†Episode 20†

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  "What What happened?!" I shouted as I ran up to Kurai who was standing outside the shop,
"Appsolutley nothing I just wanted to hang out with my best friend," I sighed I didn't want to argue with her so I followed her inside the shop and we sat down for some Sushi.

"Big brother Morinozuka, I just wanna just say good morning."Kasanoda said bowing in front of us, I stood behind Takashi so he probably didn't notice me.
"Good morning to you, Bossanova." Honey said happily.
"Right back at you, Haninozuka sanpai." Kasanoda said sternly. Honey hid behind me.
"Back at you." Honey said shyly. I went to stand beside Takashi.
"Good morning Kasanoda I'm sorry about yesterday a coworker called in sick and they needed me at work. I hope you practiced smiling!" I said using my fingers to make him smile. Suddenly Takashi pushed me behind him and pushed Kasanoda away from him. A pot fell where I had just been standing. Another pot fell but Takashi cut it in half with his hand, afterwards Takashi helped me up
"Takashi, Kasanoda are you two alright?" I asked egarly looking at the two I saw Takashi nod.
"Mori, you're not hurt, are you?"
"You okay, Morinozuka?" People began asking crowding around Takashi I went and help Kasanoda up.
"You alright Kasanoda?" I asked holding out my hand. He took it and stood up.
"Uh yeah I'm good Thanks for asking Misaki," I smiled at him, once the crowd had pretty much left I stood back beside Takashi and picked up Honey. Then we all went to the club for a meeting. I immediately went to the kitchen to start baking for the day, I enjoyed it in here, it was quiet and I was away from all the noise and I could just think about life. Moments later Takashi came in. I turned my attention away from the tea I was making and I looked at him.
"You all right?" I nodded.
"Tired," He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the table he pulled out a chair and I sat down, he sat across from me.
"What's up?" I sighed.
"Nothing I don't even know I just have a bad feeling," I told him, he nodded "Don't worry you can stick with me for the day," He smirked I nodded. "Hey Misa, did you like Kasanoda?"My eyes widened a bit.
"Absolutely not," I told him honestly. At that moment the kettle went off or started screaming or whatever it does. I got up and poured the tea and made coffee. When I turned around Takashi was standing right behind me and before I could say anything he kissed me of course I kissed back. I heard someone clear there throat and Takashi moved away from me, we both looked towards the door to see Tamaki standing in the doorway.
"Um.. I'll leave," He said quickly. I rolled my eyes.
"We really have to stop making out in the kitchen," I smiled. He gave me a smile then a quick kiss on the forehead. I poured the coffee and the tea then gave a tray to Takashi. We both went out to the main room to see Kasanoda in cat ears.
"A cat monster." Was the first thing I heard honey say.
"Now Honey-pie that's not nice," I told him everyone looked towards Takashi and I. I handed them the drinks.
"No kidding. That was pretty lame, Boss." I heard Hikaru say.
"For real! If you're going to take it that far..."
"You might as well go all the way and make him a kitty ear maid." The twins exclaimed.
"Are you guys making fun of me?!" Kasanoda asked. Next thing I knew the twins where dressing him in the uniform.
"Sorry to bother you, but is the young lord Kasanoda in here? So here you are... Sir, it's no big deal. You can do whatever you want in your spare time." Tetsuya exclaimed.
"What?! Do you think this is a hobby of mine?! Damn it! I can't take this anymore!" Kasanoda shouted he took off the outfit and ran out. I looked up at Takashi as if asking permission to follow him, Takashi took the tray I was holding and gave me a small push towards the door. I nodded giving him a smile than I ran after him.
Once I caught up to Kasanoda I saw him sitting by the fountain with a basket in his lap, as I got closer I saw that there was a small bird in the basket.
"Here you go. I brought you some to eat. Now let me see how that wing of yours is doing. Hey, it's looking pretty good!" He told it happily I went and sat beside him.
"So what happened to him, your sparrow?" I asked.
"I saw it fall from it's nest the other day. I could tell it was hurt so I took it to the vet. They say he'd be fine in no time."
"Aww. So, uh, do you mind if I feed it?" I asked him with a smile.
"Go ahead." We sat in silence for a while.
"Look out!" I suddenly heard Honey yell next thing I knew there was a bucket of red paint fying towards me, Someone jumped in front of me, and the paint ended up getting all over both of us.
"It flew away." Kasanoda and I both said. I noticed it was haruhi who had jumped in front of me.
"Haruhi, what happened?! That's not blood, is it?!" Tamaki shouted I helped Haruhi up and turned to the club who stood behind us.
"Would you calm down? It's just a little paint." Haruhi said.
"Hey are you sure you are all right, Fujioka? And Fujioka?" Kasanoda asked Haruhi and I who both nodded in response.
"Let go of me you, bastard!"
"Damn it, you big behemoth! You're playing dirty Kasanoda! First you go and kidnap our gang boss' And then you make us deal with your damn muscle bound lackies?!
kid! We know that you kidnapped the kid! Just give him back now!" A guy shouted I saw Takashi carrying two men over to us.
"We've heard enough out of you! We'll shut you up! Tie, tie, tie..." The twins began to tie them up and Takashi walked over to me putting his jacket on my shoulders.
"You okay?" I nodded and smiled up at him. Honey and Kasanoda where talking.
"We can tell who the bad guys are by looking at them." Takashi said suddenly.
"I should probably go back and change clothes." I said innturrupting the moment.
"Want us to come help you?" The twins asked. Takashi glared at them and they shrunk back. "Just a joke Mori-sempai..." They said quickly.
"I'll come with you," Haruhi said I noticed she was covered in paint to, we both walked back to the club room in a peaceful silence.

Takashi's POV
"What a great story! It's so touching!" The twins exclaimed.
"Oh, I should apologize to both Fujioka's I was the reason they got paint on them,"
"They went back to the club room to change clothes." Mitsukuni told him.
"Yeah? Oh, thanks a lot. I'll be right back." He said leaving the club.
"Hey Young Lord! Think we can play kick the can later?" Tetsuya yelled.
"Yeah!" Kasanoda replied still running to the host club.
"We did a good thing guys."
"What are you talking about? We didn't do anything, boss."
"Don't any of you care that Kasanoda went to see Haruhi and Misaki who are changing clothes?" My eyes widened. OH HELL NO! I immediately ran back to the club with the rest of the club behind me. I heard a loud shriek and ran faster.

Misaki's POV

Haruhi had passed me a different shirt from my bag She went to one side of the room and I went to the other it didn't matter cause we were both girls. I took off my shirt.
"Hey are you two okay? I'm sorry about..." Someone said walking in. I turned to see Kasanoda standing in the doorway his face bright red, he was looking at both Haruhi and I. I let out a shriek.
"Get out!" Haruhi and I shouted at the same time.
"Um.. Kasanoda-chan may you please leave?" I asked him politely as I could covering myself with Takashi's jacket.
"M-My bad!" I heard him say he quickly left. I changed into my work uniform I had to go there anyway.

Takashi's POV
"Peeping Tom!" The twins shouted at Kasanoda who was leaning against a door that I assumed misaki and Haruhi where in. My fists clentched and I glared at the ground in front of me, I was to late damn it!
"You saw." Hiakru said.
"Didn't you, Bossanova?" Kaoru finished for him
"No! I didn't see! I mean, I kind of glanced, yeah, but it was all so fast! I didn't! It was just an accident! I swear to you that I'm not a pervert!" Kasanoda said quickly. Honey got in front of him.
"Of course, you would say that sure sign of a guilty conscience." He explained.
"You saw Haruhi's underwear?!"
"So what do we do?"
"There's only one thing to do. We have to induce amnesia. Hold him." The twins exclaimed I kept my hands by my side maybe Misaki was in a different room.
"What else did you see in there?" Hoeny asked.
"Well Misaki was kinda changing to, I um,"
"What?" I asked glaring at him,
"Mori-sempai calm down!" Tamaki exclaimed noticing my expression.
"What did you see? Choose your words wisely." I warned him. Then I heard her.
"Kasanoda, um are you guys alright?" She asked I saw her looking at us all her face was bright red.
"What did Kasanoda see? " Mitsukuni asked her
"Um. I'm not quiet sure. I was just about to ask." She told us.
"Well just your bra nothing serious." Kasanoda explained, My eyes widened a bit I hadn't even seen Misaki's bra, god I want to kill this guy! I went over to Misaki and picked her up putting her over my shoulder and walking back to where I was.
"Misaki I would be very gratefully if you stayed a good distance away from Kasanoda until we get this sorted out." I told her she looked up at me.

Misaki's POV
I went into the main room I was dressed in my uniform with my hair up.
"Kasanoda, um are you guys alright?" I asked my face was bright red.
"What did Kasanoda see? " Mitsukuni asked me. I turned to Kasanoda.
"Um. I'm not quiet sure. I was just about to ask." I told them.
"Well just your bra nothing serious." Kasanoda explained, My eyes widened a bit, Takashi came over to me and picked me up putting me over his shoulder and walking back to where he was standing.
"Misaki I would be very gratefully if you stayed a good distance away from Kasanoda until we get this sorted out." Takashi told me, I looked up at him, I didn't want to start a fight so I nodded. Then it hit me he was jealous. I smirked and looked up at him.
"Your jealous aren't you?" I asked everyone turned to us. "Your jealous that Kasanoda saw me in a bra and you haven't," I smiled at him. Then stood on my tippy toes to reach his ear "All in good time Takashi," His face turned bright red and I kissed his cheek.
"If you will all excuse me I have to be getting to work," I gave them a short wave then left walking to work.

Work of course was same old same old, nothing interesting. It was kurai's day off so I was all alone with no one to talk to but customers and the chief. Half way through my shift I heard the doorbell ring and turned to see...   

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora