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"I hope you understand the gravity of the situation."

The Kraang turns its head as it halts in its step, purple eyes glowing a little brighter as it ponders the words it's heard. The armoured man before it remains completely still, not a single tremor present in his body to show any hesitancy as he crosses his arms over his chest and narrows his eyes.

"Kraang understands, one known as Oroku Saki, or Shredder," the alien speaks. "Kraang has many subjects that the one known as you can observe in this place."

"I do not care for window shopping," Shredder snaps, his low voice taut with annoyance. "I have employed you to find me soldiers."

The Kraang doesn't say a word. Next to Oroku Saki, Karai exhales and glances down at her hands, pretending to examine her gloved fingernails.

"Kraang is...unsure of what the one known as Shredder requires," it says. "The one known as you has already been given that which is known as Foot bots."

"Those robots have proven themselves utterly useless," Shredder retorts, watching as the alien nearly flinches under his harsh gaze. "I need intelligence, honour, powerful mutants that cannot be so easily defeated."

"Father, we got the robots because—" Karai starts.

"I am aware of our reasons, daughter," Shredder says as his attention switches to the girl. "But those insolent turtles have grown stronger. They are spineless. If they fight robots, aliens, they do not hesitate to cut them down."

"But if their opponent is human," Karai starts, realization dawning in her expression, "they play defensive."

Shredder nods, looking back at the Kraang. "Spare me the tour. What mutants do you have that suit my needs?"

The alien shifts, turning away and motioning for them to follow. "Kraang will check that which is known as the archives," it says.

With that final word, the odd trio continues on their way.


"Father, what about this one?"

Karai takes a few quick steps towards her father, holding a folder out to him. He reaches out and takes it, flipping it open and removing a sheet of stats and observations.

"That is the folder for the one known as Subject 60182," the Kraang droid says, noticing the Foot Clan members' interest in the item. Shredder says nothing, mulling over the sheets before him with an unreadable emotion in his eyes. "The one known as Subject 60182 is not available to the one known as Shredder. The one known as her escaped this place," the alien continues. "Kraang has not been able to track the one known as her down."

"Look, father, it says that she can transform into an animal," Karai cuts in, jabbing her finger at the notes. "A transforming mutant. It's like nothing we've ever seen before."

"Kraang will repeat what Kraang has said. The one known as Subject 60182 has escaped this place."

"She couldn't have gotten far," Karai snaps, turning her fierce brown eyes to the alien. It makes a robotic noise, making her roll her eyes and curl her lip before looking up at her father. "Father, I think this is the one we need. She's got potential to help us finish the job. Plus, she isn't one of those horrid humanoid creatures you keep recruiting."

Shredder's eyes flash with hidden anger, making the teen lower her head and soften her expression. He looks back at the folder for a second before he snaps it shut and holds it out to the Kraang without so much as a second glance.

"I will track her down, completing what you could not," he says. "I will contact you if I need anything more." Karai's lips twist into the faintest trace of a smirk as she crosses her arms over her chest. Shredder turns his attention to her. "Make sure the others keep up with their training. Send Diaval to me once we get back." He shifts in place as he scrutinizes both. "Understood?"

Karai bows her head. "Yes, father."

The Kraang beeps once. "Yes, one known as Shredder."

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