†Episode 10†

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 I woke up lazily to my alarm clock. It was 9 am on a Saturday morning. Today I was going to look for a job. I should still help dad pay some of the bills, or at least help buy food. I got up and quickly took a shower, I changed into my nicest black uniform and I put on some brown shoes and a orange ribbon to complete the look. I left my hair down. I wrote a note to tell Haruhi that I was going out. She was still sleeping and I really didn't want to wake her up. I grabbed a brown bag that had my resume and additional information that I may need for any job interview. I quietly lef thte apartment it was a colder day today, frost covered the grass but the warm sun seemed to warm everything up. On my way down the stairs I saw the landlady carrying a box up the stairs she looked like she was going to fall. I quickly helped her with the box. I helped her take it up the stairs then I put it down and looked at her.

"Phew, thank you so much Misa Fujioka, I needed the help," I smiled at her.
"Oh it's no problem miss landlady, I am happy to help, did you have any thing else to take upstairs, I have a ton of time, I'm in no rush," I smiled at her.
"That's quite alright Misaki, I am glad to see you smiling, more then usual, you look so professional were are you headed?"
"Oh well I was just on my way to find a job in the area I got fired a while ago, just to let you know I will be paying the rent again this month, I still have money left over from my old job," She nodded.
"Such a sweet girl, helping you father like this, good luck finding a job, though it wont be hard for a pretty girl like yourself," She complimented I smiled.
"Thank you miss landlady, I must be going now if you don't mind," I bowed and left, I went to the nearest cafe and got a newspaper and a coffee, I sat at one of the tables and circled jobs that were in the area. I found a help wanted add for a sushi resturant that Haruhi and I liked, a friend of ours actually ran it, I would try there first. I finished my coffee then made my way to the shop. The small bell rang when I opened the door. I was close to empty in the resturant but I noticed Mr. Kumohira at the cashiers. "Hey Mr. Kumohira!" I called I went over to him with a big smile.
"Well hello there Misaki what bring you here in such a professional looking outfit?"
"What a good question Mr.Kumohira I was actually looking for a job and I couldn'thelp but notice the help wanted sign in the window, I was wondering if I could give you my resume and apply for the job?" He nodded.
"Yes of course anything for Ranka's kid, It's the least I can do, I will take a look at your resume but I can almost garentee that you that you've got the job," He grinned and gave me a thumb up. I smiled at him and gave him my resume.
"Thank you so much Mr.Kumohira, I really appreciate this," I said bowing. He gave a slight bow back and waved as I left. "Well I guess I will wait for Mr.Kumohira's answer until I look somewhere else," I said to myself. Then I started for home.

"Ah Sweet, Sweet Sunday!" I sighed happily as Haruhi and I walked towards the Supermarket.
"You said it sis, no Host club to annoy us, they are my friends and all but sometimes they can be to much," She complained. I only laughed in reponse. I helped Haruhi get everything we needed and I bought what I needed to make a cake with icing for some reason I really wanted to make one. Besides today was the perfect day to. Even so I cant help but feel something would ruin this perfect day. "What a sale, Sunday morning's always such a good time to go to the Supermarket!" I nodded holding my bags.
"So sis whats with the get up it's Sunday, besides you don't seem like the kind of person to wear pink," I commented putting the bags on my arms and my hands in my pockets. "Or is it that you're expecting someone?" She word a pink dres overtop a white shirt and blue jeans. While I just wore black leggings, a baggy white shirt, and red flats.
"What I'm not expecting anyone, beside's I still have laundry and cleaning to do," She said I nodded.
"Don't worry about cleaning I got it I was planning on making a cake today, hey what's going on?" I asked noticed a bunch of people in front of the apartment. "Why are they in front of our apartment?" I shrugged and watched as someone got out of a car. "Them I knew it!" I saw the Host club in casual clothing; they were talking about the apartment. I noticed that the people where still crowding. Why didn't they tell us that they were coming over. Tamaki was giving them a list of rules.
"Don't say anything that might offend Haruhi, Misaki or her father and cause them to ask us to leave." Tamaki demanded. They all nodded.
"Well it's too late for that. Go away." Haruhi demanded. I just smiled and waved at them.
"Haruhi!" Tamaki exclaimed. Honey smiled and ran up to me jumping on my shoulders I almost dropped my bags but I managed to keep a good hold on them. I laughed.
"Hello Honey, why didn't you guys tell us that you were coming over?" I asked.
"We wanted it to be a surprise!" He chimed I smiled and nodded. Takashi walked up to us.
"Mitskuni get off can't you see she is trying to hold bags?" Takashi asked. Honey quickly got off.
"I'm sorry Mi-chan I didn't realise!" He said I noticed them looking at Haruhi.
"That pink dress is pretty cute." Honey, Tamaki and the twins told her. I held in a laugh.
"Shut up! Get the hell out of here! Misa and I have things to do!" She shouted. That's right I was going to make a cake, I can't cook when I have to entertain guests.
"Haruhi's so mad she actually cursed at us." Tamaki said shocked I smiled.
"Hey, it wasn't us." The twins said together. These bags were starting to get heavy I kind wish that we could just go inside.
"Excuse me, Haruhi, but is everything all right?" I turned to see the landlady.
"Everything is fine miss landlady," I smiled.
"Oh hi miss landlady." Haruhi responded..
"Those young men are driving such a fancy foreign cars. They are not Yakuza, are they?" She asked "whispering" in Haruhi's ear.
"No, they're not." She replied.
"Do you want me to call the police for you?"
"Pleased to meet you, madam. My name is Suoh, and I'm one of the Fujioka sister's friends." Tamaki said politely, I rolled my eyes.
"Really? My goodness, well aren't you just adorable?" She said dreamily, Tamaki flipped his hair dramatically.
"And he's got her." Haruhi and I said together.
"Hey Haruhi these are getting heavy, I'm going to take them inside," I told her she nodded then turned to the group.
"Okay, here is the deal. I'm only giving you guys a quick peek, 3 seconds. And you all go home, got it?" She said forcefully. "Oh Mori-sempai, Honey-sempai, just go on in youv'e already seen the place," She said I turned to see that they were following me inside.
"What! Mori! Honey you've been here before!" Tamaski shouted, he went to the nearest corner crying. I sighed and shook my head.
"Misaki let me take those for you they look heavy," Takashi said. I nodded and handed him the bags, which he carried easily. Honey jumped on my back and I gave him a piggyback ride to the apartment. When we were all at the door I unlocked it and we went inside honey sat down beside Takashi.
"Look, I brought you a gift, Haru-chan. I know how you and Mi-chan love cake. There is both chocolate and strawberry. I think we should have some." Honey cheered. I smiled at him.
"I'll make some tea." I announced happily. "I was going to make a cake of my own but now that you brought some over," I trailed off. "Oh Takashi, I'll take the bags," I took the bags to the kitchen and put them down.
"Misaki you know how to cook?" Tamaki asked. I nodded.
"Sure do,"
"I wanna try Mi-chan's cake, please Mi-chan, please?" Honey asked. I nodded. "Yay Mi-chan's making cake!"
"A wood-built, three-bed room unit. That's normal for commoner family of three. Must have been hard finding an apartment with three bedrooms." Kyoya said. I saw Haruhi nod so I didn't answer.
"You two are such pipsqueaks. At least, we know you won't hit your head on the low ceilings." Kaoru pointed out
"You don't have to struggle to compliment it." Haruhi told them.
"Hold on. Are we supposed to take off our shoes, too?" Honey asked.
"Please if you don't mind." Haruhi said.
"I'm sorry we didn't take our shoes off last time," Honey told us I shook my head.
"Oh no big deal, I was so happy you and Takashi came last time," I told them
"Looks like someones got a crush on Mori," I heard Hikaru whisper to Kaoru. I blushed bright red Mori blushed a bit to.
"N-No I don't," I told them.
"Huh? You heard us?" Kaoru asked.
"If you don't have a crush on him then why are you blushing?" Kyoya asked. I shook my head,
"I-I'm no- SHUT UP KYOYA!" I shouted. Everyone laughed.
"I'm gonna go make the cake Haruhi can you make the tea?"
"Hey, here is an idea. Why don't you make us this? It's black tea that our father brought us as a souvenir from Africa. Here. Try it." Hikaru told her.
"Oh sure. No problem." Haruhi said.
"It's best served as milk tea. Do you have milk?" Kaoru asked.
"I just bought some Haruhi but please don't use it all," I told her she nodded. I went to get an apron from my room, I was trying to find one under the giant pile of clothes in my room it was pretty big for such a small apartment, I had called the biggest room after Haruhi and I stopped sharing one, I heard someone clear their throat and I turned to see Takashi standing in my doorway, Honey was on his shoulders. "Oh hey, Takashi what's up? It's kinda messy in here we weren't expecting company today," I said nervously he just smirked.
"Mitskuni and I were wondering if you wanted any help with the cake, everyone's cgoing to the commener's market to pick up some things for lunch," I finally found the apron.
"If you guys want to help then sure, I should go give Haruhi some money," I looked under a stuffed animal in my room and got out a jar of money I took some out and followed Takashi to the living room. We saw Haruhi lying under Tamaki.
"TAMAKI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" I noticed dad by the door. "Oh hello dad,"
"So dad, how was work?" Haruhi asked.
"Tamaki please get off my-" before I could finish my dad came over and pushed Tamaki off of Haruhi he hit the wall really hard.
"I'm sorry. I hated having to leave you alone last night. You two must have been lonely." Dad said looking at both of us. Haruhi and I just stared at the
That sound. He hit really hard. I thought to myself. "Oh, dear, my left arm has been bothering me lately. It's so sore like I went hand-to-hand with some ferocious beast. Oh hello again Mori, Honey have have you two boys been?" Takashi just nodded. Before Honey could answer Tamaki cut in.
"Please, sir..." He said trailing off.
"It's such a been way too hard. I could sure use a cup of hot tea about now."
"Hot tea? I'll get it for you. Do you use firewood to boil water, Haruhi? Help me out. Your dad wants tea." Tamaki paniced I sighed and took the teapot from him.
"Oh, my, would you look at that? I seem to come across a little pest. Would you like to tell me why you're addressing my daughter with such informality, young man?" Dad said as if just acknowledging his existence. I sighed and went into the kitchen as Takashi and Honey followed me.
"Hey boss, what the world is taking you so long?" Hikaru started
"Oh, check it out. That person we passed downstairs was Haruhi's father." Kaoru finished.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, help me out here." Tamaki cried. I turned to Honey and Takashi.
"Aren't you glad your on my dad's good side?" Honey nodded quickly.
"He's scary," He cried. He jumped from Takashi's shoulders and hugged me. I picked him up and hugged him.
"Don't worry cake will make it better," I chimmed
"You know, you really are a beautiful person, Ranka." I heard Kyoya say I turned to see him and my dad smiling at each other with both hands linked.
"What the hell!" I asked. "Dad how do you know him?" I cried.
"We've been entrusted with the care of his precious daughters. It is only natural that we introduce ourselves and give periodic reports. Ordinarily, that would be your job, wouldn't it?" Kyoya said.
"I'm impressed that the club has such a capable president. But wait a minute. You're only the vice-president, aren't you, Kyoya? I guess that president of yours is pretty much good for nothing, huh." Dad asked. Wow he did not like Tamaki.
"You never mentioned this to me, dad." Haruhi said. "Why didn't you say that you've been getting calls from Kyoya senpai?"
"What am I supposed to do, you two? You rarely tell me anything about school.," He said.
"So that makes it okay to talk behind my back? Come on, senpai. Would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets?" Haruhi shouted I just noticed Tamaki was in the closet.
"Haruhi, the thing about you is you're cute even when you're angry." He turned to look at me and I was glaring at him. "Um Misaki please, dear I just," I put Honey down.
"Yes Misaki?" He asked. I noticed Tamaki and the twins looked kinda scared..
"Why didn't you tell Haruhi and I that you were talking to our friends behind our backs, Kyoya what did you tell him!" I shouted at them.
"Wait, Haruhi. Where are you going?" I turned to see that Haruhi was walking out the door probably going to the Supermarket. I turned around and went to my room, I realized that I was forgetting the recipie for the cake; I had it in my diary. How much did that damn Kyoya tell him? Why were they even talking? I grabbed the recipie and began walking back, I heard dad talking, I stayed outside the door.
"While I respect their independent spirit, I wish they'd be a little more dependent on me sometimes."
"I hope you boys know how grateful I am. Since they found you, they seem to be happier. Esspecially Misaki, she has always been so boxed in, she lives in her own little world and has never let anyone else inside, I don't know why its' so hard for her to talk to me, her mother was very protective over the two but more over Misaki, she was homeschooled while Haruhi went to school, maybe that's why, she doesn't know how to open up to people, but still I am her father I want her to be able to talk to me, and well anyway even she has been happier, I noticed her and Haruhi have gotten closer. But I still haven't heard her tell Haruhi or myself that she loved us, she hasn't said that since her mom passed away, I'm beginning to wonder if she does love me? Anyway they are enjoying themselves in the club. Wouldn't you agree, Tamaki Suou?" Dad asked. I tuned out the rest. My dad was actually really worried about me. I never knew he cared that much, it always seemed like he would put Haruhi first but it wasn't like that, I just wouldn't open up to him. It's my fault... I resisted the urge to cry.
"Now that we've gotten all the introductions out of the way, how would you boys like to have a little fun?" Dad asked.
"I'm sorry Ranka but Mitskuni and I were going to help Misaki with the cake,"
"Yeah we were sir, where is she anyway?" I quickly got up and went out as if I had been in my room this whole time. "Mi-chan!" Honey exclaimed I smiled.
"Hello Honey-pie," I laughed.
"You were going to make a cake that's great I haven't tasted you cooking in such a long time," Dad said hugging me. I hugged him tightly.
"Dad, I- I- Thank you," I said hugging him tighter he smiled at me. I really had tried to to tell him that I loved him, but I was afraid that the next time I told anyone that they would die just like mom had. That was the last thing I told her, then I never saw her again.
"Misaki I am going to take the boys out for a tour of the neighborhood, Mori and honey said that they were helping with a cake, so you three can stay here unless you want to come of course?" I looked at them all and smiled.
"Nah I'll stay here I want cake," I waved as they left. Takashi and Honey stayed behind to help me. I got out all of the ingrediants and set the oven. "All right Hney why don't you stir, Takashi you can help me with the measuring, then we can all decorate it," I said happily.
"Yay were going to make a cake!" Takashi got me the ingrediants we needed then I measured them and handed them back to him and he would pour the ingrediant into the bowl for Honey to mix together.
"I'm going to put on some music, Honey I bet you know this song," I put on 'I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow'. Such a weird name but I figured Honey loved candy so much he would like the song. Honey got a big smile on his face when the music started playing. Both of us began dancing around the kitchen as we cooked. We put the cake in the oven after we had finished stirring and put it in a pan. Then we made the icing. Honey and I continued dancing in the kitchen as Takashi watched us smiling; I wasn't expecting him to dance. The next song that came on was. Happy Synthesizer by Luka and Gumi. I sang along to it. I grabbed Mori's hands and tried to get him to dance but he just stood there, when the timer dinged I took the cake out of the oven.
"Anyone mind having strawberries on the cake?" I asked.
"Strawberries yummy!" Honey cried. Takashi shook his head. I got out the strawberries and we decorated the cake. We even convinced Takashi to draw a little cat on the cake using icing.. The next song came on and we continued dancing, Honey and I were spinning in circles and we hadn't noticed the door open.
"Um guys?" I heard a voice ask. I turned to see Haruhi and everyone else in the doorway. Homney and I looked at each other both of us turning red. We started laughing.
"Ah my little girl is laughing!" Dad ran up and hugged me.
"Dad!" I whinned. He let me go.
"That smells amazing!" The twin's chimmed they moved to cut it then Honey and I got in front of it.
"Don't touch the cake yet! You can have a piece of the cake until after lunch, but I do really want one..." Honey trailed off looking at the cake.
"Honey-pie not until after lunch," I told him he frowned and gave Takashi the puppy dog eyes.
"No, Mitskuni, you can have apiece after lunch," He said. We all went to sit around the table I sat between Honey and Hikaru.
"Aw they are just like a family, Mori's the daddy,"
"Misa's the mommy"
"And Honey is their kid," The tiwns chimmed.
"What Mori and Misa together no way not my little girl and the neighbor!" Tamaki cried. "Mommy!" Tamaki shouted Mori shook his head, and I blushed.
"That reminds me Mori, what are your intentions with my little girl, you better not hurt her," Dad said.
"I think you misunderstand Mr. Fujioka, I am not in a relationship with your daughter," Takashi told him. I nodded in agreement.
"Yet," The twins said in union. I sighed angrily.
"I'm going to help Haruhi," I told them, I got up and went into the kitchen.
"You okay?" Haruhi asked I nodded.
"They were bugging me," I whinned. She laughed.
"Hand me the soy sauce, Miss Morinozuka," She said evilly.
"Haruhi!" I whinned blushing bright red. She laughed and I ehard everyone else laughing I looked in the living room to see Takashi blushing bright red.
"Nice one Haruhi!" Hikaru called. But Takashi didn't see me that way; I know he didn't we were friends, good friends. It hurt me to know that we would only be friends. But I had to accept it. When lunch was ready Haruhi and I brought everyone the food. We all talked and laughed like we were all one big family, one big happy family. I felt like I was equal to everyone else, I wasn't loved more then Haruhi we weren't being compared we were equal. I hadn't smiled and laughed like that in a long time. It was nice, but somehow I knew that it wouldn't last.

Music in this Chapter=



Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now