53rd Poem: Disappointment

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Author's Note: I wrote this a little while ago, September 5th of this year to be exact. This poem was created in an airport I believe, the same time I wrote my poem Soar. It is from the same context as that poem. This is an incomplete poem, so the ... (ellipsis marks) mean I just added those parts on today.



That's what I feel most days, 

the days that I

talk to a special someone,

someone closer to me

than almost everyone else.

Not by my choice,


I didn't force a relationship,

it's just one of those natural ones

that happen in human nature.

At least, 

it is supposed to.


You see,

this person,

this particular person,

is strange.

Now I know I am strange,

but this person's strange is well,

stranger then strange should be.

Not strange in the weird aspect,

strange in the 

what-the-heck aspect.

This person makes no sense,

doing things fast,

never taking it slow.

They call it spontaneous while

we call it unorganized,

they call it no big deal while to us- 

to me,

it is.

Body {Prose Vol. 1}✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang