Chapter 8: Dojo Days

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"So...what am I supposed to do around here?"

The four turtles look up at Destiny as she sits down on one of the free seats, resting her crutches against the tabletop. Michelangelo still has breakfast crammed in his mouth and Raphael looks half asleep. Leonardo's eyes are drooped since he didn't get enough sleep after watching Space Heroes. Donatello is the only one who looks relatively awake, but that could be in part because of the steaming coffee mug clasped in his hand.

"Uh...heal?" Donatello suggests.

She purses her lips, crossing her arms over her chest. "Other than healing?"

Michelangelo raises his hand, waving it wildly. The wolf mutant smiles a little as she uncrosses one arm for long enough to point at him.

"Play video games with me?" he asks as he lowers his arm.

"You could help me out in my lab, if you want," Donatello adds.

"Do what you want." Raphael leans back, yawning and stretching his arms towards the ceiling.

Leonardo taps his chin with one finger, deep in thought. Eventually, he perks up. "Well, you could observe our training sessions. I think it'd be useful for you to see how more trained ninjas fight," he suggests. "Plus, Donnie said that stretching your ankle and using it moderately—" He gives her pointed look. "—will help it heal."

He pauses, as if he's waiting for her to be offended. She shrugs, leaning her chin onto her hand as she pokes at a discarded fork. Even she has to admit that he has a point, and she's up for anything that'll make her foot better sooner.

Their silence makes Leonardo think otherwise, however, because the smile on the oldest turtle's face falls rather swiftly when he doesn't receive a response.

"I think that's a fine idea," Splinter says from behind Destiny.

She barks in surprise, her tail fur spiking up. Realizing the sound that she just made, she covers her mouth as her cheeks turn crimson. The turtles burst out laughing and a light smile appears on Splinter's face. She uncovers her mouth, still reddened.

"Okay guys. Yeah, I'm a wolf. I can bark! Get over it!" she huffs, crossing her arms.

They keep laughing. She pouts deeply, her hands clenching into fists as she gets to her feet. She moves to the nearest turtle, who happens to be Leonardo. He's still laughing pretty hard, not noticing her approach.

She leans down and barks loudly in his ear. He yelps before falling off his chair and crashing to the floor, arms pinwheeling as he collapses. Instantly, his laughter ceases while those of his brothers increase.

She blows a stray lock of hair out of her face, letting out a short exhale. Leonardo blinks a few times, getting up and brushing himself off as he tries to regain some of his dignity. Still, he doesn't look angry at her; maybe slightly annoyed, but more amused.

"Dudette, that made my entire day," Michelangelo says, tossing a piece of toast into his mouth.

"As I was saying before that happened," Splinter continues, his tone slightly teasing. "I agree with Leonardo. Destiny should be allowed to observe our training today."

Leonardo's chest puffs up as he smiles brightly. Destiny bows her head in respect towards Splinter, then straightens.

"Sounds good to me," she says with a light smile playing across her lips. "For now, if you guys left me any, I'd like some breakfast."


After breakfast, everyone heads to the dojo. Destiny follows Master Splinter, feeling stupidly excited for something that shouldn't provoke that kind of emotion. She forces herself to keep her mouth shut and focuses instead on watching Splinter's dignified walk and attempting to look as calm as he is as they enter the dojo.

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