Chapter Three// True Feelings

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Emily's Point of View

"So, you're going to get a rabbit run then?" My mom paces the kitchen floor with her hands tugging at her hair. The clip of her heels starts to drive me crazy at the way she keeps revolving around in circles...

"Yes. After work." I tell her picking up my bag from the table.

Yesterday Bobby got free. Some neighbour had returned him only ten minutes after his great escape, well, that was how mom had told it to me. She gave me no name when I asked, only that she claims Bobby was stolen.

I inspected the garden thoroughly, dismissing my mom's absurd assumption that a thief had some how summersaulted over the locked gate, commando styled across the grass to then bunny-nap my rabbit, all in the twenty seconds I had stepped inside to get a drink.

Evident by the teeth marks criminal through the hole in the fence, I knew she had been wrong. Now I have decided a pen for Bobby would be the best, and most safe way, to ensure my bunny doesn't pull the same stunt again and wriggle free into the neighbourhood.

"What we need are security cameras." Mom spits with a sip of her morning coffee. Mom is always in a bad mood at this hour, she most definitely isn't a morning person. She has work the same as I do, and with it being the first official day of summer vacation, I am taking it way better than she is.

"Mom, no one stole Bobby." Shaking my head I walk towards the door. She doesn't fail to follow me with another one of her stories.

"Criminals live anywhere."

"But someone returned him." I remind her. "Did the criminal," I mock with fake quotation marks, satisfied with the snarl I create on her lips. "Did he just decide to bring him back after feeling guilty?"

"Someone found him. Maybe he was dropped. Should we take him to the vets?"

"Mom please can I go? He will be fine."

"Yes of course, why am I still talking?" She comes up to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. I take my keys once tying my shoes. "I don't have work until later. You have a good day. Hope this summer job will last you the whole two months. Don't want you getting fired on your first day."

"Bye mom." I sing-song my way out of the house then hurry over to my car. The seats are warm from the morning sun absorbed through the glass, making it a treat for my bum as I sit down putting the car in gear.

Town is quiet at this time of day. A few early risers presumably going to open up shop or out to the city for work. Teenagers like me don't usually open an eye before noon, being up at this hour feels abnormal.

But I'm doing it for the money. And to pay for my car.

"Are you Emily?" A dark skinned girl compatible to my age greets me wearing an apron promoting Tuti-Fruity Ice-cream Parlour printed on the front with vibrant colours exploded over a black material.

It looks like a rainbow had thrown up over her and with the way her face is dropped with a blank expression I can tell she feels the same way.

"I am. And you are...?" She is way too young to be my boss.

"Kelly." She slumps into one of the plush seats bordering the wall crossing one leg over the other. She sniffles, edging her thick rimmed glasses higher up her nose.

"So is the boss in or is it just us?" I ask, feeling on the verge of awkwardness, especially as she has stopped looking at my face.

"Mom will be in later." She pops a bubble with her gum. I stare at her confused.


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