†Episode 19†

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  Just a normal day in the host club, all of the boys and my sister. Were dressed in Edo Era cosplay and of course the girls where going crazy about it. I was in the kitchen making more food for our guests I find it crazy how everyday I need to make more food because they eat it all the day before and they are still skinny as twigs. I know that none of them do any sports so how do they keep such a good metabolism? I brought out more scones just in time to hear Renge's speech about the Bushido Code.
"Are they popular because of the noble nature in which they sacrifice their young lives for their country? Or could it be because of their stoic determination, their choice to live out their lives by the Bushido Code? Or could it be... That we're intrigued because the worship of this group of renegade young men is somewhat forbidden. The Ikeda-ya Inn maybe well known but it's only because of Hijikata. Just imagining him after the battle of Toba Fushimi. His back to the north as he sorrowfully wandered the streets of his homeland intending to defending the honor of the Shinsengumi all by himself! Oh! I could eat three giant bowls of rice!" Half way through her speech the twins did a demonstration but I wasn't paying attention.
"That was one hell of a history lesson, Renge." Haruhi and I mumbled at the same time.
"Not having us cast ourselves in specific roles was good advice. Allowing the guests just to be free to fantasize on their own was truly a brilliant idea, Renge. I'm very impressed." Kyoya smirked. I turned my attention to Takashi who sat calmly by the door. I saw a shadow go by the door. At that moment Takashi jumped up and lunged at the door. Everyone started freaking out
"We have a trespasser." Takashi stated simply. The boy had bright red hair and he looked like he never smiled. He jumped towards Takashi and bowed infront of him.
"Senpai, please take me on as your apprentice!" He asked. I looked at him. Why would he want to be Takashi's apprentice? Did Takashi know him.We closed up the host club and I went back to the kitchen. Man I seem to spend a lot of time in there I grabbed more tea, cookies, cake and scones for the club and this mysterious red head. I brought them all
"Ritsu Kasanoda, 1st year Class D. Heir to the 3rd generation head of the Kasanoda syndicate, the most powerful gang in the Kanto area. He was admitted this year into Ouran Academy's High School. He has long red hair, a mean looking appearance, is reserved and has a few friends. It is said that if your eyes meets his, you'll have bad dreams for 3 months. If you bump into him, you'll end up in the hospital. And talking back to him sends you to an early grave. He is so feared by his classmates that they call him the Walking Blizzard." Kyoya explained.
"Seriously? But why would a human weapon like yourself want to be Mori senpai's apprentice?" Tamaki asked taking a scone.
"Well because, look, I may be tough but I'm not a human weapon. I was just born with a face that makes me look mean all the time." He said. That poor guy. I offered him some food after bringing honey his cake he looke dup at me a bit surprised.
"The host club just closed aren't you supposed to leave?" He asked politely I shook my head and let out a laugh.
"I'm apart of the club Haruhi Fujioka is my twin brother," I explained He nodded and took a scone.
"Well, at least you're aware of it, Kasanova." The twins mumbled.
"It's Kasanoda." Kasonoda corrected.
"Bossanova?" The twins asked smirking.
"I said it was Kasanoda! Do you wanna die?!" Kasanoda snapped. I went over ot the twins as they hid behind the couch.
"He really is mean looking." I hit them over the head.
"That's because you pissed him off anyone would be mean looking with you bugging them like that," I told them. They put their arms around me.
"Admit it Misa-chan you like us,your just jealous that we are giving him more attention," Hikaru said I shrugged them off and went over to Takashi and honey-pie.
"Uh sorry about that. This always happens because of the way I look. I've always had this mean look ever since I was born. Even when I was just a tyke, my dad would say... Just you wait. My son's gonna be the greatest gangster of all time." He explained to us a bit about his back story.
"Wow that kust be hard. Oh Come on guys he's not that bad. I've met people meaner then him." I told them they looked at me.
"Huh? You have? " Haruhi asked.
"Mhmm" I told her I passed her a cookie and watched honey eat his cake.
"My pops was a good teacher and he made me a true gangster. That's great and all but everyone is afraid to come near me. Even my fellows are scared of me. So, I'm all alone. It's like they forget I'm young and sometimes I just wanna play. I wanna get out with my fellas and play a game of Kick the Can!" I frowned.
"A good game of Kankeri is awesome!" Tamaki smiled.
"But I've been living the life of a gangster and I don't know how to interact with regular people."
"Oh, that poor guy." Honey and I said together.
"Morinozuka senpai, that's why I need you to show me, how do you manage to have so many friends, when you're just as mean looking as me? You're expressionless, distant, and you hardly ever talk. Plus, you've got a mug that looks like a watchdog from hell. So, how come you've got so many friends? What are you doing that I'm not? Please teach me your secrets! I'm begging you!"
"I'm not quiet sure I follow." I told them
"Hey Takashi, are you okay?" Honey asked.
"I'm just a little lightheaded..." Takashi told him, I put a hand on his forehead.
"You should lie down. Maybe you're getting ill." I tilted his chin to see if his face was red, it was. "Your face is red Takashi I really think you should lay down for a bit.
"Just leave him alone. Don't get involved. Like he said, he wants to be Mori senpai's apprentice. So, that means Mori senpai decides what to do. This isn't something that any of us should be interfering with." Tamaki stated. Woah Tamaki isn't getting involved.
"Tamaki..." Takashi said.
"Well, in that case, since you insist, Mori senpai, I, Tamaki Suoh promise you I will do whatever I can to assist you."
"Yeah, right. He wanted to get involved so badly he couldn't bear it." I heard Haruhi mumble I nodded in agreement.
"Now lift your head, Bossanova."
"Listen, it's Kasanoda."
"From now on you may adress me as King, okay, Bossanova?" I sighed here we go.
"That's not my name."
"Are you listening to me, Bossanova?!' Tamaki shouted.
"Yeah." He said a bit scared.
"There are many differences between you and our beloved Mori senpai, but there is also one very definitive thing that you are lacking. And that is a lovely item. Bossanova, I would like to introduce you to a lovely item named Mitsukuni. Sure, Mori senpai may be kind of mean looking and he may seem distant when you first meet him. But what if we put Mitsukuni on his shoulders? Suddenly, it's like he's a forest Teddy Bear that all the animals adore! In addition, this lovely item also plays up Mori senpai's strong and silent character. Even without saying anything, just by placing Honey senpai next to him, people begin to have a new found admiration for Mori senpai. Suddenly he's seen in a positive light as a nice, quiet young gentleman. That's the plan. I'm not exaggerating when I say most of Mori senpai's charm's directly related to his friend, Honey senpai."
"Tamaki I see where your going with this and I think your getting this all-"
"Yeah, you're right." Everyone agreed innturupting me.
"Now that you mention it, Mori senpai..." My mouth hung open
"doesn't really do anything."
"Yeah, his position is totally a bust."
"Takashi, have you really been using me this entire time?" I snapped out of my trance and glared at them.
"What! You guys! Takashi's character is not useless, and no Honey-pie he is not using you. In my opinion Takashi doesn't look scary at all. Takashi is sweet and silent and that's just the way he is. " I shouted at them.
"I'm sorry, but Honey senpai is on a long term lease to Mori senpai right now, so I can't let you borrow him." Tamaki told Kasanoda. I glared at him.
"Is Tama-chan telling the truth?! Are you renting me?!" Honey cried.
"Honey. Takashi see's you as an equal and he wants to protect you. H eisn't renting you Tamaki is just being an idiot. Tamaki shut up! Your point has been made. Kasanoda has to act nicely to at least one person to be seen in a different way. But if he doesn't want to he doesn't have to." The club looked at me with confused expressiong and Tamaki completely ignored me.
"Don't worry. I'll come up with something to take his place. So, the next thing we need to discuss is your disturbing Yankee fashion sense. Now, Hitachiin Brothers." I sighed. I'm going back to the kitchen. I took all of the dishes to the kitchen and began washing them not bothering with the dishwasher. When I was finished I went back out to see Kasonoda dressed in a crazy clown getup.
"You guys he looks ridiculous! You don't need to change who he is for him to be nicer. Kasanoda I would be delighted if you were to join me afterschool, so I can teach you how to socialize with others without changing who you are." I said happily.
"Uh. Do I really have a choice?" Kasonoda sighed
"Nope. Come on we can get started right away. Haruhi I will be home late. Takashi. Mitsukuni. I'll talk to you two tomorrow. Bye everyone." I took the wig and scarf off of Kasnoda and I threw the teddy bear at Tamaki. I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye following Kasnoda out the door.
"SO uh. I guess we could go to my house. How exactly are you going to do this though?" Kasonda asked. I shrugged
"I haven't thought that far ahead yet but I will do it, we stopped infront of a house I saw aboy sweeping. I elbowed Kasnoda.
"Thank him for cleaning up,"
"Uh... Thanks for cleaning up, Tetsuya." I gave him a thumbs up and the boy looked up at him.
"Oh, young lord, welcome home. How was your..." He stopped when he saw me but he didn't ask.
"Welcome home, young lord." A guy said as Kasanoda led me inside.
"Yeah, welcome home, young lord." A bunch of other guys shouted. I sighed. They all glanced at me like I had two heads. I guess Kasanoda never brought friends home before.
"Aah." Kasanoda replied. I elbowed him again. he looked at me.
"What?" Before I oculd answer that Tesuya boy innturupted me.
"Young lord, what the hell's going on? Something happen at school today?" Tesuya asked
"Aah!!" Kasanoda turned around and yelled at them, I crossed my arms.
"Kasanoda that wasn't very nice they are concerned about you, you need to be nicer maybe tell them that everythings fine," I whispered to him. He sighed.
"Everythings fine," He grabbed my hand and dragged me off
"Wait, young lord!" The boy hsouted after us.
"Damn it! This is completely wrong, ain't it?!" Kasanoda began freaking out. I hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder.
"Kasanoda take a deep breath I know that this is hard but I know for a fact that you will make it through this," He took a deep breath I realized that he didn't even know my name yet. I bowed respectfully. "I just realized you don't even know who I am, well my name is Misaki Fujioka, that's first thing why don't we get to know each other before I start telling you what to do," I smiled I saw his cheeks turn pink and I tilted my head to the side, was he getting sick to?
"I'm Ritsu Kasanoda,"
"Well Ritsu-san, to be a nicer person maybe you should try smiling more, Come on let me see a smile," I teased. He turned a deeper shade of red then he let out a small embaressed grin. I clapped.
"Much better you may still be a bit scary but it's a start, over the next week I want you to work on that smile-" I was innturupted bny my phone ringing, "One sec," I answered it even though the rington told me it was Kurai. "Hello,"
"OH my god Misaki you need to get down to the coffee shop right now its an emergency no time to explain just come down here!" She shouted then she hung up. I jumped to my feet.
"Kasonoda I'm sorry but there is an emergency at work and I need to go, I'm so sorry! Kepp working on that smile!" I called to him as I ran out the door.
"Bye!" I heard him call after me I hope he wasn't mad.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now