81st Poem: Waves

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Hey guys! :D I know I haven't been updating this book lately (lol I haven't updated since.. late January, but I digress) but it's just because I haven't really thought up any poems. Well, I have a lot of ideas lined up that I just have yet to write.. 

I've just been extremely busy. Anywhozies, I doubt anyone is really reading this, so on with the poem!

(This poem was created for poeclub's second challenge. Snow_Alchemist1000 told me about that account and told me to try it out, so thank you for that Snowy. :)

Prompt: 'a sound that makes you feel something beautiful'


Waves thrash as if agitated, their currents reaching incredibly high peaks before collapsing, as if out of breath. 

But how can they be? For they do not fizzle out, rather they send their song to the shore for all to hear reminding everyone that they are in fact, still here.

They carry themselves wildly and splash around like children in a wade pool, then smoothly roll themselves out like a sophisticated individual, 

cool and collected, bringing a breeze to anyone near.

They wet the shore and bring about the phrase, "sea shells on the sea shore" with their bountiful treasures and amazing creatures.

Yes, waves bring many wonderful and exciting things, but they have their demons as well.

They hold dangerous beings in their waters and tug people under, suffocating them until they release their last breath.

Tsunamis and floods form to tear apart towns, attacking, lapping, taking everything in sight, 


waves are still full of light.

The sun reflects off of them and shows a beautiful hue as 

the waves calm down, ending their tantrum, before they sink back down and relax into their skin again...

Waves. A bittersweet and rather salty creation, a rhythmic swaying that calms me down, pushes away my demons, and lets me sleep sound.



Not sure if that was good or made any sense, but yeah, I like the sound of waves. Well, any body of water to be honest.

More poems shall be updated soon! ;)

Just gonna...

_Imperfect_Writing You are wonderful, and it reflects in your writing.

WritingMelody How's life?


panjelic Ello funny bunny tummy wummy.. party in my tummy

HHAskingWhy Heyo! How is your week going?

Snow_Alchemist1000 Sup Snowy? How has your poetry been going?


Eresserelle (Stop being absent and join -.-)

head-of-lettuce How is your boyfriend doing? How are you?

I'd tag more people but I have to leave. 

You guys should give it a try!

Byeeeeee!! :D

Song: Mr. Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Remix Radio Edit)

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