Chapter 30: Rescue

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Destiny's eyes slowly open, causing an instant moan of pain to escape her dry lips as the smell of blood and sweat invades her nostrils. She moves her arms only to cry out from the numerous lacerations now decorating them. Her top is still damp from water and her hair and fur feels burnt, charred from the heat of the energy they sent coursing through her body again and again.

She moves her legs slightly, wincing at the stiffness of her muscles, and sees the redness of her skin where the cuffs have encased her ankles. She almost closes her eyes again as a pounding sensation beats against her skull, her lips twitching in a silent prayer for something to come and take away the pain. She just wants to sleep, to make it all stop...

The metal door at the end of the tiny cell creaks open, making her wolf ears twitch. Footsteps get nearer and nearer, then two pairs of rough hands grip her shoulders, causing her to twist away and make a strangled noise of agony. She's dragged from the cell and promptly released from the hands as she's thrown to the ground.

She lands, instantly going limp as her breaths come out in short gasps. The chains around her wrists and feet are still present. She lifts her head for a second, long enough to see that more figures have accumulated near her: there's a pink fish with robotic legs, a skeletal black dog, and a muscular leopard woman in brown, leather armour. She's more of an upright humanoid animal, like the turtles. Destiny's head drops back to the cold floor and she closes her eyes.

"Is she awake?" the fish asks.

"I'll check," the dog offers in a raspy voice.

He moves towards Destiny, lifting a clawed hand and rolling her onto her back. Her expression twists with pain, but she doesn't open her eyes.

"Looks pretty out of it," the dog says, rolling her back over with another wince from her.

The leopard girl sighs, filing her claws. Her glowing yellow eyes move to glare at Destiny momentarily before she sniffs and runs her freshly-sharpened claws through her caramel-coloured pixie cut.

"Can't we just get rid of her already? I'm bored," she hisses, her voice smooth and accented.

"No, Master Shredder wants her alive," the fish states. "Stockman said this process was necessary to the plan."

There's approaching footsteps from the stairwell nearby. Destiny opens one eye, watching as the slightly blurred silhouette of Diaval comes into view before she closes it again.

"Did you fail again?" the dog asks, a malicious grin spreading across his wide face.

Diaval lowers his head. "Mhm," he answers.

"Figures, you can't do anything right," the leopard says with an eye roll. She flips out her nail file again and begins shaping the claws on her other paw. "I'm surprised Shredder hasn't disposed of a street rat like you yet."

"That's enough, Emery," Karai's sharp voice interrupts as she too emerges from the winding stairwell. "You weren't much different than him, if I remember correctly."

Emery's furry shoulders bristle and she bares her teeth, but she says nothing. Karai moves to Diaval's side, casting him a quick look. He nods once before averting his eyes.

"She'll need to be transported soon. Stockman says he's almost ready," Karai says. "Bradford, Xever, she's still alive?"

"Unconscious, but breathing," the dog, Bradford, answers.

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