†Episode 2†

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I sat in the host club beside Tamaki he was telling me something about someone or something I don't know I wasn't paying attention. I was worried about Haruhi she was late it was getting to be a normal occurrence with her. The club was all decked out like a tropical paradise, I preferred to stay in my uniform though, they had given me a girls uniform but I refused to even touch it, so they gave me a guys uniform say that I was aloud to wear it but it was preferred I wear the girls uniform, I had "femalified" the guys uniform or that was what Tamaki called it anyway, but really I had only replaced the pants with a skirt.
"You finally made it, Haruhi. You're so late," The twins said looking at their watches I looked up to see Haruhi staring at the room.
"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring." She said ignoring the twins.
"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense. And besides the heating system we have is the best." Tamaki said
"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi? Be careful what you say. You owe us 8 million yen, remember?" Kyoya smirked not taking his eyes off the computer screen.
"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilly early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise. Oh yes. We've turned this place into nirvana, a balmy tropical island of everlasting summer." Tamaki said getting up from beside me and doing a dramatic pose, I slowly moved away from the scene and towards the kitchen, I got the tea ready and more cake.
"What heartlessness. Even with my lustrous skin shining like brilliant ivory, exposed by my Balinese king outfit, I'm no more than a slave before my goddess. I kneel before you and swear my loyalty," I heard Tamaki say to a girl. I rolled my eyes how can they be buying this stuff?
"Oh wow."
"Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention to you, ladies. Next week, the Ouran host club is sponsoring a party." Tamaki said to the multiple girl that surrounded him, I gave one of the girls a cup of tea.
"We're throwing a party?" Haruhi asked clulessly I was going to ask the same thing.
"What kind of party is it going to be? Is it going to be formal?"
"Yes, in fact we've rented the school's largest hall." Hikaru answered then him and Kaoru began their twincest act
"The guests seem to be even more worked up than they usually are." Haruhi said glumly.
"Showing some skin proves popular with the ladies." Kyoya answered
"So are you the one who came up with this tropical paradise idea?"
"I have no decision-making authority. All the club's policies have been laid out by the club's king, Tamaki. But I guess there's no harm in admitting to casually slipping a Bali photo book onto his desk." Kyoya explained. So he's the real brains behind the operation. I thought to myself, I was brought over to another table where some girls where waiting but my curiousity forced me back to the conversation of the hosts when I heard Tamaki exclaim.
"Girls should never refer to themselves as a dude. Momma, Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again."
"I'm sorry, but who is momma?" Kaoru asked. I was thinking the same thing.
"Based on club position, I assume it's me." Kyoya said. I sweat dropped; sure Kyoya would make a great mother. I thought to myself my inner voice dripping with sarcasm.
"But the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota, right? I'm not interested in going to events, so if I could be excused..." Haruhi said, I nodded in agreement even though no one seemed to notice.
Tamaki began a speech about Haruhi needing to know how to dance and all that then he ran up to me rubbing his cheek against mine,
"At least I still have Misa-chan to dress up!" He said. The twins nodded in agreement. I shook my head quickly and gave Tamaki a 'Do I really have to go' look. "Good your going! I'm glad you agree!" Tamaki exclaimed. Maybe I should start talking more, my facial expressions don't seem to be getting my point across, then it hit me only Kyoya, Takashi and Honey have heard me talk. Weird. The next day Haruhi and I went to the library to study, a familiar evil voice interrupted us.
"Well what do we have here do you really need to be following me around Haruhi after all you were the one who got me kicked out of the host club," Ayanokoji said, she had two other girls behind her, typical.
"Well hello there Ayanokoji it is nice to see you have gotten over that whole experience," Haruhi said keeping the sarcasm from her voice and giving her a smile.
"Haruhi your going to be late for the host club, I am going to skip out on the host club I will deal with Tamaki tomorrow," I told her, she nodded, not asking why. She then walked out of the library I stopped Ayanokoji from following her.
"I thought I told you to leave Haruhi alone," I snarled at her giving her an evil glare.
"Oh yeah and what are you going to do about it mute?" She asked. I immediately grabbed the front of her dress.
"First off if I were mute I wouldn't be talking second of all you don't want to know what will happen if you don't leave Haruhi alone, you can do whatever the hell you want to me, but stay away from Haruhi or you are asking for trouble," I warned her. To my surprise she smirked.
"Fine I was going to make Haruhi's life a living hell but if you insist you can take her place, I would start sleeping with your eyes open Fujioka," She threatened the pulled away from me, I glared, fine she can make my life hell I've dealt with bullies like her before. I gathered my things and left the school going down to a small local bakery, where I worked. I had been working there for a while keeping my job a secret from everyone, not even Haruhi knew where I disappeared to each night. I only had to work early today because a waitress had called to cancel. Even when I was working Ayanokoji words still bothered me, I can take her if I can't protect my sister, I am of no use to anyone.
The night of the host clubs party Hikaru and Kaoru dragged me to the host club and picked out a dress, they also did my hair and make up, I wanted to object but I decided against it knowing it was no use to argue, at least they had a good taste in dresses. I stood at the back of the gym watching the scene in front of me people danced and smiled, about five minutes into the dance the stairs at the front of the room where in the spot light I saw the host club spread out on the stairs.
"It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs. The Ouran host club would like to bid you welcome." Tamakis said into a microphone.
"As always, ladies, the host club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on her dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king." Kyoya explained, giggles and shrieks of happiness erupted from the crowed.
"Good luck to you, my darlings." Tamaki said then they all went into the crowd and asked one of the girls to dance. I stood at the back glaring at the whole experience I really didn't want to be here, I could be at work right now earning money that could help me in life not standing in the back of a room filled with giggling girls. I didn't even notice Hikaru walk up to me. He held out his hand.
"Would you like to dance with me Misa-chan?" He asked politely, I sighed and took his hand. "You don't have to dance if you don't want to but you looked lonely," He said. I didn't answer, he sighed. "Do you even know what twin I am?" He asked frowning, I nodded and he looked at me shocked. "Which one?"
"Hikaru, and don't say you aren't even if you and Kaoru look alike there are difference between you," I said only loud enough for him to hear, he looked over my shoulder; I glanced back to see Kaoru.
"It was a pleasure, but I have to be going," He said I nodded then noticed people had been watching us I felt embarrassed as he left with Kaoru dragging Haruhi along with them. I sighed and stared after them before going back to my spot on the wall.
"Well wasn't that just pathetic?" I heard Ayanokoji's voice ask, I turned to see her and her friends in a ball gown.
"Yes I agree with you that was rather pathetic," I answered. She looked a bit stunned but regained her composure quickly.
"Glad you agree that your worthless," I only nodded.
As long as I am here protecting Haruhi I have value but the second I cannot do that I will have no purpose. I thought to myself. Ayanokoji was about to walk closer to me when Tamaki's voice echoed throughout the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen. It is now time for us to begin the final dance of this evening's festivities. The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the host club for this couple." Everyone ran over to the nearest window to see the couple, I simply walked up and stood beside Kyoya. I saw a couple staring nervously at each other until they began to dance, the girls name was Kanako she had requested Haruhi she apparently had the 'host hopping disease' or something like that. But I wasn't quiet sure about who the guy was.
"May this awkward couple be forever blessed!" Tamaki said doing his dramatic pose I sweat dropped seriously Tamaki?
"And now we'll announce the queen of the ball. Congratulations, Princess Kanako Kasugazaki." The twins announced.
"And for her reward, a kiss on the cheek from the king..." Hikaru finished.

"You ready?" Tamaki asked in a creepy/ seductive voice.
"Haruhi Fujioka will stand in for Tamaki." I held in a laugh "Kyoya did say that a little accident towards the end of night might make even more thrilling for everyone." I smirked this should prove to be amusing Haruhi's first kiss and with a girl, something she probably never expected.
"There's no way I can kiss her." Haruhi said trying not to be rude.
"If you do it, we'll cut your debt by one-third." Kyoya bargained
"Well, it is just a peck on the cheek." Haruhi had immediately changed her mind
"Hey, you don't think this is Haru-chan's first kiss, do you?" Honey asked. I nodded
"What? Wait, Haruhi!" Tamaki shouted then grabbed onto the back of her jacket but he had accidently pushed her causing Kanako and Haruhi's lips to crash together I fought back the urge to laugh I covered my mouth with my hand and Kyoya looked at me smirking. I could feel someone else's eyes on me but when I looked around I didn't see anyone staring at me but Hiakru's face seemed to be a bit red, Kaoru was looking at him curiously, I hope Hikaru isn't getting sick. I thought to myself. I couldn't help but wonder about my feelings towards Hikaru, did I even have feelings towards Hikaru, well we were friends, I think, my head spinning about a million miles and hour. This club does strange things to you. That's was one thing I knew for sure, I couldn't help but wonder what else the Ouran High School Host Club had in store for me...

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