chapter 5

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A/n: you have already being in the school for about 3 months. And if you are a gerita fan I have a friend that is doing a book about it. So go and check it out, it her first book. at the end of thins chapter i will give you guys her account and you can read her book.

After being in the school for so long i do actualy like it, every body is so nice to me; how ever there is some of the boy that they really some assholes. For exaple Felis brother Lovino, sometimes that im talking to Feli he always interrupts or starts to scream at me for no resson. Feli  has been telling me that he is not that bad as he can be, and that if you know him good he kinda revels hes sweet side. I do kinda belive that sice every human needs to have a sweet and sencetive side. 

I start to get ready for school, but this time i did it alittle less hurry since i woke up earlyer than sometimes. I mostly wake up by 7:10 or 7:20 a.m but today i woke by 6:00 a.m, its alot more early but i couldn't fall sleep again. After changing i start to walk to school and not wait for the bus. 

Lukas pov~

I start to walk with my brothers towards the school, while walking we see a girl with the school uniform and she has (H/l) (H/c). "isnt that your girlfriend?" i hear Denmark tell me"it can be any other girl Dane"I say with anger and then start go towards him and start to choke him. I after a while of choking Dane  i look back at the girl she turns around alittle bit, enough to be capeble of seeing her face. She open her eyes, looking at a small dog.  Then i realice that the girl is actualy (y/n), today was is a lot colder so she has like Canadas jacket but color (J/c).  

But she doesnt get to schooluntil we are almost entering the school. "how about we just continue walking to school" Iceland says.  All of us start to walk towards school.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~

We almost enter and we see (y/n) talking with America and Canada, she then looks back towards us but she was mostly ahe is looking at me. Into my blue dull eyes, but what got my attention is that next to her was a fairy talking to her.  She then turns around and waves her hand to America and  Canada like saying bye to them, she then starts to walk towards us and her fairy is still next to her.

"hi Lukas" (y/n) says and then i look by sides to notice that does idiot left me with (y/n) alone. Her smile fade "is there something wrong?" she says with a worry tone, i look at her and chake my head 'no' then her smile came back in to her beautiful face. The bell rang to tell us that we need to enter to our classes or we are ganna be late. "come on or we are ganna be late for class" i say and she only nod and she grabs my hand. I turn to face somewere alse and try not to blush from her cuteness.

We get in class and from there the teacher enter the class, it looks like she is not in a good mood; however, all the students notice that and they stay all quiet. Even (y/n) who no matter how the teachers are she always keeps her smile and her playful way to be in class, but not today. I look into the front to were Iceland sits, and he is as quiet as always but today was something defferent in his expresion, he looks like he is scare of something. The teacher looks at me and it looks like she is not happy with something about me, but i dont care. 

She gives our paper work and she than she says"you need to finish this by the end of this period" the bad thing is that all of us have her for next period so that is bad. All of us start to work on the papers that she give us, After a little of time i hear (y/n) whisper "this is super easy" then i look at her paper and she was already at the half of the work. It souldnt surprice me since is one of the best in the class, she always finish first it only takes her about 15 or 20 minutes to finish the work .

After a while of working i see (y/n) sstand up with her papers and head towards the teacher, but the teacher do not looks so happy about it, like always. She grabs (y/n) paper and put them in her table. (y/n) get back to her sit and get out her sketch book and starts to draw.

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