103rd Poem: One Wish

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If I had one wish,

I'd wish for better confidence.

I'd wish to be 

discovered as a poet,

or maybe that I'd be 

an apprentice of dance,

an aspiring actress, 

a second away from her big break,

a pretty girl, 

one without millions of insecurities,

someone who is loved,

(aye, but why would I be?),

a girl who didn't feel lonely,

like the way I feel now,

maybe I'd wish to be a girl whose 

thoughts didn't tug her every which way

in an endless game of tug of war to

distract her and pull her in multiple directions at once.

Perhaps I'd wish to be 

less of a coward,

wish to step out of my shell

and let the world see me,

let my apparent charm seep through,

let my adorkableness shine...

who am I kidding, a wish!

But I already know...

If I actually had one wish, 

I'd wish something selfless, like 

wishing that the world would 

instantly become a way better place,

even if it meant tearing me down 

or taking my spirit and planting it

like a seed into the earth to fulfill

my wish, my one and only wish.


to put it simply,

what does it matter 

if I, one fragment of

the universe, 

have to go to help better

so many others?

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