Chapter Seven// Ferris Wheel

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Emily's Point of View

"Daddy I want a hotdog!"

"Emily those things are bad for you. Have the chicken with Clarissa and I." Mom tells me what to do, again. My sister always listens to her, but why should I?

"But I want a hotdog!" My limbs take control and I throw down the fluffy unicorn toy dad won me on the ring toss.

"If my princess wants a hotdog, she can get one." Daddy hands over the change to the man standing inside the van, who then passes me my hotdog from above.

Dad holds up the tomato source and squirts it in a zig-zag over the sausage. I take a bite with a wide grin, everything seeming perfect.

Daddy always makes everything better in the end.

"I love the summer fair."

Standing beneath this food truck, memories from my childhood seem to flood back to mind just by the smell of all the greasy food simmering at the back of the van. There is a list of choices, food you can buy from a truck almost anywhere; with it being at the summer fair, with Blake, it just makes it feel so much better.

I feel myself getting pathetically emotional inside, just over food. Gosh, I really am nervous.

Being with Blake is such an amazing feeling. It's like a dream, and I feel one wrong word and it will all vanish.

Seems as if I don't need to say anything to ruin this date, Jake's unwanted appearance has ruined things enough as it is. If only he knew when to quit.

However if I knew when to quit, I would have dumped him myself ages ago...

"Emily doesn't have to say anything to you." Blake stands in front of me like a body shield protecting me from the devil which is Jake's smirk.

"No one said anything to you." Jake summons his mates over into a crowd behind him. A few of the guys I recognise, the last time I saw them was at the party last week. "Who even are you?"

He says it as if Blake isn't even standing there.

"He's my date." I speak up. "He asked me out. Have you got a problem with that?" My shoulder rubs against his as I stand tall beside Blake. I don't need to look up to know he is smiling.

His face is always radiant. Does he have any flaws? I don't want him to get one by arguing with Jake, he doesn't deserve that.

"I don't have a problem with anything." Jake lowers his voice, laughing to himself in a tone of voice in which I sceptically believe he has finished talking. "You date the virgin I know you're just trying to make me jealous with. But guess what, at least Esmay knows how to urn me on. Good look trying to push any buttons with frigid here." There is a pause. "Have fun Emily."

Just as quick as he'd popped up, he is gone. A cloud of laughter evaporates as his entourage trail from behind him.

This past month he has really changed. The sweet guy I used to date isn't here, I don't know who he is.

But I know Blake.

We are now front in line to be served, but I am no longer hungry. Blake opens his arm indicating we should move out of the cue as we receive some hushed comments from others waiting in line.

"I am so sorry." I blurt out my words before they can even process through my brain. We stand far away from the crowd. "Blake I don't think of those things about you and I sure as hell aren't using you as a rebound. I don't think you're frigid at all, you're amazing and sweet, nothing Jake was. Please don't be mad."

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