Chapter One// Blake Lawson

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Emily's Point of View

"Emily, I have to tell you something." Blake stutters on his words as he messes with his little bow tie around his neck.

"You can tell me anything." Our eyes connect and his smile makes me blush like crazy.

"I... I think you're cute."

"You're cute too!" I can't believe he feels the same way. Blake rushes towards me with open arms, lifting me up off the ground so my baby pink dress swishes around my ankles above my silver sparkly shoes.

"I love you." I kiss his nose. I want to dance with happiness.

"Love you more."

I like to think that Blake Lawson was my first official boyfriend. We held hands for more than thirty seconds- yes, I counted. That has to count towards something!

But now, dumped and alone on my bedroom floor throwing tissues at my door, I wish this had been my first heart break. But to more dismay, the situation is made ten times worse as I remember the first time it had felt when my heart was wripped from my chest.

Ten years ago.

It's as if every time I cry, the salt from my tears transports me back to the exact moment mom told me to never talk to Blake ever again.

"Come on, we're leaving!" Her hand grips my wrist with a forceful tug. I almost trip up on my sparkly shoes.

"Whyyyyyy?" With all the strength I can bare, I refuse to be parted from Blake's side as he grabs my other hand and yanks me back towards him.

"Stop whining and come with me! The party is over." Even above all my screaming I can tell the music has been turned off. Protesting with even more whines and moans, I struggle from her grasp just in time to be held in Blake's hug one last time.

"Love you Emily." He lets go and my arm is captured with the firm clutch of my mother.

"Emily I said we are leaving." Her power dominates mine as the tears dry from my cheeks. Like a puppy I follow her footsteps with slow paces of my own. Guests leave the garden party in couples and groups, the life from the party dead in every face I see.

Daddy exits through the gate into our own garden with a red face.

"Why does daddy look so angry?" I ask my mom. We are half way across Blake's garden.

"Listen to me Emily," she crouches low to my level, eyes studying mine. "Never say a word to Blake ever again. Never speak to the Lawson household, you hear me?"

Confusion drowns my thoughts so all I can do is nod. I don't know why or how but I start crying.

I glance back to where I had been standing only seconds ago, to see Blake staring right back at me with a pink nose from my lip gloss.

Back then I didn't know that was the last time I would see him up close. At that moment, my seven year old self, I didn't know that for the next ten years Blake Lawson wasn't going to be a part of my life.

"Can I come in?" The three rhythmic knocks at the door followed by the soft sympathetic attempt of comfort can only trace back to my mom. When the door parts and she steps over the Eiffel Tower of tissues, I know my guess was spot on.

"Mom, I said I wanted to be alone."

Parents are real hypocrites when they come to these situations, you have to obey to them but they never listen to you.

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