Chapter Twelve// The Truth

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Blake's Point of View

"I didn't get you fired this time, did I?"

Emily emerges from the glass of the shop doors, her smile resembling what I hope isn't merciful guilt. She approaches with her bag in hand.

"What do you think?"

"Oh God Emily I'm so sorry!" Damn it, I did it again. I throw my arms out towards her, a plead of desperation lifting up my eye brows. She steps backwards. Man, I have messed up. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Blake, chill." She leans into me, reaching for my hand with her fingers interlocking with mine. We step into a walk down the mall, my eyes glancing down at her eyes which look far from mine.

She's so mad she can't even look at me.

"Babe, look at me." I pull her around, targeting my eyes into hers. God why am I sweating so much? One breath in, I exhale out. "I am so sorry, I know how much that job meant after I messed up the old one for you. I don't want anything to change between us because this relationship means so-"


She's laughing. Why is she laughing?

"What?" I release her arms gently. Confusion masks my face as I study hers, eager with nervous anticipation about what she is about to say next. "Emily?"

We are stood right in the middle of the walk way with everyone passing around us.

"Blake I didn't get fired." She says, going ahead.

"What?" I reach out and take her hand, almost out of breath from only three steps. Her expression warm with a smile soothes my heart, only a little. "You scared me."

"I know. That was the point." The skip in her step replicates nothing to the words she is saying. I try to keep up but the confusing is weighing me down. "Blake it was a joke. Please, it was fine. I just got a stern glare from that guy who spoke to me earlier."

"What guy?"

"Before you get your jealous pants in a twist," she starts. "It was just this boy who basically told me off as I couldn't deal with some arguing customers. Silly really. He was a right grumpy ass."

We turn a corner into the mall food court. Emily explains in more detail about the guy from before, her descriptions reassuring me that he won't be anyone to worry about. Her lip curls as we find a seat, the purchased corn dogs in my hand.

"I mean it, that guy was a nightmare."

"Well I'm happy." I sit opposite her with our fingers still laced together. I like the freedom of not being at home, with Emily instead, my parents no where near to destroy the time I enjoy with her. She sits up and takes a bite.

"How come?" She asks between chews. Even eating from starvation she looks amazing, the source on her chin giving me a reason to lean over.

"Well, I want to be the guy you like. The only guy you like. So I'm alright with this guy being an ass hole if I have no competition." My sigh of relaxation makes her eyes roll.

"You never have any competition, trust me."

Afterwards we have about an hour to pass before I have to be through my front door for dinner. Despite everything going on, life in general, nothing distracts me from her beauty. A few shards of glass from my window to hers had been my separation from her for years. Jake. My parents. Life in general, again. Now I am free with her.

"You used to have blond hair, didn't you." The ruffle of her fingers from my scalp to the tips of the locks flopping over my forehead makes me smile like the idiot she makes me feel like around her. How am I any comparison to Emily Spencer?

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