Chapter 41: Gone Girl

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Destiny is trapped in darkness. It's the sort of darkness that's so thick that it feels like you can't move. She's suffocating, confined in an empty space. She's running. She's running and she can't stop. There's something behind her and she's fleeing from it, stumbling through everything without any sense of direction. There's not even a scent to guide her.

Where's Diaval? He said he'd take her somewhere safe, or...did he? He said she couldn't stay.

Because Shredder killed the turtles. He took away the closest thing she had ever had to a family and, without them...


She skids to a stop so sharply that she pitches forward, falling to her knees with only her hands to stop her fall. She stares at the floor, the endless darkness beneath her, shaking and breathing hard, sweat running down her face. Why does she ache so much? Why is it so hard to breathe?

"Diaval?" she asks, looking around.

The pale boy seems to materialize from nowhere. He moves like he's floating, holding his hand out as a silent invitation, but she doesn't take it. He hides it beneath his cloak again as she slowly pushes herself up so that she's seated on her knees, starting out at the nothingness, and he stands before her. Waiting.

"They're in trouble," he says. "Can'tcha feel it?"

"Who?" she asks.

He stares down at her, his hair rustling as if blown by wind that Destiny can't feel. A sinking feeling floods her stomach and a moment later, there's a scream that echoes from everywhere. Her heart wrenches and she nearly cries out.

Leo? It can't be. He was dead. They were all dead.

"Kill 'em," Diaval orders, pointing to something behind her.

She looks over her shoulder as five figures dressed in black step toward her. They watch her with cold eyes, weapons in hand, not a hint of remorse anywhere. Then, they step aside and the Shredder comes forward, his tekkō-kagi still rusted with old blood.

Hatred floods her. He's the one who ruined everything.

She bares her teeth and moves before she can think about it. Her uchigatana materializes in her grip as she lunges, but the figures scatter. Shredder disappears but she won't let him get away this time. She'll find him, destroy him for what he's done!

Again and again, she swings her sword and the assailants fight back. She's faintly aware of them fighting back, punching and kicking, but her senses are dulled. She fights harder with every blow they land on her.

One of the figures grabs her face, freezing her for a second, and Destiny faintly hears a voice—feminine, firm, desperate.

"It's us! Please!"

Destiny lets out a terrified scream as she yanks herself away from their touch, heart pounding. "Don't touch me! LEAVE ME ALONE! I'LL KILL YOU!"

The figure disappears and Destiny whirls around as two more attack. Tears roll down her face against her will, her anger turning to desperation. Why can't they leave her alone? Haven't they hurt her enough?

She spins around, sword raised as the Shredder appears before her, but a hand falls on her shoulder and she freezes. Diaval stands at her side.

"Wait," he murmurs. "Listen."

Destiny's hands tremble and the Shredder stays before her, silent. She just wants to swing, to cut him in two. Diaval's grip gets tighter.

But she listens. And she hears a voice, so faint she can barely make out the words.

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