96th Poem: Comfort?

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What do I say? 

What do I do? 

What do you do when a peer looks askew? 

You want to ask what's wrong, but don't want to pry, want to make their frown turn into a smile, but have no idea how you should try.

Well, you can pull them into a hug and give them a shirt to soak up their tears, or let them rest their head on your shoulder; a shoulder to lean on.

You can tell them that everything will be okay, even if you don't believe that, you can stay with them because honestly they need that.


How do you go about comforting someone?

I just wing it, I think.

Somehow, I am good at it, but I never knew that. 

Somehow, I know the right things to say, even when I think everything I say is making it worse.


You give them hope, even if you don't feel hopeful, 

you give them strength, so that they can pick themselves back up too,

you give them friendship, friendship so they won't feel alone,

you give them arms, arms that will catch them if they fall,

you give them laughter, so they can have a distraction..

All of this, this.. comfort, so they can feel better.

And all along, you might start to feel worse.

You swap their pain, their sadness, their grief for your own emotions,

your happiness, your hope, your strength,

all to save their own.

And when you do, you feel worsened, you feel weak, you feel small, you feel.. alone.

But you're not, you never were.


Dedicated to @Writer17x Jess, I'm sorry I stopped reading your book, ITT. I kind of fell away from it for some reason.. I dunno it just wasn't my cup of tea I guess. I do, however, really would like to read your other works when you write them; they seem very interesting. 

You are a wonderful person and I hope others see you that way too. I hope my poem wasn't terrible.. I really do hope you like it.

@allein- HEYOOOO!

Note to other peoples: Please check out the external link!! It is my twin's quote book, she makes every quote herself! The specific chapter the link is set on is one that she wrote for Jess and in the chapter a poem/quote from Jess's book is in there. I just thought the two quotes went together wonderfully and formed something powerful. 

Thank you Jess for being a wonderful friend to Dana, even if like Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez you guys don't talk anymore.

Body {Prose Vol. 1}✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें