Chapter 12: Donatello's Laboratory

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Destiny regrets everything.

Okay, not really, but she regrets trying to fight Karai yesterday. Her limbs ache like crazy and she feels like curling up into a ball and never unraveling again.

Then again, she feels like that every morning.

Destiny groans and pulls herself from bed, stretching slowly as she grits her teeth. She gets dressed before grabbing her crutches and heading to the bathroom, hoping that doesn't run into any of the turtles on the way there. Thankfully, none of them are present.

She brushes her hair and teeth along with whatever other morning business is needed. When she's done, she takes a deep breath and leaves the bathroom, praying that none of her companions will notice the state of her arms and legs.

Even so, they'll probably notice her using crutches before her bruises. After all, she's been ignoring them for the most part, yet today she felt like giving her foot a break was the best choice.

The turtles are all relaxing in the living room; reading, watching TV, punching their worn out punching dummy. Master Splinter stands at a distance, looking as if he's in deep thought. His back is turned to his family, one arm folded behind his back and the other on his goatee.

"Morning guys," Destiny greets, shifting the crutches under her armpits.

Four pairs of eyes land on her. Donatello's eyes widen instantly, his face scrunching with concern as he gets up and moves to her side. She tenses up, holding back a cuss word.

"Destiny, what happened?" he asks, pulling her arms towards him and examining the purple bruises carefully.

"I...uh..." She bites her lip, cursing herself for not giving this more thought.

Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo stare at her, whilst Splinter keeps stroking his beard without looking their way. Destiny almost thinks about making up some lie, but then again, Leonardo will know if she does try to bend the truth.

Besides, she's not a liar.

"I ran into this girl and Diaval last night. She said she was with the Foot Clan, and—" she starts.

Raphael stops punching the dummy mid-stroke, his jaw clenching. He pivots and fastens his gaze on Destiny, a fierce light burning in his green eyes. "Was her name Karai?" he interrupts.

Destiny falters, stunned by the absolute venom in his tone. She gulps. "Uh...yes."

Leonardo is on his feet in an instant, eyes nearly bulging out of his head. "You fought Karai?!" he exclaims.

Donatello accidentally squeezes her arm in surprise at his brother's movements, making the wolf girl yelp. The turtle apologizes softly and lowers his head.

"That's what I said, yes," Destiny says, answering the leader in blue's question and feeling a whole lot less confident than her words insinuate.

"Do you realize what she could've done to you?" Donatello asks, his gentle hands not leaving her arms.

"You could've been killed!" Leonardo scolds.

"Or captured," Raphael adds. He's completely abandoned his workout now, shell turned to the punching bag and muscular arms folded.

"Or both!" Michelangelo finishes, shuddering in the same way one would if a spider suddenly crawled up their back.

"Silence," Splinter commands. The chatter cuts off as the rat turns to Destiny. She forces herself not to shrink back at the stern look in his eyes. "You snuck out. I would have preferred for you to go with the protection of my sons with you."

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