Chapter 20

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Tori's P.O.V

"Josh vous êtes un putain de crétin!"Maddison yelled in french as I woke up, as I opened my eyes I saw Xavier hold one of the twins as Josh was holding the other.

(Josh you are a complete fucking idiot!)

"Well sorry damn....chienne,"Josh muttered, but obviously she heard and gave a death glare at her boyfriend.


"I love you babe...."Josh says giving an innocent smile, I rolled my eyes.

"Vous deux êtes ennuyeux,"I say catching everyones attention.

(you two are annoying)

"Hey babe, I would like you to meet your sons,"Xavier says lovingly, Josh and Xavier comes my way and they both handed me my twins. I looked down and started to sob, they're so handsome they look just like their father.

"Soo what are you guys gonna name them?"Luke answered, I thought for a momment and finally got it!

"How bout.....Baxston Elliot Lockwood and Jaxson Michael Lockwood,"I say, everyone nods their heads agreeing with the name, then suddenly the door was thrown open revealing my parents and future parents-in-law.

"Wo ist unsere enkel!"Our moms yelled in German. I chuckled at them and motioned them with my head to come over, they went over and saw my twins laying on my chest squirming around a little.

(Where is our grandchildren!)

"Oh my! they're so beautiful! what are their names?"My mom askes excitedly.

"Baxston Elliot Lockwood and Jaxson Michael Lockwood,"I reply, they both awed, I gently handed them my twins. I handed my Eldest Baxston to my mom and the yougest Jaxson to my mother-in-law, well soon to be; to be exact.

       "Thank the heavens you didn't name them after your favorite TV characters!"My mother praised, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

       "What?!"Xavier asked confused, I looked up at him and smiled.

        "I'll tell you later cause right now I wanna eat something!"I exclaimed, everybody chuckled.

As everybody left, but Xavier; he came over with the twins while he handed me Baxston and he carrying Jaxson.

"So, how are you feeling?"He asked lovingly, if I was standing right now I would've melted like an icecream on a cone.

"I feel like total shizz!"I whispered softly, he smiled lightly at me then looked at his sleeping son in his arms.

"Hes so small and soft, both of them are."He exclaimed with a light chuckle as I did the same.

"When they both grow up they're gonna be heart breakers,"I said lightly as I smiled at my eldest son in my arms, I hummed lightly.

(A/N:Brother Bear was one of my favorite disney movies of ALL time!)

"Are you humming 'I'm on my way'?"Xavier asked, I looked up and smiled at him.

"Yup...when these to grow up one of them is gonna be a disney freak!"I laughed quietly, I looked up at him smiled while he kissed my head.

     "Well you should rest up more and when you wake up we'll be here, probably sleeping but still he, also we still to talk about what your mother said,"Xavier says while chuckling, I nodded while smiling like an idiot, he picked up Baxston and carried him while my eyes were getting heavier.

     So much has changed....maybe for the better or worse, but you know what I don't care because I finally I got what I want and it's all right here in front of me.

HEY GUYS IM BACK!!! Im sooooo sorry I haven't updated its because school started last month and throughout last month my teachers just started to give us homework and even though they gave us a little bit of HW; the HW takes a long time to do and each class (except for math) gave out HW and it takes about 2 hours to do each one.

      Soo please forgive me if I've been updating slow and now ya'll know the reason why! Thank you soo much for reading!

      Peace Out Thug Pugs!✌🏻️💕

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