Chapter Four// Her Eyes

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Blake's Point of View

I don't know the day I fell for Emily Spencer.

Maybe when I was thirteen and caught her getting changed with the curtains open. My newly teenage thoughts with my hormones and wondering eyes made it easy for me to see Emily in a different light.

At school she would always be in my eye sight. At the table in the corner of the room opposite where me and my mates sat she would be there drinking a smoothie with her friends or eating a slice of pizza.

I always stared as long as I could. One time she turned around and caught me in mid-stare.

Her eyes always stood out. Two blue gems deep as the ocean and as free as the sky- she had no worries.

Now being at the more mature age of seventeen, sitting opposite her in Starbucks, I know that whenever I did fall for her, my feelings could never compare to this moment now.

Her smile is delicate as she sips her coffee quietly. I bought her a frappuccino, a drink she always gets at the Starbucks kiosk at school.

"So, is Bobby ok now?" I wonder how she reacted at home once she found out I had been the one to return her lost pet.

"Excuse me?" She looks at me with an eye suggesting she doesn't have the slightest clue of what I'm on about.

"Bobby." I repeat in a more humorous tone. "Is he better now he is home?... Your rabbit."

"Yes I know my rabbit's name. How did you know he'd escaped?"

Is she joking me?

I laugh some more wondering if she's purposefully pulling my leg.

"I don't understand." She says once I stop laughing and her expression hasn't changed from confusion to contentment.

"I brought back your rabbit." I place down my glass to speak. "He got into my garden. How come you didn't know that? Didn't your mom say?"

Emily laughs from across the table. Her head is shaking with her lips pierced to one side.

"No. My mom didn't say. I'm so sorry. Thank you ever so much. I was so worried when I realised Bobby had got out. You saved him." She takes my hand for a brief second then drops it after averting her eyes up to mine.

The air is thick as I wait for one of us to speak again.

"Well your rabbit is adorable."

That seemed like the only appropriate thing to say at the time.

Emily's cheeks go warm and it flourishes her face into even more beauty than it possessed before. I could look at her all day.

"When do you have to get back to work?" I ask Emily on our way back through town. The wind is gentle in the air, feathering Emily's hair as she turns in the breeze.

"Kelly didn't say. That girl is a right moody-pants. For starters she didn't help me all morning and her hair, god, along with all those split ends and that awful red dye, I'm not surprised she didn't want to be seen in public."

"Oh I see how it is. A girl that's not up to Emily's standards isn't worth being near. I get it, just too good for em' ay?" The smirk on my face creates a playful snarl beaming across her lips.

"You know what I mean." The back of her hand hits my stomach. I walk in front of her and turn around, walking backwards with my eyes in hers. I do a funny dance to make her smile at me even more.

"I totally understand, it must be hard for those girls that don't have hair as silky as yours that have bad experience with dying their hair. Not everyone can get their highlights as perfect as Emily Spencer's."

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