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"Life is the hardest *BLEEPING* shiz I have ever attempted in my entire *BLEEPING* life. I can't please everyone, no matter how much I want to, I can't be the best, I can't do things right, I can't even keep myself from walking into the same *BLEEPING* wall every *BLEEPING* day! And now I can't even say anything intelligent without cursing. Life sure is rich, ain't it? [Life] throws random curveballs at you, paints you as a bad person, paints you a different shade everyday... life is just the greatest shiz ever! Having to be the perfect little piece of shiz all the time is freaking exhausting. I wish life didn't hate me quite so much."


Erm.. this was altered so the curse words would not be there...

And yes, I literally walk into the same wall of my house everyday. Please send help lol

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