†Episode 8 Part 1†

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"Your useless pathetic and stupid, haven't you been told that before? I overheard Haruhi saying that you mother passed away she was probably sick of seeing your ugly face, she probably thought you were so useless and she was ashamed to be called you mother so I'm guessing she killed herself, and it is all your fault, maybe that's why you and Haruhi don't get along she blames you forher death," The girl laughed I glared my hands clenching into fists I took a step towards her and was about to throw a punch when someone grabbed my elbow holding me back. I turned glaring but my face softened when I saw Mori. What a second how much had he heard? Why was he here wasn't he supposed to be at the Host club? You see I hadn't been there since we went to Kyoya's resort. Before I couldsay anything he dragged me away from the now laughing girls and towards the host club. He dragged me inside and sat me down on the couch everyone looked at me.

"My dearest daughter! Why have you been avoiding us? Please don't tell me you hate us! Very good work bringing her here Mori-sempai,"
Tamaki said sitting beside me and putting an arm around me I noticed that there were no customers just a bunch of mannequins in bathing suits.
"Good news we shall be going to the beach with our customers this weekend!" Tamaki announced.
"The beach?" Haruhi and I asked together, the twins turned to look at Haruhi
"Of course, the beach." They answered smiling.
"But why?" Haruhi asked she was sitting at a table doing homework. I went over and looked at her homework, it was math ofcourse. Haruhi had always struggled with math but still she was supersmart.
"Don't you remember what you said?" Hikaru asked.
"You said you'd like to go to a real beach." Kaoru finished.
"Did I say that?" She asked. I knew what she was trying to do she was trying to weasel her way out ofgoing to the beach.
"Yes, Haruhi. Here's the fun part." They said together while motioning to the mannequin's
"We brought some swimsuits for you to choose from." Kaoru smiled. They were both grinning from ear to ear.
"Pretty cute, don't you think?" Hikaru asked her with the same look on his face as his brother. They seemed to be favoriting a pink one with ruffles.
"Misa-chan you pick out a bathing suit to, yu are going swimming right?" Hikaru asked. I shook my head.
"I would really rather not guys,"
"Oh no Misaki if I have to go so do you," Haruhi said, I sighed.
"Why you're the one who's in the Host club, I'm just a stupid maid why do I have to go?" I asked. She glared slightly.
"Misa your going," I sighed and smirked slightly.
"Hey kyoya? Do you think our guests would want to come to the beach with us?" I asked.
"Why yes I think that would be a great idea," He said adjusting his glasses.
"Aww Misa why did you suggest that now Haruhi wont be able to wear a bathing suit!" The twins whined. Haruhi smiled at me.
"Love you sis," She said smiling, I didn't reply and she frowned.
"Can Use-chan cometo the beach, too?" Honey asked holding his stuffed bunny.
"I have no problem with that." Kyoya answered. I saw Mori give a nod he was looking at a bathing suit, it was black but the top had white seashells. Honey picked it up.
"Misa-chan you should wear this one!" He said taking it over to me, I blushed and shook my head.
"No Honey I own a bathing suit," I told him.

A couple days later we where standing on the beach
"So, why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins asked.
"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here." Came Tamaki's reply.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"Honey asked putting his arms above his head.
"Yeah." Mori and I said at the same time, we glanced at each other then I quickly turned my head to avoid letting him see the fact that I was blushing.
"But why couldn't we have gone to the Caribbean?" The twins asked.
"Or even Fiji?" Kaoru asked
"Do you think commoner's like Haruhi and Misa have passports?" Kyoya answered.
"You do realize that we can hear what you're saying, right?"Haruhi asked. "And for our information Misa does have a passport," She told them.
"She does?" The twins asked. I nodded.
"She went with my mother to America when she had a job, My mother never trusted my father to take good care of us but she could only bring one of us so she choose Misaki first and then told me she would take me somewhere next time," Haruhi explained.
"So do you have a passport to?" I shook my head.
"Our mother passed away before getting another chance to leave Japan," I told them. Mori put a hand on my shoulder.
"Why?" Haruhi groaned. I was sitting with her on a towel under and umbrella. I had my knees pulled up to my chest and I was watching a hermit crab crawl past. I didn't see this place as somewhere were shellfish would be.
"This sucks. I thought going to the beach meant a day off." Haruhi complained I looked at her.
"At least you ont have to wear that pink bathing suit. I have to wear this thing be happy you don't," I said motioning to the black capris and baggy black shirt, but Haruhi knew what I was talking about underneath I wore the bathing suit that Mori and Honey picked out for me, it was so freaking uncomfortable, No one noticed that I was wearing it though they were busy with the customers. I had bandages on until my ankles though I had told them that I didn't want to show off so much skin. They believed me but it was starting to get more difficult to hide all the injuries I get.
"Um Haruhi, aren't you going to go swimming with us?" One girl asked.
"No, uh, I like looking at the sea from a safe distance." Haruhi replyed.
"Well, if you're not going to swim, would you mind if we sat here and talked with you?" The girl asked.
"I will leave you guys alone, ewho knows maybe Haruhi will finally get a girlfriend," I teased the girls blushed and Haruhi looked at me.
"Misaki you know I cant date the clients," She told me I nodded.
"Well talk to you later," I said waving.
"I can't believe he fooled us."
"Who'd have thought he'd bring the ladies with us?" The twins asked.
"We certainly didn't expect it." Hikaru replied.
"You were invited on this all-expenses-paid vacation for a reason and that is to keep our clients entertained. Besides Misaki came up with the idea," Kyoya said smirking at me, I glared knowing everyone would be angry.

"Haru-chan! Misa-chan!Wanna go "hellfish shunting"?" Honey asked waving at us
"I think you're trying to say "shellfish hunting". But this doesn't seem to be that kind of beach, Honey senpai. You're not gonna find many shell...fish... What the hell? No way!" She said looking at a truck pile shellfish over to the beach for Honey.
"Sure Honey I'd love to go shellfish hunting with you," I smiled, Honey ran over to me and grabbed my hand dragging me back to were he had been before.
"Yay Misa-chan is shellfish hunting! Misa-chan is shellfish hunting!" He sang.
"My family's private police force has stopped by. They wanted to make up to Honey senpai for attacking him at the water park. So they brought shellfish." Kyoya explained.
"Amazing! Look how many we got!" Honey cheered. I ruffled his hair.
"Yup we sur have a lot, your doing a good job Honey," I told him he smiled at me.
"We're gonna have some fancy side dishes tonight. It's gonna be delicious." Haruhi said putting the shellfish into a bucket, she loved shellfish, while I on the other hand was extreamly allergic I was being careful not to touch any of them right now.
"Senpai, dinner is gonna be awesome. It's a major haul! It's a major haul! It's a major haul!" Haruhi sang.
"Say what?" The twins asked.
"Dinner is gonna be awesome. It'll be a real treat!" Haruhi responded
"Tell me, Haruhi. Isn't this crab crab-tivating?" I smiled and tried to keep myself from laughing I don't know why I had founf that funny it was an awful joke.
"Oh yeah." Haruhi replied.
"You're so cute." Tamaki responded, a centipied crawled over the crab the girl started freaking out and they ran. Haruhi sighed and picked up the centipied and threw it into the bushes
"Hey, Haruhi." Kaoru started.
"Now I know most girls aren't really the bug-loving type and I certainly didn't think you were, but..."
"Don't you think you could've been easy on that little guy?" Hikaru finshed
"Oh come on. It's not dead. It takes a lot more than that to kill a bug." Haruhi and I said together
"Haruhi is so brave and manly."
"It's still so sweet."
"He's the best." The girls gushed as they slowly made there way back over. I sighed.
"Haruhi is not normal. I thought girls were afraid of bugs. Misa didn't seem scared either," I heard Hikaru say.
"I'm sure their afraid of something..." Tamaki said I rolled my eyes.
"Hey boss, listen up. We just thought up a new game to play that could be a lot of fun. What do you say? It's called the "Fujioka twins weakness" game. So think you're up to it?" The twins said.
"But that game sounds terrible." Tamaki sighed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides they'd only share their weakness's with someone they were really close to." The twins said beginning to walk away.
"What are the rules?" Tamaki asked I rolled my eyes.
"Now that's more like it." They said I tuned them out.
"And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." Kyoya said getting my attention back to the conversation, I looked to see him holding up three pictures of Haruhi and three pictures of me.

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now