†Episode 7†

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  "Haruhi are we dreaming? This is still Japan right?" I asked looking around.
"I honestly don't know Misa," She said looking around. Haruhi wore green plaid shorts and a yellow sweater, she had originally worn a ugly pink suit but Tamaki gave her clothes to wear over top of. I had changed into a black bathing suit but I put a long sleeved loose shirt over top of it and sweats, mostly just to hide my scars and more previous injuries that were taking a ridiculous amount of time to heal, especially my eye, it was a yellow/brown colour it was noticeable but it was healing none the less.
"Um, where was the exit, again?" Haruhi asked.
"Try to make the most of this down time and just relax. We're so worried about keeping our good looks day and night. We deserve a little vacation." Tamaki explained laying on a lawn chair with a fancy drink in his hand.
"Personally I think this is pointless and a waste of time, so can I go home now? I should really be studying and I've got ton of laundry to do today. Senpai, where are we, anyway?" Haruhi said I sighed and walked over to were Honey sat on Mori's shoulder, Mori was almost struggling to keep his balance as Honey waved at the twins. Honey laughed and began playing with Mori's hair they were about knee deep in the water.
"Haru-chan. Wanna share some coconut juice with me? Or do you want to try a piece of mango cake?" Honey asked, he had a pink floaty thingy around his waist, it had bunnies all over it. I had to admit it was cute.
"Yeah, sure, I'll have some coconut juice with you." Haruhi said Honey ran over to me.
"What about you Misa-chan, want a piece of mango cake?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No thank you Honey," He looked a bit upset, but smiled.
" Why aren't you in your bathing suit Misa-chan aren't you going swimming?" He asked.
"Yeah Misa," I heard the twins say as they came up from behind me.
"Well I do have my bathing suit on I just wore this overtop of it because I don't want to go swimming today," I told them.
"But we got a perfect bathing suit for you, it is even black, come on show it off," Hikaru said. I blushed lightly but quickly shook my head.
Misa-chan! Let's play! You wanna go swimming in the current pool with me?" Honey asked, "Haru-chan what about you? Please!" Honey said extending the 'e' in please. Haruhi and I both shook our heads.
"Nah, I'm not gonna swim today." We said together.
"Hold on, you know how to swim. Do you still need that float?" Haruhi asked.
"Mm-mm. Just looks cuter this way, you know? Prancing, prancing." Honey said skipping away from us.
"You're right. Those bunnies are pretty cute." I said Haruhi smiled and nodded.
"He's so innocent." The twins said together.
"No way! You got it all wrong." I looked around along with the others to try and figure out where Renge's voice had come from, the room began to shake and a platform came up from under the ground with Renge on top of it.
"That outfit is pretty impressive." Hikaru said.
"What's with the tattoo on your stomach?" Kaoru asked. Renge was wearing a black bathing suit similar to mine and she held a purple bird cage umbrella and had a light purple tattoo on her stomach.
"Oh, that? You don't recognize it? I'm cosplaying." She said happily. I rolled my eyes
"Yeah, who?" Hikaru asked.
"La-La." She sang. La-La what the hell? Who the heck is that? I asked myself.
"La-La? Like the manga magazine?" Kaoru asked
"Her petite and slender frame. Her blue eyes that light up young men's faces. Her singing voice. La. I am Quon Kisaragi." She sang
"I wouldn't have guessed." Haruhi said
"I had no idea who you're supposed to be." Tamaki told her.
"Hey, boss, are you sure it's okay for Renge to be dressed..."
"...like that?" Kaoru finished.
"Well, yeah that's okay." Tamaki replied.
"And why is that?" The twins asked together, Tamaki shrugged.
"Because it's cosplay, I guess."
"Listen up, boys! Obviously you need help understanding Haninozuka's hidden motives. Look!" Renge said we looked over at Takashi and Honey. Honey had jumped in the pool.
"Takashi!" He shouted. I saw Takashi turn to look at him he had water droplets falling around him; I had to admit he looked pretty attractive. Honey swam in the current pool laughing Takashi smiled and I almost fainted it was so cute! I was a bit surprised at how I was acting.
"What are you talking about?" Tamaki asked.
"Think about what he said to you earlier. He's not being as sweet and innocent as you think." Renge explained
"I agree. Try putting a word, "I" at the beginning of that sentence." I did as Kyoya instructed.
"He planned that!?" Everyone shouted. I guess that made sense.
"That's Haninozuka for you. In the last episode, he felt threatened by another loli boy type, so he's taking steps to keep his rank. I should give him more credit. He's a lot smarter than I thought." Renge said disappearing on a platform. How did she do that it was like the rig followed us.
"Hey, look at this, everybody! Check it out! Look! Even though we're swimming really fast, we never go any further than we are now." I smiled at the scene Honey and Takashi were in the current pool Takashi was swimming and Honey sat on his back.
"I gotcha." Hikaru said as he sprayed Tamaki in the face with a water gun, I sighed and went over to the current pool. I sat on the edge careful not to get wet, I wasn't afraid of water or anytjing I just didn't want my make-up coming off, I don't need other's sympathy if they find out I'm hurt that may be all I get from them, but then again why would they care? Besides if I cant take care of myself how can I expect to defend Haruhi, I saw Takashi get out of the current pool and walk over to Haruhi who was lounging on a beach chair, Honey stood in one spot calmly walking against the current. I watched and closed my eyes relaxed. I all of a sudden heard a big wave and someone drop a glass, I turned to see Takashi had dropped his drink, I turned back to Honey who was being sweapt away by a giant wave his floaty flying in another direction.
"Mitsukuni!" Takashi and I shouted at the same time. I quickly got up and ran alongside the river, before anyone could protest I jumped in catching Honey in my arms as we got sweapt away by the current.
"Misa!" I heard Haruhi yell but Honey and I had been sweapt under the water, I wrapped my arms around him making sure not to let go. I had my eyes closed and was holding my breath I could only hope Honey was doing the same, I didn't want him to drown. I could feel my clothes and hair getting soaked as my head went above and below the water frequently, why couldn't I touch the ground here? . I ignored my thoats I had to focus on protecting honey, I knew if anything happened to him I would never be able to forgive myself. I felt the current slow down and I could touch the ground with my feet.
"Honey?" I asked, I feared the worst but I felt him move his head away from me and look up.
"Misa-chan?" He asked, I hid my face slightly knowing I had no make up on.
"Are you alright Honey-sempai?" I asked.
"Yes you?" He replied I lifted him out of the water and sat him on the side of the current pool, I didn't recognize my surroundings we were pretty far from the group just how big was this place? I still hadn't answered Honey's question, I hopped out of the pool.
"That doesn't matter at the moment we have to find a way to get back," I told him trying to hide my eyes with my bangs, I felt Honey pull on my sleeve I looked at him and he gasped.
"Misa-chan what happened to your eye? Are you alright?" He asked, I sighed and stopped tryng to hide the bruise he already knew so there was no point.
"I'm fine Honey, come on we will follow the current until we get back to the others," Surprisingly I saw Honey give me a cold glare he huffed and began walking. Had I upset him, I didn't mean to, what was wrong? Was it something I said? I asked myself I looked down, I hated seeing him so upset what had I done? I was almost on the verge of tears. It had felt like we were walking for hours, Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small red stain on my grey sweatshirt, I looked at my wrist and noticed the bandage on my arm had spots of blood from the wound underneath it. I sighed, another thing to hide, why had I been so stupid and done that to myself? I knew exactly why I cut, no one knew what I had done to myself and they weren't going to find out now. I noticed the sky/roof had gotten dark and soon enough it started to rain, great now I was upset, cold, and soaked again, I had just started to dry off. No Misaki you can't think about yourself. I quickly took off my sweater and walked over to Honey who had begun to shake, even if he was mad at me I couldn't have him catching a cold. I put put my sweater over top of him before he could protest then I picked him up and continued walking; he wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Wont you be cold Misa-chan?" I shook my head. "Why wont you tell me what you did to your eye?" I didn't look at him.
"It was just a little fight with some guys I am fine Honey please don't worry, I just have to keep you safe, if you get sick I wont be able to forgive myself," I told him, I noticed his eyes had widened a bit.
"Why do you care about me so much?" I heard him whisper. I didn't answer. I didn't really have an answer. Honey had the hood of my sweater up, it was really big on him, I kept walking until I found a tree that would shield us from the rain. I set him underneath it and sat a little ways away from him. It was silent for a long time I could feel Honey looking at me as I pulled my knees to my chest, "Misa-chan you didn't answer my question," He said breaking the silence. I looked at him and smiled the words spilled out before I could stop them.
"Because Honey without you and Haruhi I don't have a reason," I told him, before he could answer I stood up the rain had started to stop. "We should keep walking," Honey nodded I began to hear voices when I turned to look at Honey he wasn't there. "Honey? Honey?" I asked frantically then I heard him.
"Takashi, Haru-chan, out of the way!" He shouted, I followed the voice and came to a small clearing Honey was surrounded by knocked out police officers and I saw Haruhi in Takashi's arms, I felt a bit of jealousy but I pushed it aside. Of course he likes Haruhi, I was foolish to think he ever even though of me as a friend.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing, pipsqueak?" An officer asked. I stepped out of the bushes and Haruhi and Mori looked at me. I kept my head down but I was ready to fight the police force if they threatened to hurt Haruhi or Honey. Before I could move again Honey beat up all of the guys they lay woround him uncoinsious, I should have known. Mori put Haruhi down and looked at Honey with a blank face.
"You guys should be more careful who you mess with. Picking on my friends is bad. Got it?" He said cutely waving his finger in a no-no way, he was still wearing my sweater and the sleeve was covering his hand a bit but you could tell that was what he had done.
"Haruhi! Haruhi are you alright?" I heard Tamaki yell as he ran up to us.
"Hey, it's Tama-chan." Honey said happily.
"I'm not sure what happened here, but at least they're still alive." Hiakru said
"It's pretty amazing that this is Honey senpai's work. He must have really been holding back." Kaoru finished they explained how Honey was a Martial Arts prodigy, I kept my head down and I heard someone walk up to my and I felt someone grab my shoulders,
"Misa-chan what the hell where you thinking? You could have been hurt! Honey-sempai could have handled himself!" I heard Tamaki shout. "Misaki look at me," He said shaking my shoulders I kept my head down as Tamaki continued to yell at how foolish my decision was. I was only trying to protect Honey and now everyone was angry with me. I rubbed my eyes with the bandage on my wrist just to make sure I wasn't crying, showing to much emotion was a weakness. "Huh Misaki what did you do?" Tamaki asked I was surprised Honey hadn't noticed the bandages earlier or even the small speck of blood on my sweatshirt. I felt Tamaki take a hand off of my shoulder he was going to look at my wrist, I yanked my hand away and looked up at him revealing my bruised eye.
"I'm sorry okay just let it go!" I shouted at bit to harshly. I broke out of his grasp and ran back towards the changing room leaving them to look at me. I quickly found the changing room and changed back into my school uniform, I sat on the ground leaning against one of the walls; I brought my knees to my chest and cried.

Haruhi's POV

Mori senpai is always so straight-faced. I can never tell what he's thinking. But even though he's doing a good job of staying calm, I'm sure he's worried. I am worried to Misaki she shouldn't have jumped in to protect Honey. Mori slipped on a banana peel and fell.
"Mori senpai is..." Hiakru started.
"...acting as clumsy as you do, boss." Kaoru finished.
Just as I thought. He is worried. I thought to myself.
"Uh oh, it's about time for the squall." Kyoya said all of a sudden it began raining. RAIN?! Seriously did they have to make this so life like? We all ran to a nearby hut, I wonder if Honey and Misa are alright.
"Hey Mori senpai, you seem to be really close to Honey senpai. Are the two of you like childhood friends?" I asked.
"You mean you don't know..." Hiakru started.
"...that they're cousins?" Kaoru finished
"You're kidding me. They're related?" I asked with wide eyes.
"The Morinozukas have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations." Kyoya started.
"However, two generations ago, the families became relatives by marriage and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past."
"But even so, Mori senpai has always made a point to accompany Honey senpai." The twins finished explained.
"Must really get his blood going. The blood of a loyal servant flows like a mighty river through Mori senpai's vein." Tamaki said, I looked at the twins as the cried
"Such a beautiful story! I'm touched!"
"I don't know if I call it a beautiful story." I'm not sure I understand all this blood and loyalty business. But it's obvious that Mori senpai thinks an awful lot of Honey senpai. I walked over to Mori.
"Hey Mori senpai, it's gonna be all right. I'm sure that Honey senpai is safe. He's a lot tougher than you might think he is, and if he gets hungry, the trees are full of bananas." I told him trying to cheer him up.
"You're right. Honey can take care of himself, he isn't really the one I am worried about," He said. Wait that means?
"Mori-sempai is worried about Misaki?" Hikaru asked, was that a hint of jealousy in his voice? The twins and Tamaki began fighting over something,
"Misaki can take care of herself, she is probably worried about Honey she has never been one to think of herself," I told him. He nodded but still looked worried, why was he so worried about Misaki? Did he like her? That's sweet, maybe if she and Mori were together Misa would be happier and more open. When the rain stopped I saw Mori go off in the opposite direction of were they went the twins and Tamaki were fighting about something.
"Mori senpai, you're going the wrong way. They were headed in the opposite direction."
"You're wrong. They went this way." Mori said and continued walking. I can't let him go alone.
"Hey, wait up! It's too dangerous to go alone! I'm coming with you!" I shouted following him.
"Haruhi." He said and he picked me up, That's the first time he's ever called me by my name. We continued walking Mori held me with one arm his other arm was swinging by his side. All of a sudden the police began to surround us.
"You there! Put the boy down immediately! If you refuse, we'll remove him forcefully!" I sighed.
"Oh, hold on!" I said trying to defend Mori someone grabbed me by the arm trying to remove me from Mori's grasp he immediately punched them sending them flying.
"The suspect is resisting! Prepare to fire warning shots!" One of them said, before they could, I heard Honey's voice,
"Takashi, Haru-chan, out of the way!" He was swinging on a vine and he kicked one of them out of the way.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing, pipsqueak?" I noticed Misa come out from the bushes she was keeping her head down as if she didn't want us to see her face. I watched in amazment as Honey took all of them down before Misa could lift a finger.
"You guys should be more careful who you mess with. Picking on my friends is bad. Got it?" He said cutely waving his finger in a no-no way, I noticed that he was wearing Misa's sweater leaving her in a bikini top and her sweats, she must have given it to him when it began raining. "Haruhi! Haruhi are you alright?" I heard Tamaki yell as he ran up to us.
"Hey, it's Tama-chan." Honey said happily.
"I'm not sure what happened here, but at least they're still alive." Hikaru said
"It's pretty amazing that this is Honey senpai's work. He must have really been holding back." Kaoru finished they explained to me how Honey was a Martial Arts prodigy. Wow hadn't expected that, I noticed Tamaki walk up to Misa who still had her head down, Tamaki grabbed her shoulders and was shaking her back and forth slightly.
"Misa-chan what the hell where you thinking? You could have been hurt! Honey-sempai could have handled himself!" I heard Tamaki shout. "Misaki look at me," He said shaking her shoulders She kept her head down as Tamaki continued to yell at how foolish her decision was. He was being a bit harsh, She rubbed her eyes and I noticed she had a bandage on both her arms and one of them had a light smear of blood. Had she been hurt recently? I was going to ask her what was wrong, but Tamaki innturupted. "Huh Misaki what did you do?" Tamaki asked Everyone seemed surprised even Honey, I thought he would have seen earlier. Tamaki lifted his hand off her shoulder and was moving it towards her wrist she quickly yanked her hand away and looked up at him revealing a bruised eye. What the hell happened that wasn't there earlier but it looks like it was in the process of healing and almost gone. Misa what the hell did you do?
"I'm sorry okay just let it go!" She shouted she broke out of his grasp and ran back towards the changing room leaving them to look at her as she ran then everyone faced me, my eyes were narrowed why hadn't she told me she was hurt why didn't she ever tell me anything! Anger was clear across my face.
"Haruhi what's wrong with Misa?" Kaoru asked, my face softened a bit.
"I don't know she never tells me anything I didn't even realize she was hurt, Honey did she tell you anything?" I asked looking at the small boy who was now sitting on Mori's shoulders. He nodded.
"She told me was that she had gotten into a fight with a couple guys but nothing about her arms," He told me. I heard Kyoya gasp.
"A while back when Renge was shooting the different scenes after you guys walked away from those guys one of them hit her she kept telling me that they had missed she seemed so sure about it and there was no sign of a bruise I had just assumed she was telling the truth besides she didn't have a reason to lie so why did she?" Kyoya said. She had gotten hurt that day I should have stayed with her.
"When we were in the forest she had given me her sweater when it had begun to rain, I was cold but she had started shaking after giving me her sweater I felt so bad, I asked her why she cared about me so much, and all she told me was that Haru-chan and I were her reason, I had no idea what that meant and I still don't, but now she may get sick and it will be my fault cause I took her sweater," Honey started to cry. I was her reason what does that mean? I could tell the other was thinking the same thing.
"She always keeps so many secrets from me she never opens up to me or tells me anything, it worries me now that I know that she can hide bruises and whatever she did to her arms so well that makes me wonder how many times she has gotten hurt and why she has never told me," I said looking in the direction she went. "I should go see if she is alright and see if I can get some answers out of her," The sun had began to set as we all walked back to the change rooms. Misa please tell me whats going on, I hate not knowing whats wrong, You don't have to be alone Misa, why cant you see that we are here for you?

Misaki's POV

I quickly rubbed my eyes and then splashed water on my face, my eyes were still a bit puffy from crying but I applied the make up the best I could, my skin appeared normal now. I grabbed my bag and left the changeroom just as the others were walking up to me.
"Misa I think you owe us an explaination, what is going on, what happened?" Tamaki said Haruhi nodded. I sighed and looked at them with a blank expression.
"Its' nothing serious I just got into a fight a while back, I'm fine and the bandage I accidently cut myself while making dinner one night, I put a bandage on the other side so that it didn't look like I hurt myself and it just looked like I was keeping my arms warm or something like that," I lied shrugging. That was such a lame excuse. I could tell that they hadn't really bought it.
"Why didn't you just tell me that the guy hit you?" Haruhi asked I glared at Kyoya.
"There was no need you have enough on your plate you don't need to babysit your stupid little sister cause she got hurt, can we go now?" I asked. Haruhi sighed.
"You shouldn't have lied, I was already worried-" Haruhi started I glared at her.
"Yeah well don't be worried I can handle myself, its' you I'm worried about! If you got hurt I wouldn't be able to forgive myself! Knowing that I cant protect my own sister is the worse feeling, none of you could ever understand! If I cant protect you, I, there's," I trailed off.
"You? There's?" tamaki asked.
"Just forget it okay let go home," I said and stormed off before they could say anything.
"Misa, the exit is that way," Kyoya said I stopped.
"Damn Kyoya," I mumbled under my breath. I turned and walked the other way. I slowed my pace as I got further away and my expression turned sad. "Haruhi, if I can't protect my own sister, there's no reason for me to be alive," I whispered looking at the ground in front of me. I gripped my bag and continued walking.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now