41st Poem: Heat

66 8 1

Song of chapter: Burn by Ellie Goulding

I'm stuck in this

smoldering heat

sweat glistening on my forehead,

trickling down my face in

flowing rivulets.

The intense heat forcing me indoors

away from tanning,

away from panting,

away from sweating,

and away from smelling.

Stuck inside, so as to survive,

staying in the cool air

to not feel humid from the outside lair.

Little wind is offered

as I step outside,

breathing in all of

the sunshine.

I have low Vitamin D 

which means I have very little

white blood cells in me

meaning I need to go outside

in this intense heat

facing the struggle

of all the humidity.

Gotta stay active,

taking Vitamin D pills,

working outside 

just to fix my health.

It's hot as blazes,

it's like the world is on fire,

reaching it's peak,

an unlawful desire.

The sun stays high in the sky

as if it's on a pedestal,

if it were in the Olympics

it'd probably get a medal.

Going outside in itself is a struggle

the furious heat trying to swallow me up

consume me with

everything it's got.

But at the end of the day,

I wipe the sweat away,

reminding myself that 

it's just a summer day

and after it's all over I get to 

wash all the pain away,

the sorrows, the dirt, the grime-

all of the outside-

and be glad that I survived another day.

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