Chapter 28: Hurt

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Leonardo stares at his phone, pacing back and forth while the sounds of Super Roba Mecha Force Five blare loudly from the TV at his back. He stops every now and then only to refresh his messages, yet he still gets no reply from Destiny.

L: Des, Splinter wants to have a training session tonight. You and April are invited. Try to get back here.

Sent at 5:38 p.m.

He switches to a different conversation, where again, there's no response.

L: April, Destiny isn't answering her texts. You two need to get here for a training session. Feel free to bring Casey.

Sent at 5:50 p.m.

Leonardo flicks his eyes to the clock at the top of the screen, where the digital numbers seem to mock him by reading 8:42 p.m. His teeth grit as his fingers tighten around the device. Who takes that long to text back? Captain Coolstar proclaims something valiant from the TV set, his words followed by a series of blasts and screams from the rest of the Robo Mecha team.

"Guys, we should go look for them," Leonardo says, spinning around and moving at a speed walk towards his three brothers. "They aren't answering their texts."

"Relax, dude. They're having girl time," Michelangelo says, never tearing his eyes away from the screen. "You know how girls are! Des might even sleep over there tonight."

Raphael smirks widely as he flicks his bright eyes to Donatello. "Looks like Leo's worried about his little girlfriend," he teases.

Leonardo's chest tightens, his throat feeling suddenly scratchy. He coughs, shaking his head as he hops down into the living room pit. He steps over Michelangelo's sprawled out figure and turns the TV off, earning a groan from at least two turtles, if not all.

Leonardo turns back to them and places a hand on his hip. "I'm serious. I texted Destiny over three hours ago, April too! No girl can stay off her phone for that long unless she's never had one." He exhales heavily. "Something has to be wrong."

Donatello purses his lips, shrugging and lifting his hands up with the movement. "We can't just rush to conclusions. Showing up at April's house uninvited..." He frowns, then grimaces and rubs his arm. "I...uh...don't want to make her angry at me again."

Raphael points at the intelligent turtle. "Exactly, the brainiac has a point. We can just try calling the girls instead of texting, you could loosen up, maybe—"

A ringtone goes off that's filled with harp string strumming and chirping birds. Donatello snatches his phone from beside him and puts it to his ear in record time.

"Hey April," he nearly purrs, making Raphael smack his own forehead.

"Donnie! Thank god!" April gasps into the phone. Her breaths are heavy, her voice shaking. "You guys need to get out here, now!"

"What? What's happening?" he asks, straightening up in his seat.

"We went to Murakami's for lunch and someone snatched Destiny. He let me get away but I think he's chasing me," she nearly whispers.


"I couldn't see who it was! I've managed to hide but I think he's—"

She goes dead silent save for sharp breaths that escape her and come through the receiver. Donatello's russet eyes flicker upwards to where his brothers are staring at him with just as much questioning as him.

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