†Episode 3†

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"So, in which cup would my princess like her tea? The Foley? The Worcester? Or perhaps the Susie Cooper Gardenia?" Tamaki asked a girl who was swooning over him. We were outside in a gardened area. I gave some tea to Hikaru and Kaoru

"I think you'd like Covent Garden. Most of our Victorian pieces are from there." Kaoru dropped a cup making him cut his finger "Kaoru?
Honestly, Kaoru. You have to be more careful. From now on, keep your eyes on me, okay?" Hikaru said, the girls squealed as I stared
"Yes, Hikaru." Kaoru said blushing slightly.
"I can't take it. It's overwhelming." One of the girl squeaked

"You have to watch this. You may not get another chance. Who knows it will happen again?" The other said. The twins looked at me and saw me staring.
"You alright Misa-chan or have you finally fallen in love?" They asked in sync. I regained my normal expression and rolled my eyes.
"Absolutely not I was just wondering how you two can be so popular," I told them. You're supposed to be brother not lovers. I thought to myself, what ever. They seemed to have tuned me out and they turned back to the girl they were speaking to.
"Mitsukuni, you overdid it." I heard Mori say I turned to where they were, I saw Honey looking at a small bowl with a shocked face and his eyes were tearing up.
"Honey, I'll take it. It looks so yummy." The girl said taking the bowl from him.
"It's just the right amount for both of us. Any more would be too much. How did you know? You never cease to amaze me." The other said. Honey's face brightened causing me to give a small smile.
"Really?" He said cheerfully. After everyone had left I saw Tamaki and Haruhi start talking soon enough the rest of the club joined in I gathered the teacups until I heard something that made me wonder.
"She's going to be found out soon enough." Hikaru said finishing his sentence I walked over
"What do you mean?" I asked, they all looked at me.
"Physical exams are the day after tomorrow." Kaoru answered
"Physical exams?" Haruhi and I asked together.
"That's right. I forgot all about it."
"Then that means there's no doubt. They're gonna know I'm really a girl." Haruhi said I began to shake slightly. Physical exams? Haruhi will be found out, but that wasn't my big concern.
"It's no different than a physical exam you'd get at any other school." Hikaru said as we walked down to the nurses office
"Yeah, why would a physical exam be any different for us just because we're rich?" Kaoru finished, I walked beside Hikaru with my head down I was shaking slightly.
"You're right. I didn't think about it that way." Haruhi said, I saw Hikaru glance over at me.
"Hey you alright your shaking your not scared are you, don't worry Kyoya got you and Haruhi two separate doctors who knows about Haruhi's situation," Hikaru told me, I sighed in relief but that still didn't help my problem.
"Um guys I have to use the restroom I will be right back," I said then ran to the nearest restroom, I tried to open the door only to find it was stuck or something, I gave it a good tug and it opened revealing a female doctor and a male doctor making out, they quickly pushed each other away. "Um sorry I will go somewhere else," I said quickly leaving. I didn't really have to use the restroom I just wanted to stall time, so I nervously went back to the nurses office. When I went inside I saw a bunch of girls crowding around a curtain with the Hitachiin twins behind the girls, that wasn't all the twins where shirtless. I felt a small blush creep on my face, things between Hikaru and I hadn't been the same since the dance, I think I may actually have a crush on him.
"Oh hey Misa-chan watch this it is going to be hilarious,"
"Mr. Fujioka, are you ready to be measured now?" a nurse asked Oh no Haruhi was going to be found out
"Yes. I'm Haruhi Fujioka." Tamaki said coming out from behind the curtain he was dressed like Haruhi, the twins burst out laughing and I fought a smile that was threatening to appear on my face.
"Wait, that's Tamaki."
"There's no denying it. That's definitely Tamaki."
"Is he cosplaying as Haruhi?"
"What's going on? Is he trying to be funny?" The girls asked, the twins where still laughing
"I can't believe he actually did it." Hikaru laughed
"They recognized him. I told you they'd see through it." Kaoru said.
"You jerks! You said there was no way the girls would be able to tell it was me." Tamaki shouted at the twins
"It's payback for calling us the homosexual supporting cast." Hikaru, Homosexual supporting cast? When the hell did Tamaki say that Jesus I miss one meeting and everybody picks up a bunch of inside jokes? I thought to myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Mori dressed as a doctor before I could say anything he dragged me out of the room and into another.
"Mori what's going on?" I asked he was going to say something when a female voice spoke up from behind me.
"Miss Fujioka? Are you ready for your physical exam?" She asked I turned to face her just as she looked up from her clipboard. It was the same doctor from the washroom, I smirked as her eyes widened. This could be used to my advantage. Mori raised an eyebrow at us then left. "A-Alright Miss why don't you change in there," She stuttered I did as she said changing into the hospital gowns I had bandages wrapped around my arms and one on my leg and another on my stomach. I opened the curtain and looked at her.
"Don't say a word about the bandages, don't ask me what's under then don't ask me to remove them, don't say anything about them and I wont tell anyone about your little make out session with that other doctor," Her eyes widened and she glared at me,
"Fine not a soul will be told about that?" She asked I nodded. I couldn't help but smirk for the rest of my check up. The doctor kept her word not saying anything about the bandages all she did was glare, When I finished I got dressed and she left. I walked around the school I hadn't been able to find the Host Club anywhere, I sighed oh well since this was pretty much the only reason we came to school today we were free t leave. So that's what I did I went home Haruhi would figure it out, I hope. Besides I had to work today. I left the school and took out my uniform from my backpack when I got to the small bakery I changed and began working about halfway through my shift my boss, Hibiki pulled me aside.
"Yes Hibiki am I in trouble?" I asked nervously, I thought back to anything I could have done.
"Well not really Misaki but, I'm sorry to say that well your fired, you cant work as much as I would like you to and your late most of the time," He said nervously trying to explain.
"I can try to work harder please, please don't fire me," I begged.
"I'm sorry Misaki you're a great kid but you are just a kid, your to irresponsible, I'm sorry," He said I nodded sadly and took off my apron handing it to him.
"I understand I'm sorry to bother you I will be leaving, I will return the uniform as soon as possible," I told him not wanting to change now. He nodded I grabbed my bag from the back and left. It was beginning to get dark, my long brown hair was in a ponytail and my bangs were hanging in my face, I had my head down as I turned down the alleyway, I immediately regret it.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the forgotten Fujioka?" I heard a teenage male voice ask. My eyes widened a bit and I looked up, I saw the three boys that would bully me behind my sister's back.
"How's your hot sister doing?" Another boy asked, I glared. "Ooo it looks like this bitch has an attitude problem why don't we teach her to keep her attitude to herself," I shook my head frantically and began to back up, I hadn't noticed one of the boys walk over and stand behind me while the others were talking, I ran into him and he grabbed my pony tail, I let out a small shriek and grabbed at his hands, I dropped my bag as I was held against the wall and one of my arms was pinned a hand covered my mouth before I could scream again. One of the boys pulled up my sleeve and tore off the bandages I had on my arm.
"Well it looks like she inflicted her own damage but that still wasn't enough maybe she needs something to remember us by, something she wont be able to get rid of," The boy smiled and I felt something sharp dig into my arm my eyes widened and I slowly moved my other hand to my pocket I had a small pocket knife in my pocket I carried it everywhere with me but I never thought I would have to use it. I grabbed it from my pocket and Brought it above my head where my hair was being held I quickly chopped my hair off making the boy who held it have no control over me anymore, I fell to the ground yanking my arm away causing him to carve a deep cut through my arm, I was on my knees and about to get up when one of them kicked me they continued to until I heard a car stop, the boys ran away and I quickly hid behind a dumpster. I heard someone unroll their window. "Tamaki what is it?" I heard Kyoya's voice ask. What the hell are they doing around here?
"I thought I saw something I mean besides those commoner children," I heard Tamaki say I could only pray he hadn't seen me.
"Don't worry about it Tamaki driver," That was the last thing I heard before hearing the car drive away, I let out a breath that I was holding and looked at my blood covered arm, my hair had fallen by my face it went to my shoulders now, oh well, I will just tell Haruhi that I decided to cut it. I gathered up my hair that was on the ground and shoved it under the garbage bin. I made sure there wasn't anymore showing before I grabbed my bag and ran back to my house, when I got there the lights were off which meant they were sleeping, I snuck in and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and immediately striped and got in the shower washing away the blood, and when I did I saw the cuts I had previously made and across the inside of my arm the word Pathetic was carved in with about an inch long line from when I pulled my arm away. I felt tears start to falling from my eyes, when the water started to get cold I got out and wrapped a towel around myself, I picked up my clothes and snuck into my room, I made sure the remains of blood was gone from the washroom and I hadn't gotten to much on the sweater I had been wearing over top of my work uniform. I hid my clothes until I had a chance to wash them and then I wrapped up my arm and then crawled into bed and silently cried myself to sleep.

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now