Chapter Six// Summer Fair

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Blake's Point of View

"Dude, you seriously can't be considering this. The summer fair opens tomorrow." Tom grabs the first meat steaks off the shelf. I get the loaf of bread mom also asked for.

"I'm just nervous. This is like my first date, like, ever." He doesn't understand. Mr Bigshot Superstar Womaniser here can get a date at the click of his fingers. One wink and a girl is obsessed with him.

I may be considered a 'heart throb' to the girls at my school, but only because they describe me as 'untouchable' and a 'challenge'. I have overheard their conversations many of times to know they all think they have a chance with me.

They think they will be different, that one day I will notice them first.

But the truth is, and has always been, that Emily is the spot light in my heart. Ok, that's too cheesy, even for me!

But while Emily was with Jake, while my family hates hers, if I couldn't date Emily, there was no point dating any other girl.

"You can't back out. You've asked her now."

"I never said that!" A few passing people stare at me for a flicker of a second then resume with their shopping.

"How did you ask her again?"

"I put a sticky note in her car door with my number."

"You idiot, what if it flew away or she didn't notice it? Then what would you have done?" Now people are looking at my brother.

"Look, this is my first time doing this."

"You dated that girl Amy last year though, didn't you?"

I stop to scan the scene of sauces and butters wondering which to chose. I settle with strawberry jelly and drop it into the trolley.

"That was different. We just hung out. Emily actually makes me feel something."

"Awww you're in lovvvvve." I take the trolley from him and push through the crowd. I don't even reply to his comment. "But seriously, what if she didn't get the message?"

"Well, she did see it and she text me saying yes."

"If you keep this whole romantic mystery up, you'll be purposing by Christmas."

"Shut up." I scowl.

The supermarket is very busy today, and it's Friday afternoon. If it was up to me I'd still be in bed. I'm getting fed up of listening to Tom's voice.

"You just don't understand. Hey, did mom say to get sausages too?" I pick up the packet to his eye sight with a puzzled frown. But despite waving it in his face several times, he just isn't interested.

"Well I guess it's been a while since I had my first girlfriend. It was Daniella, freshman year. Oh yeah, those where the good old days."

Sighing at my brother I barge through the crowded women conversing about the frustration of expiry dates and head towards the drink isle with mom's list in hand. Tom trails behind.

"First of all, Emily is not my girlfriend." Might as well make that clear, even if he bothers to listen or not. "Plus, I'm not in love." I take a six can pack of Coke from the top shelf.

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