†Episode 17†

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Takashi's POV
It was Saturday Morning tonight was my date with Misaki and I had to admit I was nervous we had gone on dates before but this one seemed different. Mitsukuni had come over to train for the morning but before we could start Tamaki called and announced that we would be visiting Misaki and Haruhi for more family bonding time. So here we were standing infront of the Fujioka's apartment.

"Haruhi-chan, please come out and play!" Mitsukuni, Tamaki and the twins chimmed after ringing the doorbell. I saw the door open to reveal a tired looking Ranka, he brushed his long hair out of his face and his eyes narrowed at us. Tamaki paniced.
"Sorry we have the wrong apartment!" He quickly pushed us all back towards the waiting limo but before we got far Ranka followed and pushed us back to the house.
"Hey, hey, wait a second! Don't act so traumatized cause you've seen me without my make up on. Even trannies get stubble first thing in the morning, which is more than I can say for any of you." He told us. He and Tamaki began talking and I couldn't help but wonder where Haruhi and Misaki where, shopping maybe? Sleeping? It was quiet possible. Misaki told me she didn't have to work today so that rules out working.
"Is Misa-chan and Haru-chan here?" Mitsukuni asked politely.
"I'm afraid not. They are out with the girls today. They picked them up this morning and you know women, heaven only knows when they'll be back."
"So they're not home?" Mitsukuni pouted.
"Well, I guess they are entitled to spend time with there old friends from middle school once in a while." Tamaki pouted.
"I can't believe she has friends." The twins said.
"This is why I was against a surprise visit." Kyoya sighed, I stayed silent come to think of it Misaki never mentioned any old friends from school the only person she could be out with is Kurai but if Haruhi is with her, I suppose that's not impossible.
"You know, come to think of it, I'm not sure that I recognized any of there new friends. But then again, you never can tell, can you? Haruhi always has made friends easily. They don't seem like the people misaki would hang out with though. Just imagine it, my little girls out and about with students from Lobelia Academy." There is was, I knew something was wrong with this picture.

Misaki's POV
"You're gorgeous, maidens." Benibara told Haruhi and I as she dressed us up in Lobellia uniforms.
"You look absolutely beautiful!" Suzuran gushed playing with my hair I frowned this was not what I wanted to do today.
"Oh my dear, those uniforms were destined for the two of you. It's most befitting an innocent girl like you. Haruhi Yes, one still unfamiliar with young love's first tender kiss." Benibara hugged Haruhi and then poked her, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Hey, will you wait a minute?! Stop it! Get off! Now hold on! What is this?! Could someone explain it to me? 'Cause one moment, I'm on my way to the supermarket and the next I'm brought here." Haruhi shouted we were both being hugged to death by the Zuka club, but unlike Haruhi I was silent. I couldn't help but agree I actually had plans today not to mention my date with Takashi tonight.
"The three of you have about as much subtlety as the Host Club does." I stated boredly.
"How dare you maiden?! We are nothing like those idiots! Oh, forgive my outburst! It's only natural for you to be upset, after all in our haste, we whisked you away this morning in your night shirts." Benibara shouted at me.
"Those weren't pajamas, you know. That happens to be the way we usually dress." Haruhi pointed out.
"All theatrics aside maiden, we have a small favor to ask of you. As you may know, one of our responsibilities in the Zuka Club is to arrange a regular performance of musical numbers and original plays."
"Today is called the Pink Carnation Day when we celebrate the birth of the White Lily League's founder by putting on the most glorious production of the entire year. We've been rehearsing non-stop in preparation for today's performance."
"Tragically, the lead actress in our play was in a terrible accident and is currently in the hospital. And the singer for our band has called in sick today. But even so, without them, you know what they say the show must go on. Which means..." The explained my mouth dropped open. HELL. NO.
"This is your big opportunity to be apart of the theater!" The cheered.
"I can't. Not a chance. I'm sorry." Haruhi apologized.
"Hell no." I glared.
"Haruhi. You would only have to memorize a handful of lines. For most of the play, the character you'll be portraying is silent." Benibara told Haruhi.
"Misaki all you would have to do is one song," Suzuran told me.
"Absolutely not!" I shouted.
"Great to know your on board Misaki. The role is actually more symbolic than anything. Haruhi" Suzuran explained I glared at her.
"She just stands there looking beautiful."
"You can manage that now, can't you? We promise it'll be the easiest thing ever."
"I'll let myself out."
"I'm out of here," Haruhi and I said in sync.
"Oh! Forgive me! I will forever fall short of your legacy! You must be so ashamed! Oh, mother!" Benibara fell to the ground with a spotlight on her.
"Don't talk like that!" the girls comforted her personally I didn't care I was not doing this.
"So then, your mother..." Haruhi started
"Benio's late mother was a distinguished graduate of Saint Lobelia Academy, prominent of the White Lily League To this day it's said no woman looks lovelier in men's clothing." Suzuran explained.
"That's right! To honor her, we celebrate Pink Carnation Day with the same flare for pageantry that made the woman's name so enormous with the Zuka Club. Her whole life, Benio has dreamed of nothing more than to follow in her mother's footsteps!" Hinagiku finished.
"If today's performance is canceled, that dream will be dashed against the craggy shores of fate." Benibara cried.
"That sounds just awful..." Haruhi sighed she looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes of her, I did feel pity for Benibara but then again if this were a trick. But if it weren't my mother would have wanted me to help. But I don't want to but... Ugh, I'm going to regret this.

Takashi's POV

We stood outside of Lobellia academy, everyone was determined to get Misaki and Haruhi out of there.
"If my daughters are held captive in there, I'm not going to sit back and do nothing. But we have to play it cool. The Zuka Club is ruthless. Once you become tangled in their web of lies, you can go bankrupt trying to get yourself out again." Ranka explained.
"How do you know so much, sir?" Mitsukuni asked.
"Haruhi and Misaki don't really seem like the type that would get involved with their kind." Kyoya pointed out obviously.
"You're right. But, neither did Kotoko. She'd always seem like she was such a strong woman."
"Kotoko?" The twins asked.
"Haruhi and Misaki's late mother. Someone she's always looked up to very much and unconsciously attempts to imitate. There may be some connection between her and the infamous Zuka Club." Kyoya told us as it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ranka began having a flashback. I listened closely wanting to know more about Misaki's mother.
"I was so blind then. We were newlyweds and I was in love One day, while cleaning, I discovered my wife's dirty little secret. What?! Her collection of Zuka Club memorabilia!" We were all a bit shocked by that, I began to panic a bit if Misaki's mother was in the Zuka club no saying if Misaki will join btu if she joins she will switch schools and... and... Takashi snap out of it Misaki will not join the Zuka club, she's Misaki. I thought to myself.
"What are we going to do?" Hiakru started.
"What if Haruhi wants to join the Zuka Club so she can be more like her Mother?"
"Is Misa-chan and Haru-chan really going to go bankrupt? Their practically broke already!" Mitsukuni cried.
"Don't worry. Our girls are worth a small fortune and cute." Tamaki pointed out I knew they got one of their weird images of Haruhi because they began freaking out.
"Kyoya, order us some Lobelia uniforms right now! We're going undercover!" Suddenly Ranka kicked Tamaki and walked on him.
"Overruled! Men who only dress in women's clothing recreationally are an insult to us professionals. You don't want to insult me, do you? Do you? Now, listen up! To infiltrate Lobelia, you'll have to do exactly as I tell you! Exactly!" He ordered.
"Um, can I get up now?" Tamaki mumbled. Don't worry Misaki we will get you and Haruhi out of their somehow.

Misaki's POV

"Oh, Marianne, how many lonely nights have I prayed that we'd be together again and how many times are the powers that be demanded that we remained apart? That our love is forbidden..." Benibara said dramatically they were rehersing for the play I had to sing at the beginning.
"Oh my lord Frederick." Haruhi said in a robot voice. I face palmed as this continued.
"My lord Fredrick," She replied again to Benibara. Make her stop someone make her stop, I begged. Our family did not inherit acting skills.
"Perfect!" Benibara shouted springing to her feet. "Misaki time to hear that beautiful voice of yours!" She shouted putting an arm around me. I pushed her arm off of me.
"Yeah lets get this over with," I mumbled. Benibara pushed me into the middle of the room after giving me a piece of paper.
"Alright everyone, get ready Misaki," I began to get nervous I couldn't sing in front of all these people. What the hell was I thinking?
"I cant do this I give up," I told Benibara. Haruhi walked up to us.
"Misaki you can do this I hear you sing in your room all the time your good, pretend that your alone in your room only focus on the music, please try it for me," Haruhi smiled, I sighed.
"I... But Haruhi,"
"Misaki your alone none of us are here right now," She snapped, then she pushed me back into the middle of the room. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. I pretended I was alone, there was no one else here. The music started I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I let out a small squeek.
"You can do it Misaki!" I heard Suzuran shout. The music restarted to my shock I began to sing along."Blazing on by
There's nothing more that I could do
I'm sorry that
I'll never be with you again
Even though
My heavy heart is parched with pain
I know somehow
Your sorrow's something I won't see

It's my life
I'm moving on and never going back there
The future's turned away
And leave me on the lonely rail

God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless

The way you're standing there
I feel as though we're almost one again
And yet
We're miles apart in time
Beneath the pale blue moon
I see your eyes are glistening
With so much love!
It's tearing you apart to be here!

You know it
God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless"
I finished the song and heard clapping. I was immediately hugged to death by the Zuka club.
"You have the voice of an angel young maiden!" Benibara gushed. I pushed them off me. I turned to Haruhi.
"You owe me," I told her with a smile she gave me a smile and nodded.

Takashi's POV

We all wore Lobellia merchandise, which I felt really stupid in by the way. The rest of the club was peering in the window where Haruhi was practice for a play.
"My lord Frederick." Haruhi said robotically. I saw Misaki standing beside a radio, she facepalmed and I couldn't help but to smile. She did look good in the Lobellia uniform.
"She sounds like a robot... A boring daikon radish..." The club exclaimed.
"Even as a father, I can't stand this." Ranka cried.
"Someone, please make her stop." Hikaru covered his ears.
"How many times is she going to repeat that line?" Tamaki asked.
"I think she's about to start singing." Kaoru pointed out, I turned to look inside.
"No! Her grades in music have always been absolutely awful!" Ranka shouted. Benibara sprang to her feet.
"Perfect!" She cried. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Benibara put her arm around Misaki
"Misaki time to hear that beautiful voice of yours!" Misaki pushed her away. She mumbled something and Benibara pushed me into the middle of the room after giving me a piece of paper.
"Is she really going to sing?" Tamaki asked.
"I haven't heard Misaki sing since her mother passed away, she has a talent," Ranka told us.
"Really?" Tamaki asked.
"She sure does Misa-chan sang me to sleep when we were at the beach, remember Takashi?" Mitsukuni asked I nodded. We all turned to watch Misaki.
"You can do it Misaki!" I heard Suzuran shout. The music started and she began to sing. ()"Blazing on by
There's nothing more that I could do
I'm sorry that
I'll never be with you again
Even though
My heavy heart is parched with pain
I know somehow
Your sorrow's something I won't see

It's my life
I'm moving on and never going back there
The future's turned away
And leave me on the lonely rail

God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless

The way you're standing there
I feel as though we're almost one again
And yet
We're miles apart in time
Beneath the pale blue moon
I see your eyes are glistening
With so much love!
It's tearing you apart to be here!

You know it
God knows that
I will follow you if that is what you wanted
Take me into all your darkest shadows
And you'll see that
I'm even stronger than you could know
God knows that
I am standing here and you could disappear
Slipping right over the edge of the future
If I had my way
We'd be together forever
Eternally god bless"

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now