bruttenholm. You have a letter too," Manning informed.

"What letter?"

"Here." He handed her a sealed scroll. "We tried to open it, but there's a charm or something that will allow only its recipient to do so."

Taking it from him, Emerald studied the insignia stamped on the red lacquered seal. It was neither Bethmooran nor Fomorian, and looked like a hilly island surrounded by big sea sprays. Upon opening it, she saw that the text was written in ancient Gaelic. The message was short, but filled her with dread.

"If you fail to submit to me by sundown tomorrow, I will kill your friends, one by one. Come, along with the crownless Bethmoorans and the Red Oaf, who shall also be submitting.

- Sreng, Son of Vanok of Gaelshold."

"What does yours say?" asked Liz.

"He wants me to submit to him, or he'll kill you all," Emerald replied, her voice hollow. The effect of the faerie wine had worn off by now, leaving her stomach in knots.

Hellboy swore, "This guy needs a serious ass-whupping!"

"I agree with you, Demon," said Nuada, his mouth forming a deep scowl.

"But, he has the crown. The whole crown. How can you go against him? How can anyone go against him?" Emerald asked shrilly. Her chest heaved in dread of the danger that all her friends were about to jump into. The Golden Army had wiped out armies of men. What were a few super humans and an elf warrior, compared to that?

"There is a way," said Princess Nuala.

All eyes flickered to her. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "He will be able to command the Army, since he has the crown. He will be able to unleash its power, but only so long as no one challenges him for the right to it."

"I was not aware of this clause," said Nuada.

"Father had told me, after he gave me my piece of the crown."

"So all we gotta do is go and challenge him?" Hellboy asked. "Beat him, and the crown is ours?"

"Yes, Mr. Hellboy."

"Great! When can we leave, Manning?"

"Tomorrow morning. Gallagher can arrange a chopper for us."

"Aye," the Scottish director confirmed.

When the meeting was over, Emerald hung back. She had not yet been assigned a room. She could follow Hellboy and Liz, but she didn't want to intrude on the hours left before they had to go on what was possibly the most dangerous mission of their lives. Abraham escorted Nuala out, under the glare of Nuada's eyes.

"Anything we can help you with, Dr. Bruttenholm?" asked Manning, his eyebrows raised. "I need to discuss some things with Gallagher in private."

"Uhhh- no one has assigned me a room here. Who can I talk to about that?"

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